Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

I am unsure about my bump Iam for some reason loosing weight :( , Not sure i feel great about that , I am 2 pounds down then what i was when i started pregnancy :( .

I sobbed and sobbed at watching Holby city .. Did any one watch it ?? . OH was laughing at my rolling tears lol . xx .
I am unsure about my bump Iam for some reason loosing weight :( , Not sure i feel great about that , I am 2 pounds down then what i was when i started pregnancy :( .

I sobbed and sobbed at watching Holby city .. Did any one watch it ?? . OH was laughing at my rolling tears lol . xx .

Don't worry MM. I didn't have MS and ate like a horse during the first tri, but still lost a few pounds. I've only just started gaining weight and am now 1lb more than I was pre-pregnancy. Our bodies are working so hard to grow our babies that they are burning lots of stored fat to convert into all important energy :happydance:

If you are still worried then talk to your MW :hugs:
Awwwwww phew thanks for the Heads up on that shifter ...
I was suprised i normally worry like a silly sausage , But this time i just thought Ohhh its probably nothing ask the girls on BnB they will know lol .
I still have my bump and hear heartbeat well , Saw corey on screen on Monday .. So for once iam actually not to worried more excited (Makes a nice change) .
Looking forward to seeing where midwife hears the heartbeat tommorrow lol , I have to chase him around all over lol . xxx .
Awwwwww phew thanks for the Heads up on that shifter ...
No problem :)

I was suprised i normally worry like a silly sausage , But this time i just thought Ohhh its probably nothing ask the girls on BnB they will know lol .
I still have my bump and hear heartbeat well , Saw corey on screen on Monday .. So for once iam actually not to worried more excited (Makes a nice change) .
Looking forward to seeing where midwife hears the heartbeat tommorrow lol , I have to chase him around all over lol . xxx .

I was surprised when my MW found the HB instantly last week. I'd read so many B&Bers say that their LO's HB was still low down around this stage and when MIL listened on her sonicaid at 12 weeks it was obviously way down low. So I sort of expected it to still be down there, but my MW went straight for a spot just under and to the left of my belly button and there it was! :happydance:

And can I just add.... I just used my newly acquired cocoa butter lotion on my bump and boobs and I feel soooooo pampered and lovely. I smell of cookies :cloud9:

Hubby felt the first movements this evening too. He was just saying hello to the bump and pressed his hand firmly against where I'd said I'd had some discomfort today. He stopped and his face went funny. I asked him what was up and he pulled his hand back saying "Nothing, thought it might have been movement."

I put my hand where his had been and pressed quite firmly to get through the fatty stuff and I could feel it too - couldn't feel much from inside though. I quickly put his hand back and confirmed that there was something to feel and his face lit up with this wonderful smile!

I think it was probably the pulse of the placenta, rather than bubs itself, but that's not important right now. I want him to feel included. He's been desperate to feel something ever since I started getting the flutters. The look on his face was priceless :cloud9:
Awwwwwwww Shifter how cute :) .
Iam so happy he got to feel something too , Its allways nice when our OH feel included .
Iam starting to feel theese Movements allot more harder and more frequent its a shock but very enjoyable :) .
Iam thinking maybe in thenot too distant Future OH may feel something as there getting quiet allot more noticeable to me now , As in i can distinguish when baby is just moving or stretching or Actually throwing feet at me lol .
Night all see u tommorrow after midwifes .xxx .
good morning ladies

look at you all with you movements etc, im still not sure if the things iv felt have been movements lol and i havent felt anything but pressure from the outside!!!

i lost a couple of lb at about 14/15 weeks and now im putting it back on, i think in total i have gained 1lb so far!

i did lots of ironing last night so today my aim is to finish the ironing and get my house spotless and in order so from now on i can keep on top of it all, some days i cant do anything coz im too tired so while im energetic im wanting to get it all done!!

Awwwwwwww Shifter how cute :) .
Iam so happy he got to feel something too , Its allways nice when our OH feel included .
Iam starting to feel theese Movements allot more harder and more frequent its a shock but very enjoyable :) .
Iam thinking maybe in thenot too distant Future OH may feel something as there getting quiet allot more noticeable to me now , As in i can distinguish when baby is just moving or stretching or Actually throwing feet at me lol .

