I hope all is updated correctly.
Welcome Meg nice to meet you look forward to hearing more from you.
Mellllly and little bee what little beanies, how reasurring it is though to see the baby happily growing away did you get to see the heart beat. Melly yours looks like it's measuring big, or did sonogapher say it right for your stage?
Well I'm sorry I'm not on so much folkes I was sooooo ill this weekend with my uti, it got seriously nasty and i guess took more out of me cos I was pregnant, so I just slept the whole weekend, still taking anti b's now.
I had a crappy interview today, went really rubbish well not even an interview was a serie of tasks set by optical express, I was one out of three who didn't make it, and there were twelve of us altogether, for a big store in white city london. Well there loss, but I was gutted eing as I was only girl who didn't make it through, but I'm serioulsy starting to think that optics look for girls age 18-23. I do have aloyt of qualifications but apparently I wasn't the claibre they needed, so blah to them!
Anyway hope everyone is well, I'm aching all over! tired and not so nauseous but it's still there.
Love and hugs