Due in Sept 2013 looking for bump buddies

I'm very excited to be in the 3rd trimester!

Mimzy: My bi-weekly appts do not start until 30 weeks. I have 1 more appt in 3 weeks and then the rest of them will be every 2 weeks.

Sasha: I'm not sure when my next u/s will be but how neat that you will get a 3-D one!

Adopim: Have fun in Wisconsin!

I had my glucose test today. It wasn't bad at all. I drank an orange drink (ew) and had my blood drawn an hour later. They said they will call if i don't pass. I'm leaving for the beach tomorrow and will return on Sunday. Can't wait to relax and get away from work.

I don't think I'll get another U/S :( Is it common to have another one after the 20 week one?

Have fun on your vaca!!

I'm having the 3-D at a place that does them for really anyone who wants them done. It doesn't go through your insurance, you just pay up front and get pics and DVDs of the baby in there. I'm really excited. Otherwise I wouldn't be getting another one done unless medically necessary.
Hi everyone, Hope you are all well! Time is suddenly flying by again - I almost want it to slow down as I am enjoying being pregnant immensely.

I am a bit more tired too lately so I wasn't surprised to hear that I have 3rd tri anemia - quite common apparently so my iron has been increased.
I had a 28 week scan today - all is fine! Happy! I made the ob confirm that baby is a 'she' - he said, 'that doesn't generally change' (dohhh, I know but I have bought dresses now....) and indeed she is. I have a private 4D scan scheduled in 2 weeks time and then my last national health scan in August at 34 weeks.
Adopim I've stayed at the Wilderness, not in the timeshare rooms though. Its a nice place! I agree will be a nice little family vaca for you all before baby comes, a "babymoon"

I prob won't pay to get a 3D ultrasound I'll just wait to see my little guy in the delivery room. Time is flying so it will prob be here before we know it! Is anyone doing a Maternity Shoot? I've been looking into it but its pretty expensive around here.

Dime does the anemia put you at risk? Is that why you are having another U/S at 34 weeks?

Anyone else have their fundal height measured? My midwife did it for the first time Monday and it was only 24cm she said she was not concerned about it though with a women my size. Funny cause my OB before I switched had told me to "slow down on the weight gain" and my midwife things I'm small. :wacko:
Adopim I've stayed at the Wilderness, not in the timeshare rooms though. Its a nice place! I agree will be a nice little family vaca for you all before baby comes, a "babymoon"

I prob won't pay to get a 3D ultrasound I'll just wait to see my little guy in the delivery room. Time is flying so it will prob be here before we know it! Is anyone doing a Maternity Shoot? I've been looking into it but its pretty expensive around here.

Dime does the anemia put you at risk? Is that why you are having another U/S at 34 weeks?

Anyone else have their fundal height measured? My midwife did it for the first time Monday and it was only 24cm she said she was not concerned about it though with a women my size. Funny cause my OB before I switched had told me to "slow down on the weight gain" and my midwife things I'm small. :wacko:

My dr does my fundal height every visit. It was 27cm last time I went. Baby had a growth spurt this past weekend too I think Bc everyone at work said on Monday that I looked like I grew over night. I also felt more achy over the weekend too. I weighed myself this morning and gained 3lb since Father's Day so he must be growing fast! His movements hurt a little sometimes now.
The timeshare rooms are like condos basically. The room we are staying in is a 3 bedroom. It's a much nicer place than the hotels I usually stay at when I get places that's for sure! :haha:
I take my weekly belly shots, but that's going to be pretty much the extent of "maternity" photos. We just can't afford it. So we probably won't be doing one. My nurse and OB were disappointed when I told them that because they both said how wonderful I look pregnant, but it's just one of those expenses that I don't need. I won't be doing a private 3D/4D ultrasound for that reason too. I had one with my first, but the session was given to me as a gift from a friend of mine.
My doctor has measured my fundal height for a number of weeks now. I don't know the measurement but she says that it looks good every time. That's all i know. Lol.
Mimsy, anemia puts me at no risk but just means you can be extra lethargic - I always have a sleep in the afternoon so it's not a problem.
I live in Spain and the national health is very good - we get 5 u/s in total for a normal pregnancy.
We saw baby again today and I made the ob confirm she is a girl just in case....all good!
Mimsy, anemia puts me at no risk but just means you can be extra lethargic - I always have a sleep in the afternoon so it's not a problem.
I live in Spain and the national health is very good - we get 5 u/s in total for a normal pregnancy.
We saw baby again today and I made the ob confirm she is a girl just in case....all good!

