Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

Hi and welcome to newbies UhOhWhatNow, CeliaM & nataliecn!! And Congratulations girls!!! :happydance:

Oh, mummymadness, I've just seen your scan pic....its amazing, really clear for such a little LO!! Glad it went OK, and lucky you for getting your freebie!

We are getting a big bunch in March now aren't we??!

Its my first pregnancy too nataliecn, you shouldn't be nervous (I'm sure if you have any questions/concerns, like mummymadness said, all you have to do is get on this forum and someone will answer your question and put your mind at rest hun!), I'm soooo excited and am dying for my first scan!

Had my first midwife app yesterday and cried like a baby while she took my blood, squeezed the life out of my poor OH's arm lol!! I am such a wimp and squeamish.... She said my blood pressure needs keeping an eye on because apparently it should have dropped slightly with me being pg but it was 'normal', so really what she was sayin is thats its a bit high under the circumstances.

Well done Twinkles for you massive achievement!!! Keep it up!!:happydance:
I don't think I could have done it without my nausea (THANKS HORMONES!!) :rofl:

The Allen Carr book helped me too, you should give it a go, it makes a lot of sense and I read it with an open mind, read it slowly and absorbed everything I read. I smoked while I read it, which is what you're supposed to do, this makes you analyse things everytime you smoke. I love not having to go to the shop everyday for cigs and forking out a fiver for the priviledge of killing myself slowly - a slave to the cigs. I'm on my 5th day smoke free and am just starting to get a bit of a cough now, I'm dreading the continuous cough but its just your bodies way of clearing out isn't it?

God, sorry for such a long post girls, once I started, I couldn't stop..:rofl:

Hope you're all as well as you can be ladies!!!


That is so kewl you are same dates as me!!! Maybe we did conceive on the same day!!!:rofl::blush:

Well done on giving up smoking. I gave up 3 years ago and I still tell myself I might have one tomorrow but not today... Its worked so far!!! If you really crave one just think of those little lungs inside you and that should take the craving right away... worked for me last time!!!

Hope your ms improves soon hun.. It should star getting better soon I would think

My midwife doesn't want to see me until after my scan!!! Is that normal?? When I had my DS I had booking appointment at about 9 weeks... Do you think I should ask for an appointment before the scan? I want my DS to be at the scan and I'm a bit worried after reading all these posts about 1st scan nightmares.. Do you think I should ask her so I can hear a heartbeat first????[/QUOTE]

Well done on your quitting and staying smoke free!!!!

Hi lolly101, am not sure if thats normal or not?? I just assumed that you had your midwife app before your scan...maybe someone else on here knows? I know what you mean, that you want everything to be OK (I'm sure it will be!!), especially if your son is gonna be there. I'm sure if you speak to your midwife about your concerns, they'll reassure you or make an app for you...

My midwife said if I ever needed to speak to anyone or had any concerns to ring, she gave me a list of numbers where you can speak to midwives morning/noon/night/weekends - at anytime so I need not worry, she even said she sees some pg women every week because thats what they prefer. I'm sure midwife will see you if you're concerned hun.

Good luck, hope you get sorted!


Thanks Wannababy hun :) .
It really was one hell of alot clearer than i expected , And felt so luck for my free 4D scan , I cannot reccomend the clinic enough .
I hate the bloods part too , Its the fear and the dizzyness i get when they take it , My first Booking in appointment is next Friday , One good part is you get your Book (Notes) wich makes it seem that more real :) . Do you know how long until you get your Scan hun ??? , I am hopefully having my official 12 week scan end August .
And Yes girls please do feel free to share any concerns , Hell Knows i have with every one .. Iam sure people are sick of reasurring me by now heheheheee .
I can honestly say we all worry in some way or another , I panicked like mad .. Its because our Maternal instincts kick in and we need to protect ! . We are all just soo blessed .
Good luck girlies . xx
Ohhhh forgot to say ...
Any one hoping they manage to give birth on Mothers day 22nd March next year ...
Iam going to keep my legs closed for a few extra days to try get Mothers day baby :) , Would be amazing . xx
Wanababy, yes you do cough for a while and get rid of all the crap. when that clears you feel really good and you can take a deep breath and your lungs feel "smooth"(if you know what I mean!!!) Be proud of yourself for everyday you don't have a smoke!!! I read in a book (by that Dr Chris from This MorningI think) Cash for Ash. Every day put the money you would have spent on fags in a jar. then at the end of the month treat yourself(new maternity clothes maybe??). that worked for me. I bought a tv and dvd in a couple of months!!!!!
Thanks for your advice too. I think I will ring her Monday and get appointment sorted!!

Welcome to all the ladies due in March too!!! I think we are all gonna get along just fine for the next 7 months!!!:hugs:
i'm patiently waiting for my doctor to get back from vacation so i can have everything confirmed!!
i'm going crazy just thinking about the wait!!
March 22 is my due date! That's not mother's day in the US, though- but as an honorary Brit, I think it's totally cool!
ohh wow i really would love to deliver on the 22nd .. Get walking and eating pineapple that day hun lol lol . x .
Hi to all the new girls on here and congrats!
I got my fist midwife appointment tmw ... yeah ... although not looking fwd to the bloods.
btw its my birthday today!
Congrats to all of you due in March! Hopefully I'll get to know some of you fairly well as a support system.. Being my first time, I'm a little nervous, and don't know what to expect and when!!! lol.

Anyways, congrats again ladies!
Happy bithday Goofy hun , Good luck for tommorrow . I hope you enjoy it (Other than the bloods yukk i hate that bit) .
Welcome natalie hun , Us March ladies are lovely we all moan , Enjoy , Worry together it great :) . xxxxx .
Can I join too ladies?? I am due end March too. xx Best wishes everyone
Hi Jms , Welcome to our corner of the world .. It gets even more exciting see all your ladies come in with BFP's too :) .
Hope very ones enjoying the early stages , Iam ok this week .. No symptoms really still other than tiredness , I worry a little when symptoms go off . But Saw bub on screen on Friday so all happy :) . Hope ur all well . xx .
Mummymadness, thanks! Lincolnshire, not far from me! Congrats to you.
I have very big heavy and painful boobies and tired, felt sick once but think that was because I was hungry, need feeding regularly :o ! Tiredness is the killer
I really want a scan, asked my best friend who is a MW but she says I got to wait 12 weeks as no probs or bad history, how am I going to get through waiting 6 weeks!!?? Aargghh . Good luck everyone xx
Having an early scan is great , But then you get addicted . I swear it allready feels like it was ages ago lol lol .
My true hospital 12 week scan is about the 24th of August i think seems ages away , Got my booking in appoitment Friday , Looking forward to getting my notes :) .
Hope you manage to keep yourself busy for the next 6 weeks hun :) . x .
Mummymadness - I will keep busy, work full time and doing a degree part time so plenty to keep me occupied and my birthday in a few weeks! Keep us up to date on the scans etc! Thanks
I turn 28 next week! Hard to believe- glad you're here with us!
Ohhhh lots of birthdays comming up , Hope you have lots of fun girls .
Jms , A degree and working full time , My hat off to you hun you must be knackered .
Ohwhatnow , How you feeling this week hun . Iam excited everytime Monday come around as its a new week along the time line of pregnancy . xx .

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