Due in Sept 2013 looking for bump buddies

Did you start out slim though? I don't eat healthy all of the time either though. I splurge on Wendy's and Taco Bell when I'm in the mood. I find starchy carbs comforting lol. Hope the baby is getting enough from me. :-(

Starchy carbs are almost all I can handle these days.
I was slimmer back in October for my wedding. The last three years I have been dieting and trying to keep a slimmer figure. This was the first holiday season that I indulged in all the foods and treats I wanted since I let myself eat what I wanted back in 2008 right after I had my DD. Haha, so I've put on 22lbs just in the last 5 months :dohh: 10 of it since being pregnant, tho they will probably have my "start" weight be based on what I weighed at my first appointment. In that case I've only gained 3lbs. :rofl:
I'm just amazed that we have gotten to the point where people are finding out the gender!

I had an ultrasound on Wednesday and the tech gave me nine printouts! One of them was 4d which was so neat! I won't find out gender until 20 weeks unless I want to pay for one at 16. I don't have a problem waiting though :)
So for the past week when I first wake up in the morning I can feel where the baby is. It feels like a ball is under my stomach. I'm not showing yet so I'm excited every morning to feel that. Has anyone else had this?
Hope you have a great St Paddys day!

I feel my uterus every day too! I think I can feel it...kind of firm and a couple inches above my pubic bone. I've only gained 2 lbs so far and eat like a horse most days so that concerns me a little. My doctor said she was concerned. I started out like 15 lbs over weight so maybe that's why. Has anyone else gained a substantial amount yet? Or not much at all??

I've gained 15lbs already! I asked my doc if thats okay that I've gained so much already and he said yeah its great!...? I was a bit under weight to start with so maybe thats why he's not concerned. But I mostly eat pretty healthy. Oh and last night I got sick (vomit) again which I haven't done in a long time! And the past two days in the morning my stomach just feels sick and nothing sounds good to eat. Thought things should be starting to get better by now. :shrug: I've attached a pic as I am for sure showing already! I've read though that some women do pop out as early as 12 weeks some not till 16 weeks.

How exciting about finding out the sex at your next apt. What is your guess?


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I have been feeling my uterus every morning too. OH felt it and has been in the happiest mood since haha.
I think my bump is starting to show. But I had a bit of a belly before, so I think it's my growing uterus just pushing out my already belly.

I have actually lost a bit of weight so far, but it has been going up and down the last couple weeks since the nausea died down thankfully.

I was supposed to have a doctors appointment today but when when I rang up this morning to confirm the time, they told me my doctor wasn't in and my appointment had been cancelled. Needless to say I was frustrated. I mean my scan a couple weeks ago was lost and we missed the time frame and then this. Not only was this appointment cancelled but the only available appointment to see him was whilst we are away for Easter weekend and then I tried to make an appointment for early April, but apparently he is on leave all of April.
So now I won't get in until I am 20 + weeks and I still haven't gotten my refferal for the midwife.

I am thinking we will have to go to another doctor, it is just annoying because he knows my whole medical history including all the complications with my first pregnancy.

Im to scared to feel my uterus lol...

That sounds frustrating about the doc. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Sounds like you might need to switch although I do understand its hard to when they know all of your history. :hugs:
Welcome back Lou. Cammy gla you and your LO are safe and sound now. It will make a great story to tell the baby when he/ she is older, lol.

Had my appnt yesterday. Dr used the handheld US and tried to determine baby's gender. Only 70% accurate since I'm only a little over 15 weeks but he says it's a GIRL! Hope he's right my DH and family want a little girl very much. Can't wait for official conformation! Have a proper US 4/10 and it can't come soon enough :)

I hope he's right too and that you get your little girl!!!
It's entirely possible I could find out the gender on Wednesday. We have our NT scan and the tech is said to be extraordinary at what he does. He doesn't guess, he tells you only if baby cooperates and he can give you a definite answer (I've heard that he claims if he's wrong he'll pay college tuition for said child.... Haha!). We'll see what happens on Wednesday! I'm super excited to see baby again :)

That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
I've gained 4-6 pounds depending on the day. It fluctuates. I did go and buy maternity pants yesterday. I don't need them yet but my pants are fitting snug in the belly and I'm hoping :fingers crossed: that I pop sometime soon :)

I popped already and had to wear a belly band on Saturday. It's crazy because my friend who is 17 weeks hasn't popped at all. I think I'm too big already!!!
I'm just amazed that we have gotten to the point where people are finding out the gender!

