Donor Sperm IUI/IVF- 2012

I'm so close! I had my 10th dose of suprefact tonight. I'm almost at the halfway point! I wish the storm didn't interfere with our appointments, it would have been nice to get the green light tomorrow. There is always that fear they will need to wait a few extra days for me to be ready for stims.

I do worry about OHSS, but you're right, they know they have to be careful with me. I'm starting with 75 of Gonal-F. The Luveris doesn't change, it will always be at 75 too.
Hi CM-As your neighbor to the south we got hit by the storm too. We probably good a foot and a half all together. How about you? It's a pain that mother nature interfered with the appointment!

The first time I took Gonal F I was on a small dose too. I didn't have any issues with it on a low dose until I ovulated. Then I had some insane ovulation pain, but it only lasted for the evening where it was painful. I had only produced one seemingly perfect follie on the low dose.

The second time I was bumped up to 150. After a few days in I had an extreme heavy feeling in my abdomen. It hurt to have my pants buttoned etc. Yet day after day I would go in for an ultrasound and wouldn't have mature follies. I had 8 on my right side and 4 on my left. By the time the IUI rolled around my abdomen was incredibly tender and I had ovulation pain/pain from the rough IUI for a full week. I'm not sure if I had a very slight OHSS or if it was just from the immature follies going away which caused the pain.

OHSS is a very scary thing, but they'll be constantly monitoring you via blood work and u/s you will be fine! Just keep drinking plenty of water.:thumbup:

I'm so excited for you! I have my fingers crossed that this thread is starting to get lucky again!

Any word from MrsC? I hope there are two beautiful healthy girls for us to welcome into the world!

How's everyone else feeling?
Redhead - Heavy painful periods do sound very endo suspicious, and they would have been like that from day 1 too. It can be hard to spot. my Dr swore I didn't have it until the lap. Most of the women in my family don't get diagnosed with it until they have their first child.. It's odd how these things work. I had read that lap's increase your chances. You might want to look in to the endo diet. It has drastically helped me with my pain (endo pain for me is 24/7, not just during menstruation) and it has helped me lose weight like you would not believe. I remember reading that the endo can cause weight gain, using the extra fat cells to store estrogen. :shrug: Whether that's true or not is beyond me but I do know that I couldn't lose any weight no matter my diet or exorcize until I started this one so anything is possible.
What are you Vday plans? BTW, I am totally jealous of your 1½ feet of snow. :haha:

CM - That sucks major that the snowstorm has interfered with your apt but at least you are getting in Sunday. FX'd that all systems are a go! I'm excited for you :happydance:
I remember DH's one TESE right before my ER, I was a total mess with my emotions all over the place. I even started laughing at my poor hubby while he was laying there, starting to hyperventilating since he was afraid of needles. Poor guys, they really do go threw a lot along with us in these situations.

AFM - I finally O'd on cd15 so only a day late. We gave our donor a 4 week notice that we'll need his services if he's still up for the task & just asked for good notice if he doesn't want to. That way we'll be able to purchase some frozen. I'm gonna be a nervous wreck just worrying about all the "if's" and "what's" until he delivers. I wish I was as calm about the whole thing as DH.
Vday marks our 12 year anniversary. We have plans to spend it in the company of Ninja's. LOL no joke! :haha:
How is everyone doing?
:hi: Hi ladies! I'm still hanging around. No babies yet. I wish they were here already due to the amount of pain I'm in. I have a very bad cold right now on top of everything else so trying to rest as much as possible. Also having tons of appointments during the week so thats keeping me busy. I will do my best to get caught up tomorrow and update you as well. I hope you all are doing well. :hugs:
Hey everyone!
Can't wait to see more good news in here- hoping for some BFP's soon and can't wait to hear about those twin girls MrsC!

All is well here! Just sending everyone happy thoughts!
Hi girls! My baseline ultrasound went well (10 resting follies on rt side, 15 resting on left) and my bloodwork was perfect. I am going to start my gonal-f and luveris tomorrow at 6:30am. I'm hoping there are no side effects right away, I could have a long week at school.

