Due in Sept 2013 looking for bump buddies

I'm also looking forward to May! Next apt is April 30th then doc said we can schedule the US hoping I get in that week! How's everyone been feeling? Everyone in their glowing preg stage of the 2nd tri?

I've been having heartburn would say thats my biggest complaint right now.
I'm starting to get some energy back. Getting more done around the house. I don't think I'm glowing yet, but I definitely look pregnant. I had an old lady touch my belly the other day and say "how sweet". :haha:

If you have a girl that would be wonderful bc you probably still have some outfits from your first daughter AND she gets a sister! I love my sisters, we are best friends and i'm not sure what i would do without them! But, if you have a boy that would be great too, then you will have one of each!
Oh yeah! I have 2 little sisters so I'm glad my girl gets a sister. I had some energy the other day and pulled out all of her baby clothes. I'm sure the sonographer was right so I got that stuff all organized. I just won't buy anything new until I get confirmation.

Anyone have linea nigra yet?
I had this, sort of... mine wasn't a skin discoloration. It actual hair started growing where under my belly button making it look like linea nigra. :rofl: After I gave birth most of the hair fell out (with the exception of a few hairs). I will be expecting this again this time, probably soon after I actually "pop".
Eek you are all so lucky, I feel like it is forever away for us to find out!! We won't have the 20 week scan until May 16!!!! (which is actually more like 21 weeks) After that, we plan to get registered :) It is so hard because I am still waiting for that appt to really get excited, I just want to know that everything is going well with little baby :)

It is so crazy that we are all getting closer to the half way mark!! But super exciting!!

For those of you that did opt to purchase a doppler, and those that got AngelSounds, how do you know when its the baby's HB?! I just got one today (based on your suggestions) and I think I found the HB but I am just not 100% sure :)

I hope everyone is starting to feel better!! I am still getting sick 1-2 times per week (which is so much better than it was) but my doc wants me to start gaining weight since I am still down from my pre-pregnancy weight. He put me on ensure to help get some extra calories, which does not taste good at all!

I still haven't started to show, I have thickened up in the mid-section but I definitely don't look pregnant yet! But my friend said she "popped out" in about a weeks time (around 20 weeks) and then it was super obvious, so I am hoping that I am getting closer to that!!
Eek you are all so lucky, I feel like it is forever away for us to find out!! We won't have the 20 week scan until May 16!!!! (which is actually more like 21 weeks) After that, we plan to get registered :) It is so hard because I am still waiting for that appt to really get excited, I just want to know that everything is going well with little baby :)

Thank you for this! I was feeling like everyone had already had 2 ultrasounds and knew the sex, size, everything! My doctor only does u/s at 20 weeks so I know nothing about the bean inside. I haven't even felt him or her kick yet so I am feeling so in the dark! :shrug:
Eek you are all so lucky, I feel like it is forever away for us to find out!! We won't have the 20 week scan until May 16!!!! (which is actually more like 21 weeks) After that, we plan to get registered :) It is so hard because I am still waiting for that appt to really get excited, I just want to know that everything is going well with little baby :)

Thank you for this! I was feeling like everyone had already had 2 ultrasounds and knew the sex, size, everything! My doctor only does u/s at 20 weeks so I know nothing about the bean inside. I haven't even felt him or her kick yet so I am feeling so in the dark! :shrug:

Don't feel in the dark! I haven't felt the little bean kick yet either! I heard that it is harder to know what it feels like with kicking versus gas lol :haha: When do you get to find out your baby's sex??

Just try to stay patient and not worry too much (which as I am typing these words, I wish I could follow my own advice)!
It will be another week or so before I can schedule the gender scan. So I don't know yet! I also haven't felt the baby move at all yet so I can't wait to hear the heartbeat again to confirm everything is okay in there...
Eek you are all so lucky, I feel like it is forever away for us to find out!! We won't have the 20 week scan until May 16!!!! (which is actually more like 21 weeks) After that, we plan to get registered :) It is so hard because I am still waiting for that appt to really get excited, I just want to know that everything is going well with little baby :)

It is so crazy that we are all getting closer to the half way mark!! But super exciting!!

For those of you that did opt to purchase a doppler, and those that got AngelSounds, how do you know when its the baby's HB?! I just got one today (based on your suggestions) and I think I found the HB but I am just not 100% sure :)

I hope everyone is starting to feel better!! I am still getting sick 1-2 times per week (which is so much better than it was) but my doc wants me to start gaining weight since I am still down from my pre-pregnancy weight. He put me on ensure to help get some extra calories, which does not taste good at all!