I had an ultrasound on Wednesday and the tech gave me nine printouts! One of them was 4d which was so neat! I won't find out gender until 20 weeks unless I want to pay for one at 16. I don't have a problem waiting though :)
So for the past week when I first wake up in the morning I can feel where the baby is. It feels like a ball is under my stomach. I'm not showing yet so I'm excited every morning to feel that. Has anyone else had this?
Hope you have a great St Paddys day!

I feel my uterus every day too! I think I can feel it...kind of firm and a couple inches above my pubic bone. I've only gained 2 lbs so far and eat like a horse most days so that concerns me a little. My doctor said she was concerned. I started out like 15 lbs over weight so maybe that's why. Has anyone else gained a substantial amount yet? Or not much at all??

I've gained 15lbs already! I asked my doc if thats okay that I've gained so much already and he said yeah its great!...? I was a bit under weight to start with so maybe thats why he's not concerned. But I mostly eat pretty healthy. Oh and last night I got sick (vomit) again which I haven't done in a long time! And the past two days in the morning my stomach just feels sick and nothing sounds good to eat. Thought things should be starting to get better by now. :shrug: I've attached a pic as I am for sure showing already! I've read though that some women do pop out as early as 12 weeks some not till 16 weeks.

How exciting about finding out the sex at your next apt. What is your guess?

Omg wow! You really are showing a lot! I'm jealous!!
I have been feeling my uterus every morning too. OH felt it and has been in the happiest mood since haha.
I think my bump is starting to show. But I had a bit of a belly before, so I think it's my growing uterus just pushing out my already belly.

I have actually lost a bit of weight so far, but it has been going up and down the last couple weeks since the nausea died down thankfully.

I was supposed to have a doctors appointment today but when when I rang up this morning to confirm the time, they told me my doctor wasn't in and my appointment had been cancelled. Needless to say I was frustrated. I mean my scan a couple weeks ago was lost and we missed the time frame and then this. Not only was this appointment cancelled but the only available appointment to see him was whilst we are away for Easter weekend and then I tried to make an appointment for early April, but apparently he is on leave all of April.
So now I won't get in until I am 20 + weeks and I still haven't gotten my refferal for the midwife.

I am thinking we will have to go to another doctor, it is just annoying because he knows my whole medical history including all the complications with my first pregnancy.

Im to scared to feel my uterus lol...

That sounds frustrating about the doc. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Sounds like you might need to switch although I do understand its hard to when they know all of your history. :hugs:

Thanks :D

I was scared with my first to try to feel it but this time around I'm definitely am not as worried about everything.

I think I definitely will look into a different doctor. I'm going to ring up this morning and see if I can get an afternoon appointment with him between now and the 28th, otherwise I'll just go to another doctor there, get a refferal for the midwife, my next scan and get a copy of my medical care there and just go from there. I mean once I have my midwife I'll be going to the antenatal clinic in the hospital. It's just been frustrating getting all of this stuff from my GP. He kept telling me to wait until after my scan and now I can't get in to see him.
Soooo had to go to the dentist today Bc I had a molar break. :-(. He is saying possible root canal and I'm freaking out! He wants clearance from my OB before doing anything. This is such horrible timing!
Soooo had to go to the dentist today Bc I had a molar break. :-(. He is saying possible root canal and I'm freaking out! He wants clearance from my OB before doing anything. This is such horrible timing!

Sorry to hear about your tooth. Hope you feel better soon! I had a dental emergency when I was pg with DS. Everything turned out fine and didn't have any effect on LO. The local anesthetic is safe and just used Tylenol after the procedure.
Soooo had to go to the dentist today Bc I had a molar break. :-(. He is saying possible root canal and I'm freaking out! He wants clearance from my OB before doing anything. This is such horrible timing!