DH is very nervous about the TESA. He has been talking about the donor again, so I think he is prepared for anything, but I know he'll be disappointed if he goes through it and there aren't any sperm found. I'm just as nervous for the ER.

Redhead- We got about a foot or more, but it's hard to say since it all drifted around so much. The pictures from New England looked much worse than what we got.

Guenhwyvar- I can see the same thing playing out with DH during the TESA. He has been through so many surgeries and is nervous about going through this. You would think they were going to amputate his testicles or something when he gets really worked up about it. The nurses have been good with him and are easing his fears with each visit. I'm excited to hear you're 4 weeks away from TTC again. Do you think he'll back out?

MrsC- I hope those babies hold on for another two weeks at least! It's hard to believe that we are going to be watching for baby news from you soon! I hope you're feeling better soon and your week goes by quickly.

Hi deafgal! I was just thinking about you. I hope you're well!

Hi SunUp! I'm so glad you're still checking in.

Oh, no Valentine's plans here. DH works that night and that morning we have a date with the dildo cam at the clinic.
Cm - I am nervous for a different reason. :dohh: I thought I was ready for donor but no, I still have my concerns and stuff. I told my dh finally today about that pressing on my mind. There is not really anyone we can ask from his family or our close friends to "donate" sperms for us to use. Well I have one good guy friend out of state I might be comfortable asking. But not sure if that is opening a can of worms either, the way I see it, the fact I have no control or say over where the sperms come from is scaring me. Plus I don't quite feel settled with the idea of using donor I do not know, there may be a limit on babies from each donor but at same time, what if (I am getting ahead of myself here) my baby grows up and decides to go to college in California and accidentally "falls in love" with his or her half sibling? I want to avoid that. Besides, I worry sometimes that I cannot use the same donor for baby #2 if I decide to do it again and wait too long to get the same donor. Probably will adopt for the second baby/child but I want to have that option there.
Hello beautiful ladies!

My partner and I are preparing for our first at home insemination with donor sperm at the beginning of March! I'm hoping that first times the charm so I can surprise him with a BFP on his birthday. :)

Best of luck to all of you!
Cm - I am nervous for a different reason. :dohh: I thought I was ready for donor but no, I still have my concerns and stuff. I told my dh finally today about that pressing on my mind. There is not really anyone we can ask from his family or our close friends to "donate" sperms for us to use. Well I have one good guy friend out of state I might be comfortable asking. But not sure if that is opening a can of worms either, the way I see it, the fact I have no control or say over where the sperms come from is scaring me. Plus I don't quite feel settled with the idea of using donor I do not know, there may be a limit on babies from each donor but at same time, what if (I am getting ahead of myself here) my baby grows up and decides to go to college in California and accidentally "falls in love" with his or her half sibling? I want to avoid that. Besides, I worry sometimes that I cannot use the same donor for baby #2 if I decide to do it again and wait too long to get the same donor. Probably will adopt for the second baby/child but I want to have that option there.

I have gone through this and still sometimes worry to be honest. I think the key was putting in the time and I kept rereading that book I had about donor sperm "Helping the Stork." I think the easiest way for me to accept it is to look at it as a half adoption with a controlled gestation (by me).
Hello beautiful ladies!

My partner and I are preparing for our first at home insemination with donor sperm at the beginning of March! I'm hoping that first times the charm so I can surprise him with a BFP on his birthday. :)

Best of luck to all of you!

Welcome!! We'll be here to cheer you on!
I have gone through this and still sometimes worry to be honest. I think the key was putting in the time and I kept rereading that book I had about donor sperm "Helping the Stork." I think the easiest way for me to accept it is to look at it as a half adoption with a controlled gestation (by me).

I am so glad I read this post! I went straight to amazon and purchased this book. I had been findging most of my information and comfort from online resources. I cannot wait to read it!

