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Due in July 2012- The Babies

Gonna get it looked at today ladies . Thankyou.
Savannah has her checks and to be weighed again today so we'll see what they say. X
frisbee, mine eats every two hours (counting from the START of each feed) so it feels like I spend most of my time with baby attached to my boobs!
I HAD HIM!!! My yellow bump turned :blue: Graysen Cortez born 8/1/12 8:07 am I will write a birth story when I get home. It all happened so fast, I was in the hospital less than 15 mins before he was born.
Hi ladies, joining you here as just got the link to the thread xx
My daughter eats every 1 1/2-2hrs. She's formula fed and I also pump and feed her breast milk.
I HAD HIM!!! My yellow bump turned :blue: Graysen Cortez born 8/1/12 8:07 am I will write a birth story when I get home. It all happened so fast, I was in the hospital less than 15 mins before he was born.

awwww hi ladies, its been a while! congrats try4agirl!!

Celina eats every 2hours...she is sooo big already!!!
Turns out my dumplin was 8lbs exactly born. Not 7lb13.. Made that mistake with Ava too!!

Congratulations Try4girl2 ... Sounds a bit like my birth although I was in hospital for a while as being induced her head was there asmy contractions started bad.

My princess is feeding every 3_4 hrs , formula fed cause of the complications after birth . Shes drinking about 3 oz at a week old! Shes gonna be a chunk lol . But she dont poo everyday :( dont know weather this is okay or not. Shes a week today and she has a 10day check where I get discharged from the midwifes and passed on to the health visiting team. So il ask then . Think iv done soe damage to myself , my spd was so bad I got told not to giv birth on my back legs in air. But it happened so quick I did .. Now since shes been born iv been active . Daily walks . Ect and my pelvis is killing on the same side my spdwas :(
mummyofgirls are you going to book a doctor appointment (for yourself)?

AFM, I had Angelo weighed on Tuesday and at 5 weeks and 6 days he weighed 8lb 9oz! At birth he was 5llb 3½oz! Unlike most babies he never lost weight at the beginning so he's already bigger than he might otherwise have been.
mummyofgirls are you going to book a doctor appointment (for yourself)?

AFM, I had Angelo weighed on Tuesday and at 5 weeks and 6 days he weighed 8lb 9oz! At birth he was 5llb 3½oz! Unlike most babies he never lost weight at the beginning so he's already bigger than he might otherwise have been.

Yh I am! Definatly.. I think iv over done it . Trying to be super mum. Last bit of advice on the day I left the hosp was remember although you have 3 girls , you need to look after yourself. Wish I listened!

Thats brilliant about his weight!! Woahhh super milk! Lol
Iain feeds every 3 hrs during the day and every 1.5-2 during the night (little devil). His feeds can take up to 45 mins so at night he is pretty much attached to me!!!

Wow ready that is awesome weight gain!!
Note to self.. travelling in the car about 500 miles with a 2 week old is KILLER!!!! :wacko: not only did the trip take forever just with stopping to feed her, she was up eating almost every hour the night we first got there just from being in the car so long i guess... ugh. shes back on routine now but that travel day was awful!!
Hi ladies my yellow bump turned BLUE :blue:- Conor David born 27 July by caesarian in the end (after 12 hours of labour :wacko:). He's doing great so far though flatly refusing the breast, so we're formula feeding and adding some pumped breast milk. Stubborn little man!
Hi ladies my yellow bump turned BLUE :blue:- Conor David born 27 July by caesarian in the end (after 12 hours of labour :wacko:). He's doing great so far though flatly refusing the breast, so we're formula feeding and adding some pumped breast milk. Stubborn little man!

congratulations!!!! :happydance:
Hi ladies my yellow bump turned BLUE :blue:- Conor David born 27 July by caesarian in the end (after 12 hours of labour :wacko:). He's doing great so far though flatly refusing the breast, so we're formula feeding and adding some pumped breast milk. Stubborn little man!

Hi ladies I wanted to share my birth story.

I had my first real contration around 300 am on the 1st and they started to come about every ten mins and of course my two year old woke up so my husband was with him because he kept trying to come in a "check-up" on me. So I got into the bath tub and was sitting in there. I wasn't keeping track of how often because I had just started and I my other labors were really long well that and because two days before I was high and closed. But anyway so I stayed in the tub for a while and then got out and moved out to the livingroom and sat in the chair when my husband came out and said that they were about 6-8 mins. apart and by this time they hurt pretty bad I couldn't take sitting so I would stand and have my husband try and rub my back but my soon kept coming into the room so my husband would have to go watch cartoon with us. Then it was around 5 and I asked my husband if we should call my mom to watch the boys and go get checked and he said it was up to me. So I called my mom who lives about an hour away at 545 and asked to come over instead of going to work. Around 615 I had stoped having contractions and so I went to lay down in the bed and I couldn't get comfortable I had a lot of pressure that was coming and going but I no contractions. So my mom got there about 650 and I had just gotten to the point that I was somewhat comfortable and in walks my mom wanting to know if I had called my midwife and I told her no and to not touch me as I had just gotten comfortable and she lept asking me where my phone was so my DH could call for me and I kept telling her to go away. But she found my phone and took it to my DH who came back into the room and asked me what he should do I finally just called the MW around 715 and told her what was going on and she said I should come in to the hospital just to get checked and so I said ok it will take about 20 mins to get there. So here I was having no contractions and going to the hospital and since I thought they were just going to send me home I wasn't in a huge hurry in fact we my DH took time to feed the dog and I had my mom adding things to my bag I thought that we might need all while I sat on the toilet cause I thought I had to go and as we left I told my mom I think my water might be leaking. So we finally made it to the truck and off we went of course we had to hit every pothole in town. When we got to the hospital my DH parked in the parking garage and wanted me to walk to door where he was going to get me a wheelchair. Well when I stood up to get out of the truck and I had so much pressure I told DH that I couldn't walk and he said you can I will help so I walked to the back of the truck and my water broke and I went down to my knees the pressure was so bad so my husband ran and got a wheelchair and here a volunteer always comes and helps with the wheelchairs and so this older man comes out and helps me get into this wheelchair and then starts "running" me to Labor and Delivery. We get there and my MW comes into the room as they are trying to set up the monitors and I look at her and am like I want drugs this pressure hurts and so she goes to check to see how far I am and is I yelled at her to get her hand out of me it is making it worse and she tells me I can't have any drugs and I am to start pushing whenever I am ready I was like what are you talking about I only had contraction for like 3 and half hours and she said let me know when you are ready so I started to push and then like 3 or 4 pushes later I was holding my little man. It all happened so fast that I wasn't even checked into the hospital when Graysen was born. When we got to Labor and Delivery it was 753am and I gave birth at 8:07am. We are still at the hospital and are hoping to go home today once we get some test results back on Graysen.

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