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Due June 2011, bump buddies reconnect

Hello Ladies - hope all is well. I've had excruciating back pain - hot waters bottles and pillows at work, visiting chiropractor once a week, and now I'm off to the doctors friday morning to see what they can do for me - its really painful sometimes enough to make me limp when walking as pain shoots down leg :( - apart from that all is good, boobs still expanding and throbbing in the middle of the night - no leaking yet, but nipples definately started to go a muddy brown/coffee like colour! lol - Ah the wonderful bodily change of pregnancy!

Jenna - can you not hire a doppler where you are? I hired mine on a monthly basis, no contract and they supply ultrasound gel and batteries - only costs £14.95 a month ($20) but it has an LCD display so when we find the heart beat it shows how fast it is - its from the 'Hi Bebe' range.

Summer - where are you putting the doppler when you try? Even though belly is poking out from near the middle now - we always find it a lot lower down like half way between pubic line and belly button - depending on how full my bladder is is can be lower.

I'm getting so excited for next week, can't wait to find out what we are having. I'm feeling movement daily now and yesterday whilst I was driving from a meeting back to the office, the little wriggler started kicking when Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" came on the radio and I was singing alone (we all sing cheesy songs alone in the car right??) lol :) - it was soooo funny!!

Well I got a busy day today - been in work since 7:30am and working through till 17:30pm as I need to flex my hours friday to go visit my parents 300 miles away - yawn... hate that drive!

9 days to go and we see bubba gain :) Xxxx

Take care :) Xx
BB - I should look into renting a doppler - never heard of renting one out - but will look into it. Sorry you are feeling so terrible! Sending good thoughts your way and hope you can find some relief!

Had an OB appt yesterday - lost another 2 pounds :( But she got out the doppler and had to sort of "chase" the baby around to find the heartbeat, it was moving around so much! Heartbeat sounded great and the baby is doing great! 2 more weeks until the next ultrasound and I can't wait! It was really a good appointment and I left feeling really good. Also did the 2nd round of bloods for the genetic screenings (must be done before 20 weeks).

have a good day ladies!!
Jenna you can also buy the dopplers for less than £20 from Amazon, admittedly you do still need to get the gel but I think in total mine cost around £23 so not bad but I don't have the LCD display boohoo :(.

Blimey Miss BB you are having it bad with your back. Hope you get that sorted. Did you have back problems before or has it literally just come on since being pregnant?

Summer I'm like Miss BB I tend to find the hb just a little bit above my knicker line right in the centre. Although the last time I used it I did have a little difficulty 'cos my little pudding-pie kept fleeing about all over the place so I'd get it then just as I'm about to pass the headset over to my DH it would be gone again, then it would come back and..... then go again.

Well I fly back home to the UK tomorrow and I'm kinda looking forward to it. I miss just sitting in our empty nursery daydreaming :dohh:. OMG I've just realised... It's a week today that we have our scan, now I'm defintely looking forward to going home. I can't believe I momentarily forgot - it's all I've been thinking about since getting here. So again we're on the big countdown for the scans.... It's so exciting.
Whoohoo :happydance::happydance: 20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go :happydance::happydance:

I think I heard the baby's HB last night! YAY! Thanks for the ideas of where to locate it. You really do need to look low! Cant wait to get a better hear!
Had my gender scan yesterday, we are on

team pink!!!

The bad is I do have Complete placental previa....so Im on pelvic rest no nookie :( For at least 4 weeks...then Ill have another scan...if at that point I still have complete previa we are looking at c section and no nookie for 5 more months :( I dont know if Im mmore sad for lack of nookie or c section lol. No bleeding yet. so all is good so far
Congrats on team pink mommyof2peas! No congrats on the placental previa! yuck! Hang in there!
Congrats on your baby girl, can't wait to hear names!!! Hope you get better!
Hey, every one, I'm due on June 25 and my gender scan is in 2 weeks! I can't wait!

There's also a big June 2011 thread if you want to join us over there:
Had my gender scan yesterday, we are on

team pink!!!

The bad is I do have Complete placental previa....so Im on pelvic rest no nookie :( For at least 4 weeks...then Ill have another scan...if at that point I still have complete previa we are looking at c section and no nookie for 5 more months :( I dont know if Im mmore sad for lack of nookie or c section lol. No bleeding yet. so all is good so far

Woo hoo! I just found out that I'm on team pink too!!!! Congrats.

It's so exciting.. isn't It?
Mommmyof2peas and Mizzdeedee congrats on finding out you're team pink. Sorry to hear about the no nookie, omg I don't know what I'd do if it was me put on pelvic rest my libido is through the roof - in fact I think my poor dh is struggling now to keep up :blush: - at first he thought it was great, lol.

Anyway, we're now back home in the uk so will be trying to get our body clocks back to normal. Ooh and btw, we've reached the 20 wk mark, how fab?! AND I got to listen to our baby's hb this morning now that we're back home, it was lovely, especially 'cos I'm still not sure whether I'm feeling the baby move yet. I'm really pleased summer that you found the hb 'cos it's lovely for the reassurance. Have a good weekend everyone x
Just wanted to drop in and say ................ We are on team pink! Glad everyone is doing well.

BB - I had the same thing with my first. It was sciatica (SP) I went to the chiro two times a week the whole second part of my pregnancy. Nice thing was it went away with the delivery. Hang in there. FYI - with my second it wasn't a problem at all. So far this one has only been mild
Congrats, MizzDeeDee and Four on your baby girls! Everyone is having girls!! Hmmmm wonder what i am having! I go on monday to find out! WHoohoo!! Cant wait!
https://i372.photobucket.com/albums/oo162/htsnyder2/CONGRATULATIONS-1.gif girls! :)
So my SIL just had her baby boy last night. My brother sent me a picture, he is so adorable, and looks just like his 3 older brothers and my brother, haha! He weighs 7 pounds 4 ounces, no name yet!! Waiting to hear today! She was scheduled for a c-section Tuesday, but didnt quit make it. They got to the hospital last night and he was born 12 minutes later, so she went naturally, there was no time for a c-section!! Cant wait to get back to NY too meet him, it will be another 2 months until I get there, hope it goes quickly!

AND my gender scan is tommorrow afternoon, cant wait to find out!
There's no doubt about it! I'm rushing back from the hospital just so I can share it with my girls! :)
Just wanted to drop in and say ................ We are on team pink! Glad everyone is doing well.

BB - I had the same thing with my first. It was sciatica (SP) I went to the chiro two times a week the whole second part of my pregnancy. Nice thing was it went away with the delivery. Hang in there. FYI - with my second it wasn't a problem at all. So far this one has only been mild

Ahh.. I went to the doctor on Friday - he diagnosed Sciatica, a donut cushion for wherever I sit, and co-codamol (low dose codeine!) - I will have to hope I can just keep in a nice position lol - also going to see the chiropractor, and she's recommended a hip belt.

Keeping fingers crossed!

Congrats on finding out it a girl :) - you must be so excited :) xx

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