Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

Hi Goofy, glad everything looked good on the scan. Sure you can stick around here, you may be 7-10 days late into labour anyway ;-)

7-10 days late ... aagh that doesnt sound appealing ... but i do want a march birthdate lol so i cud cope with a few days for that.

The thing is though i cant work out how it could be a week further on though .... what if its just a big baby ... but i suppose they know what they're talkin about.
Anyone else actually getting their first scan at twelve weeks? Sometimes feel like I'm the only one, everyone seems to be going in early?!

Me!!! I am gonna be 12 weeks and 3 days on 29th aug!!!! Seems like an eternity away at the mo!!!
I have my scan on monday then will have another at 12weeks.
Aw, I haven't even been given my scan date yet!! seeing the Midwife for the first time next week though :D
Goofy, thats great, I am so pleased for you, it must be wonderful having seen your little one and knowing that everything is ok.
Shifter, you are certainly not the only one. My scan isnt until the 21st August, and I will be 12 weeks and 2 days. I know what you mean about some of the guys getting there scans early, but that could be due to previous complications. I had a miscarriage in December, but I have felt happy to wait this time. My first two pregnancies went really well, and I always knew the 3rd pregnancy would be a bit of a disaster. It never felt right if you know what I mean. This forth time I feel a lot more relaxed and that bit more confident.
We will enjoy it all the more having to wait that bit longer hey!
Ohhh goofy ... I sent Roland and havent seen him since so keep an eye out lol .
I havent moved out managed to stay a little calm some how ??? god knows how .
Your a March Girl through and through , Lets just get u a few days over due then you can offically be March lol .
Iam trying to just pass days untill next Friday and booking in appointment . x .
hahaha ... its long way up o scotland by any luck he'll get run over on the way ... oops did i actually say that ... of course im so lookin fwd to the visit.

awwh hun Friday is jus round the corner - enjoy the bloods lol - or do as i did i took my youngest so had to be brave in front of her, lol i smiled right thru my bloods being taken. Now she goes round tellig everyone mummys so brave lol.

They havnt given me a date said they'll do that on the 22nd of aug - but as per previous scan im 12 weeks exactly tmw. From 10 n half weeks to 12 weeks just like that! Amazin huh i wish the rest of the pregnancy cud pass by so effortlessly.
Hahahahahaa dont we all just wish we could skip forward just a couple of weeks lol .
One good thing about Friday is At least then they will tell me when first scan is (So glad i had that private one for reassurence) .
Iam sure everyone will warm to Roland , My little girl tries looking out her window to find her "Friend" , She loves stuart little and thinks all of this is great she says "Silly mummy scared" lol .
Ohhh and after my few stressfull days , Iam Soooooooo happy i can listen to babys heartbeat on the monitor every night now :) .
Iam very very happy for you hun , That now your getting passed the most dangerous stage and hitting the magic 12 weeks yayyy . xxx .
hi Girls,

im due approx 24th March so was wondering if i could join u all......:)

I have my scan on monday

Ooooooh good luck Jazzy!!!!! Let us know how you get on!

Welcome aurora32 and congrats!!

Mummymadness, what do you use to listen to LO's heartbeat? A doppler? Do they work this early? I bought one off ebay but have given it to my sister (she's due baby in November), until I can use it - not until about 21 weeks or something??

Hope everyone is well....my sickness seems to have subsided :wohoo: Hope I haven't spoke to soon!! lol!!!!

hi girls,

I dont know exactly when my due date is as my periods been haywire for last 6 months, but i had a scan on friday as i had a bit of bleeding was old blood thankfully and so they scanned me to make all ok, little bean was showing as 7 weeks + 4 and all looked well, so calculations made it about the 24th may have to see Dr on Monday (tomorrow) and he will then send me to midwife and hopefully will get a better idea of size and date at 12.....:happydance: but for now they are goin with the 7+4.....:)

7-10 days late ... aagh that doesnt sound appealing ... but i do want a march birthdate lol so i cud cope with a few days for that.

Well from my limited experience, it seems quite common that first pregnancies do run into 41-2 weeks. But that is only based on less than a dozen pregnancies I have knowledge of. I think I'll ask my mother in law, she's a midwife so has much broader experience of all this than me!

The thing is though i cant work out how it could be a week further on though .... what if its just a big baby ... but i suppose they know what they're talkin about.

Well you know better than them when you likely ovulated and when you BDed, so if you really don't think you can be a week further on than you originally estimated then use your own judgement and see how the pregnancy develops. It may be that your bean has developed very quickly early on and will let the rest of us catch up over the next few weeks!
Hi Lolly and shimmy. Glad it's not just me. I'm booking in with the midwife on Wednesday and my scan is the 27th, at which point I'll be 11+6. It has seemed an awfully long wait between letting my GP know the news and this point and it seems an age between midwife and scan too, even though it's only two weeks.

