Well I am home now, will be back in the morning for an ultrasound. They did my blood work to check my HCG levels just incase they don't see much tomorrow. Still cramping and still have that pinkish discharge. I am praying it stays that way and doesn't get worse.
Sasha (which is my name btw but with a c) Good luck at the Dr tomorrow. I will send some angels your way for strength!!
Good luck with the ultra sound tomorrow! And thank you for the angels!Praying that the pain im having is just a corpus luteum cyst and the baby is OK. I cried hysterically to my husband earlier. He took off of work tomorrow so he could go to the doctors with me.
So bummed, feeling totally bloated and fat.
My first scan is on 5th Feb, lil anxious u know, hope evrything is going on well inside me, may be it is but I just cant stop being worried![]()
My first scan is on 5th Feb, lil anxious u know, hope evrything is going on well inside me, may be it is but I just cant stop being worried![]()
Mimzy as long as you have your date right they should be able to see the heart beat just fine!! I will keep my FX for you!!
That is what I am worried about because I am not 100 % sure of O, cause this cycle I had barely any EWCM. I usually O between 11-13 days. And I am now going off my O. So I guess we will see what they say with the u/s, but I know they can't get a true EDD until 12wks. Even then some times they are wrong LOL I have had so many u/s in my time it isn't even funny.![]()
Hello Ladies!
Allforthegirl and Sasha your in my prayers! Please keep us updated!
Loukachu hope you start feeling better soon! Enjoy your time off and get lots of rest!
Aiden I also feel fat and bloated!!!! It stinks
Last night I felt so very nauseous, I couldn't even eat dinner just had some crackers. I'm still having some very light brown spotting when I wipe occasionally from the pap I had on tues. She told me I would spot and to not worry but of course it bothers me. I go for my first US tomorrow morning! They told me to make sure I have a full bladder for a better pic! I'm so nervous I won't be able to hear a heartbeat but I'm trying to stay positive!![]()
Mimzy as long as you have your date right they should be able to see the heart beat just fine!! I will keep my FX for you!!
That is what I am worried about because I am not 100 % sure of O, cause this cycle I had barely any EWCM. I usually O between 11-13 days. And I am now going off my O. So I guess we will see what they say with the u/s, but I know they can't get a true EDD until 12wks. Even then some times they are wrong LOL I have had so many u/s in my time it isn't even funny.![]()
I think my little chart in my sig. is wrong I think I'm actually 6 weeks 1 day based off of conception date. Because the chart in my sig is going off of my last period which my cycles are long and irregular so I don't think its that accurate. Plus when I went to my doc apt tue she said she thinks I'm only 5-6 weeks. I know it had to of been on or before 2nd though because my chart was perfect this month and it said I ovulated on the 2nd and the 2nd was the last day we BD because then he left again (military). I guess we'll both just have to wait and see what they say at the US![]()
Allforthegirl and sasha: My prayers are with you. Hope to hear good news soon from you both!
Mimzy: Good luck on your us tomorrow!
Loukachu: What is hyperemesis graviadarium? (sorry if it's a stupid question!) I'm jealous that you get to take a whole 2 weeks off of work but hope everything will be OK.
rain31: I was also worried before my us too--- it was a mix of excitement and being scared. Feb 5th seems so far away, doesn't it? Why do these days seem to take forever!
Allforthegirl and sasha: My prayers are with you. Hope to hear good news soon from you both!
Mimzy: Good luck on your us tomorrow!
Loukachu: What is hyperemesis graviadarium? (sorry if it's a stupid question!) I'm jealous that you get to take a whole 2 weeks off of work but hope everything will be OK.
rain31: I was also worried before my us too--- it was a mix of excitement and being scared. Feb 5th seems so far away, doesn't it? Why do these days seem to take forever!
Hi, severe morning sickness -been put more in the public eye by Kate Middleton. Am at risk of dehydration and hospitalisation as difficult to keep anything down...
Allforthegirl and sasha: My prayers are with you. Hope to hear good news soon from you both!
Mimzy: Good luck on your us tomorrow!
Loukachu: What is hyperemesis graviadarium? (sorry if it's a stupid question!) I'm jealous that you get to take a whole 2 weeks off of work but hope everything will be OK.
rain31: I was also worried before my us too--- it was a mix of excitement and being scared. Feb 5th seems so far away, doesn't it? Why do these days seem to take forever!
Hi, severe morning sickness -been put more in the public eye by Kate Middleton. Am at risk of dehydration and hospitalisation as difficult to keep anything down...
Went to the doctor today bc of that pain i was having in the right side of my pelvis. She ordered an ultra sound and everything was just fine...the baby was in the uterus and i could see its heart flickering. It was amazing....128bpm. So relieved but she did see a few very small uterine fibroids so we are going to keep an eye for those now.
Went to the doctor today bc of that pain i was having in the right side of my pelvis. She ordered an ultra sound and everything was just fine...the baby was in the uterus and i could see its heart flickering. It was amazing....128bpm. So relieved but she did see a few very small uterine fibroids so we are going to keep an eye for those now.
Looks like may have an ectopic. Doing another blood test tomorrow to confirm but I am pretty sure it is. Passed some clotting and my hCG is way too low.