Due in July 2012- The Babies

So cute Mummy! :)

Max had his 2 month appt today. Got 2 shots and the rotavirus liquid. He weighs 12.2 pounds now! Up 3.5 pounds in a month! He didn't nap all day :wacko:. It's 6:20 pm and he's fast asleep now..
Hello ladies

Is anyone having a really tough time with their baby? I would like some support.

DS was born 2nd July - 4 weeks early and has colic/reflux/cows milk allergy. I'm barely coping with him :-( I can't put him down morning until night, he doesn't sleep, he cries all day and my poor toddler is out of control because she gets no attention from me! Help!!!
Aww stardust, firstly - hugs!! secondly - I am also having similar problems - feeling so bad for my toddler that she is getting so little attention and having to listen to the crying and for my lo that i cant hold him all the time which is the only thing that seems to help (and its been to hot to wear him) xx
Have you tried an electric swing? Mine is awesome. https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Babies-R-...ra-Loving-Hug-Swing(0068327)?searchPosition=2
Ooh I've tried everything :-( I have an electric swing, a vibrating bouncer, an automatic pushchair rocker, a carrier, a mei tai, a wrap!! He's only happened if he's in my arms being rocked and shushed with his dummy. It's exhausted :-(

Mork I am so glad to hear that I'm not alone. I find it helps if I put DS in the Mei Tai and just go walking and walking with DD all day, we take bus trips, stop at the park etc. and I just take DS out to feed him and all the walking seems to keep him calm. And then sometimes DD has a nap in the pram and I get a rest from both of them. But because I'm up all night most morning I am just too exhausted to find the motivation to get us all ready and out of the house. xx
Thanks for the tips hon, I've tried being out all day and in all day and it doesn't seem to make any difference to the mid afternoon when the screaming is worse! Hv and gp have just said he will grow out of it (surely we must be over the hump with that now??!!) so I am just grinning and bearing it!!! It is so exhausting though! Only relief I seem to get is if I breasted them both together-which I don't find comfortable or possible all day!!! Lol. Hang on in there hon, the end must be in sight xxxx
I know it isn't much comfort now but I have been repeatedly told that once they reach three months things will get a lot better. *big hugs* to both of you.
Pushchair walks? Does that work. I try and make time for my toddlers and jump at the chance to let my parents or partner take control with Savannah to spend time with Amelia and Ava-mae. For instance we went swimming Sunday as my mum was off work and could watch savannah. Today I took Amelia shopping for the rest of her uniform while my partner was home with savannah and ava (ava was too unwell) . It was only shopping but at 4 she was excited to be spending time with me x
I FOUND MY SOLUTION!! 3days ago savannah had a nice warm bath at 8pm bottle then was asleep by 9pm and stayed there til 5am!! 2days ago with no bath we had a bit of a up and down night , lastnight she had a bath at 7pm ish then a bottle then she dozed off around 10pm and woke up at 6am for 1oz and then went back down til 9am! Thats 11hrs with 1oz top up feed at 5 weeks :D

so my plan of action is to give her a proper bath every couple of days but to put her in a bath of just warm water everynight for 15min and let her splash around . Im hoping the bath thing is not just a coincidence lol
Wow!! That's amazing sleeping!! Freya is pretty good and will usually do 11pm to about 5 or 6am but that's amazing. Fingers crossed it continues for you. X
That's brill. Hopefully Freya continues like that for you. Like I said I'm hoping its not just coincidence of the bath gonna try again tonight lol
oh my goodness... sleeping longer than 3 hours at a time sounds AMAZING!!
Gave her just a water bath last night and she went all night 9 til 5 again. Woo on to a winner lol x
That's awesome mummyofgirls!

Angelo takes up to 3 hours to settle at bedtime now, since his dad left. Maybe I should try moving his bath time back to just before bed (I moved it to the afternoon for my convenience...).

Out of interest: when Angelo is tired there's a few things he does but one of them is something similar to what cats do when they're on your lap ('kneading'). Basically it's like he's kneading you with his hands (makes a nice little massage actually!) Does anyone elses baby do that?
I love the new pic of Angelo in your avatar!!! Soooo cute!!!!
Savannah squirms her little body around like she can't get comfy when she's tired and by gosh that girl yawns ! Lol.

A question for you ladies. Savannah has a bit of a bottle when she's due a feed. And doesn't bring up any wind what so ever is comfortable sleeping with it and then scream after a hour or so with intense pain and winds really easy anyone's baby's comfortable with wind ?x
That's probably not a coincidene. My lo will only sleep through the night after a bath... Only use soap once or twice per week though. And My ped recommended putting a drop or two of baby oil in the tub each time because my lo skin started to get really dry. (Switching to Aveeno baby lotion really helped to. I slather him up and give him a mini massage after his bath with a warm blow dryer aimed in our direction... Spoiled, I know!)

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