And thanks for the support! I will come check on you ladies as often as I can. :)
You won't regret it! It helped me a lot. :) I'm so glad I could help.

I started my stims! I have two doses in right now!
CM - That's a nice amount of follies without it being too many, I'm sure you'll get at least one good one out of the batch. I had 33 total at my ER, felt like a chicken. :haha: Are they going to be putting you under for the ER or will you be awake for it?
Don't let your poor DH read this... It's a good thing he's scheduled for a TESA and not TESE. DH's first one... well lets just say they cut out (after trying to stick a biopsy needle threw the skin with no incision) 6 samples and had to stop in the middle to stop bleeding. Poor guy was black and blue for a month. Given I've come to realize our first RE was a quack. :nope:
Honestly, I dunno i my donor is gonna back out but I hope not. I do have a donor picked out at Cryos but DK has changed the laws lately to 12 births per donor per country. That's a lot for a country with the pop. of between 5-6 million.
Yay to starting your stims!
BTW, I laughed so hard about your Valentines day plans. :haha:

PiperDilly - Welcome! It's good having another DIY'er. DH and I are also doing a home DIUI (technically DIVI) around the same time if AF shows up on the 23rd as scheduled. FX'd
CM - That's a nice amount of follies without it being too many, I'm sure you'll get at least one good one out of the batch. I had 33 total at my ER, felt like a chicken. :haha: Are they going to be putting you under for the ER or will you be awake for it?
Don't let your poor DH read this... It's a good thing he's scheduled for a TESA and not TESE. DH's first one... well lets just say they cut out (after trying to stick a biopsy needle threw the skin with no incision) 6 samples and had to stop in the middle to stop bleeding. Poor guy was black and blue for a month. Given I've come to realize our first RE was a quack. :nope:
Honestly, I dunno i my donor is gonna back out but I hope not. I do have a donor picked out at Cryos but DK has changed the laws lately to 12 births per donor per country. That's a lot for a country with the pop. of between 5-6 million.
Yay to starting your stims!
BTW, I laughed so hard about your Valentines day plans. :haha:

PiperDilly - Welcome! It's good having another DIY'er. DH and I are also doing a home DIUI (technically DIVI) around the same time if AF shows up on the 23rd as scheduled. FX'd

OMG, that's scary about the bleeding. I'm not telling DH anything about TESAs or TESEs or I know he will back out.

They are going to give me versed and fentanyl for the ER. She said I will be in a happy place, but still aware of everything.

It's probably a good thing you have a backup, just in a case. It would be great to see a bunch of BFPs in here again! We're due!

I just got thinking about it. I have been injecting for exactly two weeks now and have 2 days of stims done. It just hit me that my ER is in 10 days; that's next week!
Yay CM! Next week!!

Just make sure your DH's doctor prescribes some pain medicine, and you have some ice packs (or frozen peas) available! Even if he doesn't need them, its better to have it on hand just in case :)
Yay CM! Next week!!

Just make sure your DH's doctor prescribes some pain medicine, and you have some ice packs (or frozen peas) available! Even if he doesn't need them, its better to have it on hand just in case :)

I 2nd this! I had 2 ice packs that I rotated for hubby and kept him on as much bed rest as I could. He had very little pain afterward so it definitely helps to be prepared ahead of time!
Hi girls,

Is it normal to not be totally "in love" with the donor you've chosen? I chose one in Dec that I was over the moon for, but unfortunately his sperm sold out by the beginning of Jan. Haven't come close to finding "anyone" as up to my standards. Don't want to be waiting around forever...I mean, can't have my first choice (husband), so why should I care thhhaat much about the donor, right? ugh.

I think we have quite a few ice packs, but it's definitely worth making sure. I wouldn't have thought of that, thank you!

Our day 4 follicle check is tomorrow. I can't wait to see what's happening.

cbergs- I have heard about that happening, I don't think it all that uncommon. I think I would be stuck too if mine was sold out before I had a chance to buy any sperm.

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