Glad to hear you're at no risk! That's nice you get 5 u/s and glad your little princess is doing good! I would do the same thing if I had another one. Would want that extra reassurance that its def a boy even though I know its not like it would fall off lol it was definitely there in the 20 week u/s pic.

Sasha sounds like you're right on track! I've read starting around 7 months is when we really start to pack on the lbs. Not something I'm looking forward to!

I've also noticed my feet seem a little swollen and my rings are starting to get tight. I'm going to try and increase my water intake even more and see if that helps. I fear I might not be able to wear my wedding rings soon :nope:
whoops haven't been in here for a while.

How is everyone??

I am 29 weeks today :D yay for not being an eggplant anymore.

Bub is measuring perfectly and so far no complications and all is good to go through with a VBAC. Bub is transverse at the moment but I have every faith that he will make a move.

So far I haven't really gained weight, considering I lost a bunch in first tri and have only managed to put back on less then half of it. Although I feel HUGE. By bump gets in the way of everything.

I am so achy now days, back, belly, thighs, pelvis, calves, neck, ribs. You name it. I'm just achy all over.
I have a pregga waddle too :(
and I am ALWAYS tired.

anyways, here is my bump today.

Hope everyone is well.


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Cute bump pic! Glad to hear everything is going well!

As for him being transverse I agree with you, he still has plenty of time to move. I've read that by 36 weeks is when they say the baby should be in the vertex position.

My little guy was vertex at my 20 week u/s but I think he moves around a lot still so who knows what position he's in now lol!
Hi everyone, Hope you are all well! Time is suddenly flying by again - I almost want it to slow down as I am enjoying being pregnant immensely.

I am a bit more tired too lately so I wasn't surprised to hear that I have 3rd tri anemia - quite common apparently so my iron has been increased.
I had a 28 week scan today - all is fine! Happy! I made the ob confirm that baby is a 'she' - he said, 'that doesn't generally change' (dohhh, I know but I have bought dresses now....) and indeed she is. I have a private 4D scan scheduled in 2 weeks time and then my last national health scan in August at 34 weeks.

Third trimester today! Time is going entirely too fast for me too!! It scares me a bit as I'm not really ready. I know once I have my shower and actually have most of my stuff set up I'll feel a lot better.

I also am anemic and have been put on iron pills. I will say I definitely feel less tired since starting them. Plus the midwife told me being anemic can lead to hemoraging and all of that lovely stuff so I am def making sure to take my pills.

My glucose appointment is next week. Then I start my check ups that are closer together. Crazy that I have all of my appointments thru the end of August booked! With any luck maybe I can convince them to give me another u/s ;)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend
Third trimester today! Time is going entirely too fast for me too!! It scares me a bit as I'm not really ready. I know once I have my shower and actually have most of my stuff set up I'll feel a lot better.

I also am anemic and have been put on iron pills. I will say I definitely feel less tired since starting them. Plus the midwife told me being anemic can lead to hemoraging and all of that lovely stuff so I am def making sure to take my pills.

My glucose appointment is next week. Then I start my check ups that are closer together. Crazy that I have all of my appointments thru the end of August booked! With any luck maybe I can convince them to give me another u/s ;)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend
I know what you mean about feeling unprepared. I've got some things bought and some things done, yet I still feel like I'm not anywhere close to ready. And I don't know if I'll even have a baby shower so it's kind of a wait and see type thing. We registered for a carseat/stroller, but I'm hoping to wait to buy that until August at the earliest of we can.

I had my ultrasound yesterday. The tech didn't say anything about my fluid level, but I'm sure that it's fine or else the doctor would have called. We didn't get a very good view of her, but she is head down and decided to face my back for most of the ultrasound. I may get another ultrasound to check my fluid in a few weeks but we'll see.
Litebright I agree time is going sooo fast! And I'm a little nervous too.. so it can slow down any time! DH thinks its going slow but I think cause he doesn't have to worry about the labor part lol... I will also feel a little better I think once we have the shower. But mine isn't till Aug 10th. How did you ladies find out u were anemic? Did they do blood work because they suspected?

I know this may sound crazy but is anyone thinking of doing Placenta Encapsulation? I've read that there are some really good benefits from it.
I got back from vacation yesterday and enjoyed reading all of your posts. Sounds like everyone is doing great. I received my results from my glucose testing and everything looked fine (phew!) but they did say my iron was low and so now i have to take a supplement every evening with my prenatal vitamins. Sounds like some of you are in the same boat.