Boooo, that's no fun. I'm sure everything will be just fine though!
adopim: all i want to eat is starchy carbs too! My body doesn't want anything healthy! It's weird because i normally do eat pretty healthy. I still very much love to eat fruit - i'm eating cantalope, apples, starwberries, grapes...and drinking V8. But i hardly crave veggies anymore and when i'm really hungry all i want are fries or pasta or a big juicy hamburger!
Ok, so did any of you get your lo tested for down syndrome? I was going to get tested only if my insurance covered it. Yesterday my carrier said this genetic testing was covered so i scheduled an appt for tomorrow (which i was really excited because i would get an ultrasound!) but now today they said they wont cover it since I'm not considered high risk (ie, doesn't run in my family, i'm not over 35, etc.). I contacted the lady in my office that handles the insurance claims and she is getting back to me. I would keep the baby either way (of course), but i really wanted to see my baby and was looking forward to this appt tomorrow. It doesn't look in my favor and I'll probably end up having the cancel the appt. I have a dr. appt in 2 weeks and I'll hear the hearbeat again but the next ultrasound for me will be at the end of April (to find out the sex). I don't know if i can wait that long!
Ok, so did any of you get your lo tested for down syndrome? I was going to get tested only if my insurance covered it. Yesterday my carrier said this genetic testing was covered so i scheduled an appt for tomorrow (which i was really excited because i would get an ultrasound!) but now today they said they wont cover it since I'm not considered high risk (ie, doesn't run in my family, i'm not over 35, etc.). I contacted the lady in my office that handles the insurance claims and she is getting back to me. I would keep the baby either way (of course), but i really wanted to see my baby and was looking forward to this appt tomorrow. It doesn't look in my favor and I'll probably end up having the cancel the appt. I have a dr. appt in 2 weeks and I'll hear the hearbeat again but the next ultrasound for me will be at the end of April (to find out the sex). I don't know if i can wait that long!

Hey, yeah I ended up having the test done for down syndrome. I was lucky and my insurance covers it so we decided it was worth knowing. The scan and measurements came back perfect and they will let me know about the blood results if anything is wrong. But I am not to worried. I think we are okay. Its nice to know that baby is most likely healthy. I really only wanted to do the test so I could get an ultrasound done as well.. Its so fun to see the baby! We get to go back April 9th to find out the gender. We are excited! :happydance:
Ok, so did any of you get your lo tested for down syndrome? I was going to get tested only if my insurance covered it. Yesterday my carrier said this genetic testing was covered so i scheduled an appt for tomorrow (which i was really excited because i would get an ultrasound!) but now today they said they wont cover it since I'm not considered high risk (ie, doesn't run in my family, i'm not over 35, etc.). I contacted the lady in my office that handles the insurance claims and she is getting back to me. I would keep the baby either way (of course), but i really wanted to see my baby and was looking forward to this appt tomorrow. It doesn't look in my favor and I'll probably end up having the cancel the appt. I have a dr. appt in 2 weeks and I'll hear the hearbeat again but the next ultrasound for me will be at the end of April (to find out the sex). I don't know if i can wait that long!

Hey, yeah I ended up having the test done for down syndrome. I was lucky and my insurance covers it so we decided it was worth knowing. The scan and measurements came back perfect and they will let me know about the blood results if anything is wrong. But I am not to worried. I think we are okay. Its nice to know that baby is most likely healthy. I really only wanted to do the test so I could get an ultrasound done as well.. Its so fun to see the baby! We get to go back April 9th to find out the gender. We are excited! :happydance:

That is awesome you got to do this Nikki! I'm so happy to hear your results came back perfert! April 9th you'll find out the gender?? OMG! That is only 3 weeks away!

I really hope my insurance reconsiders because the language is actually very vague on what they cover. I'm still waiting on the lady in my office to call me back.
Sasha I think you should be okay since you're in your second tri but of course see what your doc says.

I didn't do the testing but I do wish I could have another US my next apt is April 9th as well but they won't let me find out the sex till i'm 20 weeks. Seems like forever!
I’m curious to how many of us will guess our baby’s gender. They say that’s actually more accurate than a lot of those old wives tales. See if our “mother’s intuition” is correct. My Chinese gender chart says boy but I don’t know something inside me is saying it’s a girl. I still have a long time to wait till I find out!
Thanks, I am glad it went well too. I was really nervous about it but am feeling better now that the scan showed everything was good.

Im am so excited. I cant wait to find out. Thats a bummer that you have to wait till 20 weeks Mimzy! Hopefully the time goes fast for you. I am not sure what I "think" I am having. I keep going back and forth.. Guess it still seems so unreal that this is happening.
I'm curious to know how many of us will guess our babys gender as well!!! Chinese calendar says boy for me and i think it will be a boy but girls run in my family so everyone is guessing girl!

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