Renaendel: Great job on keeping mum about the baby! Not sure how you did it but yes, you deserve some sort of "I didn't tell my mom I'm pregnant" medal!
Soooooo do any of you really feel pregnant? Besides the on and off bloating and my bb's being sore I really don't feel pregnant. I know it's normal to not feel much this early but I really wish I would get sick or SOMETHING!
It's just me being paranoid, I guess. Those that know I'm pregnant keeping asking me how I'm feeling and I always reply "great!". But then I wonder if I shouldn't be feeling this good......
Going through the same thing as we speak! Ppl keep asking me if I'm sick yet and I'm not. Also my nipples and boobs hurt sooo bad yesterday and today have calmed down a lot. Makes me nervous too...your not alone.

its hard not to have those horrible thoughts that something could be wrong but I think stressing will just make things worse for us and our babies. I keep googling "signs of miscarriage" just Bc I'm paranoid and I need to stop Bc it's something I can change so why stress it.