So my appointment went horribly yesterday and I felt really crappy about it all last night and today so far. They didn't seem happy and it was just a normal GP appointment to get my refferal for antenatal care. We got in and my doctor took my blood pressure and I noticed that whilst he was talking to OH about work he took it several times which made me a little anxious and then he said he wanted me to come out the back and so I did and I sat in a little room for 20 minutes waiting. Then a nurse came in and took my bp another few times, checked my weight (3 kilos in 2 weeks :'( ]then asked me to do a urine, then checked my bsl, then felt my tummy and then listened to bub's heart beat. None of this is what they are supposed to do. My bsl level was 8.2 or 8.4, with only eating half a carrot within the last hour

My bp had gone down heaps but was still 130/86. And she started asking me if I had been having head aches or dizziness. And when she was checking my urine test she asked if I was having any stinging down below and of course I haven't, but I'm guessing that means my protein levels are high. None of these are very good signs

I finally got to see my doc half hour later and he checked my bump. The gave me a refferal but only so I had the phone number for the high risk clinic and got the receptionist to fax it off as urgent

Feeling pretty crappy right now. I new my chances of getting GD and PE in this pregnancy where higher, PE being a 50/50 chance, but I didn't think I would have to worry about it this early
On a good note, hearing bubs heart beat has put my mind at ease from being worried and not feeling too pregnant anymore and today, boy can I feel the hard bump forming under my already belly. Must be that 3 kilos haha
She said she couldn't pick up the best reading but that bub's HB was between 150-160bpm. Is tht good, she didn't say?