Due in Sept 2013 looking for bump buddies

Been a while ladies! Hope everyone had a good father's day. Most of us are in the double digits till our babies are here! Can you believe it!! It really has gone by faster than I thought it would.

How is everyone feeling? My little guy now stretches out and I can feel him on both sides its pretty crazy. My hunger has been increasing lately too. Although I don't think my bump has grown much the past couple of weeks. :shrug:

I sleep terribly I wake up all the time and have a hard time falling back asleep. I'll wake up for all kinds of reasons, bathroom, too hot, just uncomfortable. Its frustrating!

Now for a little TMI I get these sharp pains every now in then in my vagina I read it can be from stretching or the baby kicking you, but does anyone else feel this?
Been a while ladies! Hope everyone had a good father's day. Most of us are in the double digits till our babies are here! Can you believe it!! It really has gone by faster than I thought it would.

How is everyone feeling? My little guy now stretches out and I can feel him on both sides its pretty crazy. My hunger has been increasing lately too. Although I don't think my bump has grown much the past couple of weeks. :shrug:

I sleep terribly I wake up all the time and have a hard time falling back asleep. I'll wake up for all kinds of reasons, bathroom, too hot, just uncomfortable. Its frustrating!

Now for a little TMI I get these sharp pains every now in then in my vagina I read it can be from stretching or the baby kicking you, but does anyone else feel this?

I have the same issue sleeping. It's so frustrating! As for the sharp pains in your vagina, I have had them. Not very often but an occasional sharp quick pain. My coworker told me that she got that a lot in her last couple months.

It's def crazy to think that we are in double digits. I feel like it was just yesterday that we were announcing that we were expecting! I can't wait to meet my little guy. It's amazing how much you can love someone with out even meeting them yet. :-)
Been a while ladies! Hope everyone had a good father's day. Most of us are in the double digits till our babies are here! Can you believe it!! It really has gone by faster than I thought it would.

How is everyone feeling? My little guy now stretches out and I can feel him on both sides its pretty crazy. My hunger has been increasing lately too. Although I don't think my bump has grown much the past couple of weeks. :shrug:

I sleep terribly I wake up all the time and have a hard time falling back asleep. I'll wake up for all kinds of reasons, bathroom, too hot, just uncomfortable. Its frustrating!

Now for a little TMI I get these sharp pains every now in then in my vagina I read it can be from stretching or the baby kicking you, but does anyone else feel this?

Yes, it has gone by fast!!
I haven't gotten the sharp pains you are speaking of but from time to time i do get a bruising feeling around my vagina area like someone just punched me there. Wonder if they are related somehow???
Sasha yeah from what I've read seems like most women don't really get that pain till more like 30 weeks which kind of worries me but I'm prob just being paranoid.

Elephant I don't really have a bruised feeling per say...but ever since being preg I've been more swollen down there but its not painful. I guess just from increased blood flow :shrug:
It's all going so fast....I move to the third tri tomorrow. Got my results back from the glucose test - all fine.

I can't say I've had any issues with sleeping - I used to be an insomniac and now sleep better than ever and usually have an hour in the afternoon too. I hope the baby likes her sleep....
Mimzy, I would say that is all it is - increased blood flow. Sometimes I get little pains too but I don't worry too much about them. As long as you can still feel baby moving then everything is just fine :P

I can't believe we are all getting ready to move into the third trimester! I know it seems weird, but I just can't wait to meet our little guy already! I already love him so much! And I also can't wait to see my awesome hubby as a dad, he is going to be incredible! I am just so excited for the next few months!

How is everyone's nursery coming along? We haven't even gotten rid of all the office furniture because we need to sell some of it. So much left to do in such a short period of time! Is anyone else being destroyed by heartburn? Sometimes its so bad that I just have to try to sleep on the couch in the reclining seat...

Oh and I haven't had my glucose test yet, that will be next week I believe. And my doc said that I will have to stay the whole time so it could be up to 2 hours :( But as long as everything turns out ok, I think it will be worth it! Congrats Dime on your negative test :)
Mimzy, I would say that is all it is - increased blood flow. Sometimes I get little pains too but I don't worry too much about them. As long as you can still feel baby moving then everything is just fine :P

I can't believe we are all getting ready to move into the third trimester! I know it seems weird, but I just can't wait to meet our little guy already! I already love him so much! And I also can't wait to see my awesome hubby as a dad, he is going to be incredible! I am just so excited for the next few months!

How is everyone's nursery coming along? We haven't even gotten rid of all the office furniture because we need to sell some of it. So much left to do in such a short period of time! Is anyone else being destroyed by heartburn? Sometimes its so bad that I just have to try to sleep on the couch in the reclining seat...

