Eek you are all so lucky, I feel like it is forever away for us to find out!! We won't have the 20 week scan until May 16!!!! (which is actually more like 21 weeks) After that, we plan to get registered

It is so hard because I am still waiting for that appt to really get excited, I just want to know that everything is going well with little baby
It is so crazy that we are all getting closer to the half way mark!! But super exciting!!
For those of you that did opt to purchase a doppler, and those that got AngelSounds, how do you know when its the baby's HB?! I just got one today (based on your suggestions) and I think I found the HB but I am just not 100% sure
I hope everyone is starting to feel better!! I am still getting sick 1-2 times per week (which is so much better than it was) but my doc wants me to start gaining weight since I am still down from my pre-pregnancy weight. He put me on ensure to help get some extra calories, which does not taste good at all!
I still haven't started to show, I have thickened up in the mid-section but I definitely don't look pregnant yet! But my friend said she "popped out" in about a weeks time (around 20 weeks) and then it was super obvious, so I am hoping that I am getting closer to that!!