We've always said we would wait until after the scan to tell the majority of our friends and family but it's getting harder and harder now! Our immediate families know, and five close friends. So I'm counting down the days until we confirm that all is well with our little bean so we can shout it from the roof tops!
Hi Lolly and shimmy. Glad it's not just me. I'm booking in with the midwife on Wednesday and my scan is the 27th, at which point I'll be 11+6. It has seemed an awfully long wait between letting my GP know the news and this point and it seems an age between midwife and scan too, even though it's only two weeks.

We've always said we would wait until after the scan to tell the majority of our friends and family but it's getting harder and harder now! Our immediate families know, and five close friends. So I'm counting down the days until we confirm that all is well with our little bean so we can shout it from the roof tops!

We are the same!! We have told all our close families and I can't wait til my DS goes back to school to the other Mums can see bump!!! I wanna put it on facebook so most of my friends will know but not til the scan!! My little boy is dying to tell his mates but he is allowed when he goes back to school!!!
I feel like it has been ages too since I told my Dr and I'm even looking forward to having bloods done in a funny way just cos its something for the baby!!!
My booking in appointment is the day before the scan as I wanted to hear a heartbeat as our son is coming to the scan with us!!!
Hi wanababy ...
Yes hun listened with a doppler , Really had good use out of it , Used last pregnancy now this one :) .
I have never tried before 10 weeks as 10 weeks states it early stages and you may be able to hear , But with this pregnancy curiosity (You know what thats like lol) got the better of me and decided to try listen .
I heard the beautifull beat very clearly ! , Around 170 beats per min last night listened for about 15 mins OH was sooo shockd and suprised as i am only 9+2 , It was baught of ebay 2 years ago cost me about £40/£50 worthe very penny :) . xx .

Hope every ones well , And keeping busy to make time go quicker for scans appointments etc . I know it drives us nuts the waiting seems to take forever . I will be happy happy if i can get scan before my holiday 30th August , Ohh well ill find out on Friday . xx .
hi there, I am due March 27th for now. Will need to wait for my dating scan to be sure but I am quite sure of my dates xxx
Meh I still feel so sick, spend more time in the bathroom then I do in any other room :(
I swear tonight iam strange like some alien has taken over my body :rofl::rofl:...
I couldnt sleep tonight as for some strange reason the bloody cat kept sneezing !. I awoke and decided to do what i normally do check on line on here see whos around read posts etc :) .
Then i smelt it sooo strong i swear it smells yummy , Mince bovril gravy dinner mmmmmmmmmmm , You know the type Dumplings , Mince , Gravy , Peas , Carrots ... Ohhh my mouths watering just typing .
I swore some one was cooking untill i realised most "Normal" people are alseep at 3.30 am :laugh2:.
I swear i really am losing the plot , If iam not online for the next few days it means OH has gone to get the men in white coats ! .

Now how the hell do i sleep when all i can smell is this yummy food , Oh and hear a cat sneezing . I rekon i have the ghost of a Super cook sneezing cat in my house what do you rekon ?? :rofl: .
Hi wanababy ...
Yes hun listened with a doppler , Really had good use out of it , Used last pregnancy now this one :) .
I have never tried before 10 weeks as 10 weeks states it early stages and you may be able to hear , But with this pregnancy curiosity (You know what thats like lol) got the better of me and decided to try listen .
I heard the beautifull beat very clearly ! , Around 170 beats per min last night listened for about 15 mins OH was sooo shockd and suprised as i am only 9+2 , It was baught of ebay 2 years ago cost me about £40/£50 worthe very penny :) . xx .

Hope every ones well , And keeping busy to make time go quicker for scans appointments etc . I know it drives us nuts the waiting seems to take forever . I will be happy happy if i can get scan before my holiday 30th August , Ohh well ill find out on Friday . xx .

Really? Oh, I'll have to confiscate my doppler back from my sis!! Mine is also off ebay, the make is 'Summer' and its the type you strap round your bump with 2 sets of headphones - is yours like that? Did you count the heartbeats or has it got a monitor on it? I paid about £18 for mine I think.

My sis has just had her 3D scan today, it took 2 hours because LO had her back to the camera!! lol!! Camera shy already! I've seen the pic and it is AMAZING!! She (Sister is having a girl, due in November) is absolutely gorgeous, little turned up nose, perfect features! She had to go walking around the hight street and then go for something to eat so LO would move, thats how it took so long!!

Are any of you ladies getting a 3D/4D? (I know one of you is getting a freebie!!) I'd love to but they are pretty expensive...around £200! Not sure we'll beable to afford one.....

I got my scan date today :wohoo::happydance:

Thur 28th August @ 9.30am yippppeeee!!!!! Can't wait!!


:happydance::happydance: That would be me and the freebie lol .

I have allso decided iam going to have an early private sexing scan at the same clinic so i can know a month before the hospital can tell me (Iam starting to think iam addicted to looking and listening lol).

I had a summer listener with my first girl hun , I couldnt get a think on that untill about 20 weeks , Found it real hard with that .
Then i discovered ebay sell dopplers cheap , Found this one for £20 hun take a peek :) .

There the type ones u can hear real early . I was trying to post recording of what i had heard on mine so far but dont know how to add sound on here lol .
Really are worth every penny reassures me every night . x .

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