I still haven't started to show, I have thickened up in the mid-section but I definitely don't look pregnant yet! But my friend said she "popped out" in about a weeks time (around 20 weeks) and then it was super obvious, so I am hoping that I am getting closer to that!!

Have you heard the HB at the doc office? It sound pretty similar to how it sounds there it’s a lot faster than your own hb and sounds kind of like a horse galloping or a train. Sorry you're still getting sick hopefully you start to feel better soon! I used to drink ensure before I was preg when I was trying to put on weight and I actually liked the taste of the vanilla one! Have you tried that flavor?
Eek you are all so lucky, I feel like it is forever away for us to find out!! We won't have the 20 week scan until May 16!!!! (which is actually more like 21 weeks) After that, we plan to get registered :) It is so hard because I am still waiting for that appt to really get excited, I just want to know that everything is going well with little baby :)

Thank you for this! I was feeling like everyone had already had 2 ultrasounds and knew the sex, size, everything! My doctor only does u/s at 20 weeks so I know nothing about the bean inside. I haven't even felt him or her kick yet so I am feeling so in the dark! :shrug:

I haven't felt mine kick either which i was hoping was normal. We have our next apt in a week and i can't wait to see if everything is OK!
I haven't felt mine kick either which i was hoping was normal. We have our next apt in a week and i can't wait to see if everything is OK!

It's not uncommon for women not to feel movement until after 20 weeks, especially when pregnant with the first. If you have an anterior placenta, that can affect when you feel movement too.
I didn't start feeling my first DD kicking until 23 weeks (I had fish flutters at 14 weeks with her, but then felt nothing after that until 23). My doctor assured me this was very normal. With this one I can feel a lot more pronounced movements (that are definitely baby and I think she's training for the Olympics in gymnastics :haha:) but they usually aren't strong enough to be felt on the outside just yet.
I've been feeling more movements the last couple days. At least I THINK I am lol! Breast tenderness has calmed down a lot and only my nipples have been sore lately. Besides that I really don't have symptoms. I would have to say this pregnancy has been pretty easy so far thank god! I haven't vomited at all and my nausea only lasted for 2 weeks. The lack of symptoms scares me but I'm just a nervous wreck all of the time anyway lol! Once I see the ultrasound in a few days, I'll feel a lot better of course. I hope everyones weekend went well and your all feeling well! :-)
I've been feeling more movements the last couple days. At least I THINK I am lol! Breast tenderness has calmed down a lot and only my nipples have been sore lately. Besides that I really don't have symptoms. I would have to say this pregnancy has been pretty easy so far thank god! I haven't vomited at all and my nausea only lasted for 2 weeks. The lack of symptoms scares me but I'm just a nervous wreck all of the time anyway lol! Once I see the ultrasound in a few days, I'll feel a lot better of course. I hope everyones weekend went well and your all feeling well! :-)

This is me exactly! I've been feeling the same type of movements for the past three days so I'm pretty certain it's my little girl. I've also had a really easy.pregnancy so far and really can't complain. I think I just have wished that I felt more pregnant but I'm sure I'll be feeling really pregnant soon enough. Luckily for me, aside from some light bleeding early on, I really haven't had anything to worry about :)
I've been feeling more movements the last couple days. At least I THINK I am lol! Breast tenderness has calmed down a lot and only my nipples have been sore lately. Besides that I really don't have symptoms. I would have to say this pregnancy has been pretty easy so far thank god! I haven't vomited at all and my nausea only lasted for 2 weeks. The lack of symptoms scares me but I'm just a nervous wreck all of the time anyway lol! Once I see the ultrasound in a few days, I'll feel a lot better of course. I hope everyones weekend went well and your all feeling well! :-)

This is me exactly! I've been feeling the same type of movements for the past three days so I'm pretty certain it's my little girl. I've also had a really easy.pregnancy so far and really can't complain. I think I just have wished that I felt more pregnant but I'm sure I'll be feeling really pregnant soon enough. Luckily for me, aside from some light bleeding early on, I really haven't had anything to worry about :)