Mimzy-to answer your question about anemic testing, my obgyn tested for this with my glucose test.
Hi ladies! Hope all are doing well! I'm feeling a little unprepared myself. My shower is this month so I'm hoping I feel better after we get some stuff for him and finish his room. I've also been thinking about my c-section a lot lately. My nerves are at a high right now. I can't wait to meet him but I'm terrified of the recovery. I've heard from a lot of other woman that its not that bad and the pain isn't too bad either but im still scared out of my mind. Hoping that when I see and hold my baby boy that the pain will all disappear.
Hi ladies! Hope all are doing well! I'm feeling a little unprepared myself. My shower is this month so I'm hoping I feel better after we get some stuff for him and finish his room. I've also been thinking about my c-section a lot lately. My nerves are at a high right now. I can't wait to meet him but I'm terrified of the recovery. I've heard from a lot of other woman that its not that bad and the pain isn't too bad either but im still scared out of my mind. Hoping that when I see and hold my baby boy that the pain will all disappear.

I totally understand the nerves, I think that's only normal we've never done this before and its such a huge thing so it makes sense for us to be nervous. Two of my coworkers had C-sections and they said they weren't bad at all. And one of my coworkers who is preg now is opting for a csection this time around because with her vaginal birth 3 years ago she tore very bad and the recovery was actually longer for her than a csection would of been.

I'm positive when you see your little prince you'll be on cloud 9 and it will all be worth it!! :hugs:
Hi ladies! Hope all are doing well! I'm feeling a little unprepared myself. My shower is this month so I'm hoping I feel better after we get some stuff for him and finish his room. I've also been thinking about my c-section a lot lately. My nerves are at a high right now. I can't wait to meet him but I'm terrified of the recovery. I've heard from a lot of other woman that its not that bad and the pain isn't too bad either but im still scared out of my mind. Hoping that when I see and hold my baby boy that the pain will all disappear.

I totally understand the nerves, I think that's only normal we've never done this before and its such a huge thing so it makes sense for us to be nervous. Two of my coworkers had C-sections and they said they weren't bad at all. And one of my coworkers who is preg now is opting for a csection this time around because with her vaginal birth 3 years ago she tore very bad and the recovery was actually longer for her than a csection would of been.

I'm positive when you see your little prince you'll be on cloud 9 and it will all be worth it!! :hugs:

I'm hoping! I had surgery on my uterus (laparoscopy) about a year and a half ago and did ok with that so im hoping this is similar. I just can't wait to hold him in my arms! The wait is horrible lol!
Ladies I had my glucose test today. I ate breakfast as usual then didn't eat anything for two hours and had my test. The orange drink they gave me didn't taste all that bad. Just like sugary orange soda. After my test I ate lunch and now I just feel "off". My stomach feels like a sour stomach which I sorta of had after drinking the orange stuff but it is way worse now. I feel very tired, mild headache, and just odd feeling hard to explain, kinda dizzy. I'm thinking it has to be related to the drink? I don't normally eat sugary stuff and never drink anything but water, milk, and coconut water so maybe I'm just not used to this :shrug: Looking for some insight if anyone else felt odd after their test.
Mimzy, it could be a 'sugar overdose', those drinks are just pure syrup and if you aren't accustomed to it, then it may play you up. When I did mine, I thought it would be clever to go to the beach for a walk afterwards but mid-walk, I felt like I was about to pass out. I nearly phone DH to come and get me because I wasn't sure I was going able to get home.
Mimzy-i agree with Dime , those drinks have 50 grams of sugar! I'm the same as you, i never drink any soda or anything that has that much sugar so your body may be reacting to the large amount of sugar. Keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day and if it gets worse, lay down and give your dr. a call.
Ladies I had my glucose test today. I ate breakfast as usual then didn't eat anything for two hours and had my test. The orange drink they gave me didn't taste all that bad. Just like sugary orange soda. After my test I ate lunch and now I just feel "off". My stomach feels like a sour stomach which I sorta of had after drinking the orange stuff but it is way worse now. I feel very tired, mild headache, and just odd feeling hard to explain, kinda dizzy. I'm thinking it has to be related to the drink? I don't normally eat sugary stuff and never drink anything but water, milk, and coconut water so maybe I'm just not used to this :shrug: Looking for some insight if anyone else felt odd after their test.

Oh yeah... I felt so sick. I was nauseous as heck after I drank mine. I drink only water all dag with the occasional glass of OJ a few times a week and my body just reacted to all of that sugar. Once I left after they drew the last of the blood they needed I chugged a water and had a bagel with cream cheese and felt so much better. I'm sure it was just a sugar overload since your not used to it.

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