Oh and I haven't had my glucose test yet, that will be next week I believe. And my doc said that I will have to stay the whole time so it could be up to 2 hours :( But as long as everything turns out ok, I think it will be worth it! Congrats Dime on your negative test :)

Thanks! I was quite pleased because the midwife has been threatening me with diets because of gaining 'too much weight' in her opinion so now I think I am off the hook.
I am also getting heartburn....I carry Almax on me now (similiar to Tums) which does sort it out for a few hours.
Mimzy, I would say that is all it is - increased blood flow. Sometimes I get little pains too but I don't worry too much about them. As long as you can still feel baby moving then everything is just fine :P

I can't believe we are all getting ready to move into the third trimester! I know it seems weird, but I just can't wait to meet our little guy already! I already love him so much! And I also can't wait to see my awesome hubby as a dad, he is going to be incredible! I am just so excited for the next few months!

How is everyone's nursery coming along? We haven't even gotten rid of all the office furniture because we need to sell some of it. So much left to do in such a short period of time! Is anyone else being destroyed by heartburn? Sometimes its so bad that I just have to try to sleep on the couch in the reclining seat...

Oh and I haven't had my glucose test yet, that will be next week I believe. And my doc said that I will have to stay the whole time so it could be up to 2 hours :( But as long as everything turns out ok, I think it will be worth it! Congrats Dime on your negative test :)

We have a few pieces of furniture to clear out of the room for the baby still too. My shower is next month so we can start to put his furniture together next month after that so I'm excited. I'm at my glucose test as we speak. I'm sooo bored and tired. It's miserable. And the 3 blood draws are no fun either. Hoping everything comes out fine Bc I don't want to have to do this again! Lol

Not weird at all... I already can't wait to meet my little guy too! Its def an exciting time! Our nursery has come together pretty quickly my husband was excited to get it all set up. He has framed some of his old comic cards from when he was a little boy and hung them up. We have the crib, dresser, and changing table. All we really need left for furniture is a glider. Our baby shower is early Aug so then we will get some of the final things that we'll need..hopefully. There is sooo much stuff you need for a newborn!

Dime good news on the test:thumbup:

I've actually decided to meet with a midwife I normally see my OB. My first apt is tomorrow morning with her. Any questions you ladies can suggest that I should make sure to ask her?
Hi again all! I haven't been on in ages, super busy here. Glad everyone's pregnancy is going so well! Failed my 1 hr glucose test so had to do the 3 hr fasting glucose test which was normal. The same thing happened with my son but happy everything is ok this time too.
Baby girls room is almost done, yay!

I'm having a scheduled c-section since I had to have one with my son. Official due date is september 3rd. Talked to the Dr. last week and the c-section will be scheduled sometime between Aug 20-27 depending on how these last few weeks go. Can't wait to meet our daughter and for our son to be a big brother!
Hi again all! I haven't been on in ages, super busy here. Glad everyone's pregnancy is going so well! Failed my 1 hr glucose test so had to do the 3 hr fasting glucose test which was normal. The same thing happened with my son but happy everything is ok this time too.
Baby girls room is almost done, yay!

I'm having a scheduled c-section since I had to have one with my son. Official due date is september 3rd. Talked to the Dr. last week and the c-section will be scheduled sometime between Aug 20-27 depending on how these last few weeks go. Can't wait to meet our daughter and for our son to be a big brother!

YEY so happy eveything went ok with your glucose and that you have your pregnancy scheduled! Your daughter will be here before you know it!
How's everyone doing ? I've noticed I've been super tired again lately! Must be the third tri symptoms kicking in already who knows :shrug: but my second tri energy is def lacking and I miss it! lol

I switched providers I'm now with a midwife vs OB think this is the best choice for me as far as my hopes to have a natural water birth. Does everyone have to go every two weeks once they reach 28 weeks?

DH is getting excited he keeps saying I just want him out already, I just have to remind him he's not done "cooking" yet :haha: I think he gets a bit jealous because I can bond much more with the baby and can feel him. He gets to feel the kicks every now and then but its not the same I'm sure.
How's everyone doing ? I've noticed I've been super tired again lately! Must be the third tri symptoms kicking in already who knows :shrug: but my second tri energy is def lacking and I miss it! lol

I switched providers I'm now with a midwife vs OB think this is the best choice for me as far as my hopes to have a natural water birth. Does everyone have to go every two weeks once they reach 28 weeks?

DH is getting excited he keeps saying I just want him out already, I just have to remind him he's not done "cooking" yet :haha: I think he gets a bit jealous because I can bond much more with the baby and can feel him. He gets to feel the kicks every now and then but its not the same I'm sure.