I'm glad someone else is in the same boat as me. I really don't feel pregnant either lol! Makes me crazy! My belly is bigger so that's the only thing that makes me feel better right now.
I started getting strange lower abdominal pain a few days ago. It only happens sporadically and the pain feels almost like a pulled muscle (tho when the pain isn't "active" nothing at all hurts). Today I had a watery discharge that has cause an impromptu doctor visit tomorrow. Just to make sure I'm not leaking amniotic fluid. I hate having to go to the doctor without it being a scheduled visit (I am normally the type of person who has to be dying to see a doctor). I'm sure she's going to tell me everything is alright, but I thought it was probably better to err on the side of caution. I was found to have low fluid late in my last pregnancy, so if rather avoid that this time if I can.
Im sure it is nothing serious but probably good just to make sure. Your right.. better safe then sorry. Let us know how your appointment goes.
I started getting strange lower abdominal pain a few days ago. It only happens sporadically and the pain feels almost like a pulled muscle (tho when the pain isn't "active" nothing at all hurts). Today I had a watery discharge that has cause an impromptu doctor visit tomorrow. Just to make sure I'm not leaking amniotic fluid. I hate having to go to the doctor without it being a scheduled visit (I am normally the type of person who has to be dying to see a doctor). I'm sure she's going to tell me everything is alright, but I thought it was probably better to err on the side of caution. I was found to have low fluid late in my last pregnancy, so if rather avoid that this time if I can.

Good luck at your apt! Was it a lot of watery discharge? Because I've read is common for women to have more discharge during pregnancy and nothing to worry about. But let us know what the doc says! :thumbup:

My breasts haven't been sore for a long time now it was only in the first tri. But they are HUGE and feel very heavy! LOL Am I the only one suffering with terrible heartburn everyday?! :wacko:
I started getting strange lower abdominal pain a few days ago. It only happens sporadically and the pain feels almost like a pulled muscle (tho when the pain isn't "active" nothing at all hurts). Today I had a watery discharge that has cause an impromptu doctor visit tomorrow. Just to make sure I'm not leaking amniotic fluid. I hate having to go to the doctor without it being a scheduled visit (I am normally the type of person who has to be dying to see a doctor). I'm sure she's going to tell me everything is alright, but I thought it was probably better to err on the side of caution. I was found to have low fluid late in my last pregnancy, so if rather avoid that this time if I can.

Your right...better safe than sorry! If it wasn't a lot of watery discharge I'm sure your OK but I understand. I'm the same way with not going to the dr unless I feel like total crap but I've found now that I'm pregnant ill call with any little concern and won't hesitate to make an appt.
If I hadn't had the lower abdominal pain I might not have thought much of some watery discharge. However, since I did have the pain it got me more nervous than I needed to be. Everything did turn out to be just fine. They found absolutely nothing wrong. I hate that I had to go in and will have to pay a ton of money for an extra visit but my mind is more at ease knowing that there is no rupture anywhere and no fluid leaking.
They gave me a quick ultrasound to double check my fluid level and take a quick peak at the baby. She gave me a little wave during the scan as if to reassure me "Yes Mommy, I am doing just fine in here!" What a major weight off my shoulders though.
Eek you are all so lucky, I feel like it is forever away for us to find out!! We won't have the 20 week scan until May 16!!!! (which is actually more like 21 weeks) After that, we plan to get registered :) It is so hard because I am still waiting for that appt to really get excited, I just want to know that everything is going well with little baby :)

It is so crazy that we are all getting closer to the half way mark!! But super exciting!!

For those of you that did opt to purchase a doppler, and those that got AngelSounds, how do you know when its the baby's HB?! I just got one today (based on your suggestions) and I think I found the HB but I am just not 100% sure :)

I hope everyone is starting to feel better!! I am still getting sick 1-2 times per week (which is so much better than it was) but my doc wants me to start gaining weight since I am still down from my pre-pregnancy weight. He put me on ensure to help get some extra calories, which does not taste good at all!

I still haven't started to show, I have thickened up in the mid-section but I definitely don't look pregnant yet! But my friend said she "popped out" in about a weeks time (around 20 weeks) and then it was super obvious, so I am hoping that I am getting closer to that!!

Have you heard the HB at the doc office? It sound pretty similar to how it sounds there it’s a lot faster than your own hb and sounds kind of like a horse galloping or a train. Sorry you're still getting sick hopefully you start to feel better soon! I used to drink ensure before I was preg when I was trying to put on weight and I actually liked the taste of the vanilla one! Have you tried that flavor?

I haven't tried the vanilla one so maybe I will have to try that next! Yes I have heard the HB in the docs office and I did end up finding it with the doppler too! So exciting! I can't wait to see the little bean again!!!

So happy that everyone sounds like the pregnancies are going pretty well! :)

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