I have also been very tired. I'm not sleeping well either Bc my hips have been aching at night :-(. I am starting my every 2 week appts now too. I'm excited that I get to hear his heart beat every other week now. I'm scheduling a 3-D ultrasound soon and I'm so excited! It's funny that you mentioned that about your husband. Over the weekend we went out for lunch and my husband said the same thing. He was like "I just want to meet him already! I'm so excited!"
He's been so active lately my husband was watching my belly last night and could see all of the waves he was making.
I never really got the true 2nd trimester energy. I had mornings sickness the first part of the 2nd tri and then started getting insomnia towards the middle and has not gone away which has made me exhausted. Lol.
I started biweekly appointments after 24 weeks. It only adds one extra appt (26 week) because most practices around here start biweeklys at 28 weeks.
I am so excited for Saturday. We are going to the Wisconsin Dells and it'll be nice to get away for a few days. Though I am having an ultrasound on Thursday just for a quick check before we go (even though it's only about 4-4.5 hours from here my doctor just wants to be sure my fluids and baby are looking good yet).
I'm very excited to be in the 3rd trimester!

Mimzy: My bi-weekly appts do not start until 30 weeks. I have 1 more appt in 3 weeks and then the rest of them will be every 2 weeks.

Sasha: I'm not sure when my next u/s will be but how neat that you will get a 3-D one!

Adopim: Have fun in Wisconsin!

I had my glucose test today. It wasn't bad at all. I drank an orange drink (ew) and had my blood drawn an hour later. They said they will call if i don't pass. I'm leaving for the beach tomorrow and will return on Sunday. Can't wait to relax and get away from work.
I am SO tired too! My bump also got much bigger (according to the midwife) since last month so I'm thinking we get tired when the baby hits a growth spurt.

That's my new theory anyway. Oh and the summer heat is killing me! Blah
Hey Ladies! I am glad everyone is doing okay and the glucose test are coming back normal. I have my glucose test next week and am not looking forward to it but I just have to drink it and come in an hour after to have blood drawn. Least I wont have to sit around for hours.. I also get to have a 3D ultrasound scheduled after that. My office does it for free so I got pretty lucky because I know most have to pay for it! I am really looking forward to that one!
I never really got the true 2nd trimester energy. I had mornings sickness the first part of the 2nd tri and then started getting insomnia towards the middle and has not gone away which has made me exhausted. Lol.
I started biweekly appointments after 24 weeks. It only adds one extra appt (26 week) because most practices around here start biweeklys at 28 weeks.
I am so excited for Saturday. We are going to the Wisconsin Dells and it'll be nice to get away for a few days. Though I am having an ultrasound on Thursday just for a quick check before we go (even though it's only about 4-4.5 hours from here my doctor just wants to be sure my fluids and baby are looking good yet).

Have fun on your trip do the Dells! I grew up in WI so I'm familiar with the Dells. Me and the hubby went camping this past weekend it was nice to have a little get away... although I have to admit camping while preg is not as fun as before.
I'm very excited to be in the 3rd trimester!

Mimzy: My bi-weekly appts do not start until 30 weeks. I have 1 more appt in 3 weeks and then the rest of them will be every 2 weeks.

Sasha: I'm not sure when my next u/s will be but how neat that you will get a 3-D one!

Adopim: Have fun in Wisconsin!

I had my glucose test today. It wasn't bad at all. I drank an orange drink (ew) and had my blood drawn an hour later. They said they will call if i don't pass. I'm leaving for the beach tomorrow and will return on Sunday. Can't wait to relax and get away from work.

I don't think I'll get another U/S :( Is it common to have another one after the 20 week one?

Have fun on your vaca!!
Have fun on your trip do the Dells! I grew up in WI so I'm familiar with the Dells. Me and the hubby went camping this past weekend it was nice to have a little get away... although I have to admit camping while preg is not as fun as before.

Thanks, my DH and I went there on our honeymoon last October. We are staying at the Wilderness in the timeshare rooms. (The mom of a friend of ours owns a timeshare, she also got us the room when we went on our honeymoon; though this time we have our friends, their family and my 4yo DD going with too!). It's not a huge vacation but a vacation nonetheless. I'm glad that we get a real family vacation in with my DD before the baby comes too.

I don't think I'll get another U/S :( Is it common to have another one after the 20 week one?

Have fun on your vaca!!
It's not common to have an ultrasound after 20 weeks if you have a low-risk pregnancy and have never had any issues with past pregnancies. I am only having the ultrasound because I had low fluid and high blood pressure in my last pregnancy. Otherwise I doubt that I would be having another one.
You could get a private scan done, but that's not covered by insurance as it isn't a medical ultrasound (places that do 3D/4D ultrasounds for "fun" rather than diagnostic purposes).

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