Oooh how exciting!
p.s. i bought heroes season 2 on DVD and watched ep 1-4 last night, il watch 5-8 today and 9-11 tonight, then i can start to watch sason 3 on TV!! wooo! gotta love heroes!
Morning ladies , Hope evry one feels well this morning ? .
Im just getting ready for midwifes so will see what she has to say , We decided 100% last night no triple test for us :) . So i cannot remember what else she does at this appointment other then listen to Coreys heartbeat .
Good luck on the rest of your ironing Katie . xx .
hello all.
I too am getting on top of my housework. Because I have a housing inspection coming up in a couple of weeks to get ready for. At 1 AM!
I'm assuming they have that wrong?Nocturnal visits seem beyond the call of duty, even for landlords :rofl:
hello all.
I too am getting on top of my housework. Because I have a housing inspection coming up in a couple of weeks to get ready for. At 1 AM!
I'm assuming they have that wrong?Nocturnal visits seem beyond the call of duty, even for landlords :rofl:

Dang, at 1AM, I'd be telling them they can talk to my dog... I'll be sleeping, ta very much!! :rofl:

I'm pretending housework doesn't exist today. I've been sleeping (finally!) but I'm not at all rested when I wake up. The dreams that have been going through my head have just been insane! It is Bailey the dog's birthday, so I have to walk him up to the pet store to choose a new toy as a present, but other than that I'm doing nada. Well, I might watch the rabbits take turns enjoying what little sunshine there still is... but other than that I am on strike.

Good side of things is that my partner thinks he can come to my midwife appointment next week. He really wants to hear the heartbeat!

Hope you all have a fantastic day! :hug:
MM I watched Holby too!!! AND I sobbed my heart out too!!! At least it was a good ending!! theres no Holby til 15 October now!! I had to check on the website to see when it was back on!!!!
Hope you had a good midwife apt..

Shifter how kewl you felt kicks!! I'm gonna try that tonight!! I have felt like a beating underneath my belly button!!! I didn't know the placenta pulsed!!! ?I never really thought about it!!! How exciting!!!!:hug:
Oh ladies, I haven't been on for a couple of days and missed so much chit chat. I love the top dress Lousie and I am feeling lots fo tiny movments now, so small and cute, it feels amazing!

Sounds like you are so busy atm, hope the studying is going well for Jade. I have lost weight since I got pregnant and am still losing about a pound a week atm so hopefully that should stop soon and I may put some back on!!

I don't have a doppler and have no one I can ask to borrow one but will ask some of my online friends as I am dying to try one lol.

Hope everyone else is great and MM, nice shopping hun. Don't think I'll be buying anything soon, I'm using most of the stuff I have had for the last 2 since they are so young it's mostly quite new lol
Arghhhhhhhh sorry i didnt get on earlier Midwife compleatley pissed and upset me today .
I have posted in second trimester in detail but she was just an opinionated cow !!.
Anyway onwards and upwards .. Pizza tonight as self pitty me thinks lol ...
Ohhhhh Lolly iam so glad i wasnt the only one lol , I felt that lump in my throat and couldnt stop lol.
15TH of October arghhh i love my Tuesday Holby :( . xx .
Hey girls hope you are all ok? My bubba's HB is sooo loud now on the doppler and think had a growth spurt overnight was a bit upset as now my trousers dont fit me :cry: had to use the bobble trick at work today!! Anyway, buba has also moved from bottom left (listening to HB) to right under my right pelvic bone, little bugger :cloud9:
Studying is ok but need to revise Logiebear, on it all next week!
Katie hope you finished ironing and enjoyed heroes.
MM I will read about the shitty appointment in a mo.!! Ignore them! :hugs:
Beancounter hope you got all cleaned up??!! :lol:
Purpekitty and Lolly nice to hear from you xx
Im off toland of nod girls , Sorry iam leaving you my night owl Jade hun :) .
Feel good today really as after a crappy MW appoitment i came home to a shock cheque of £45 i was entitled too aparently i over paid something or other lol .
So off i go to bank it tomorrow :) . xx .
Im off toland of nod girls , Sorry iam leaving you my night owl Jade hun :) .
Feel good today really as after a crappy MW appoitment i came home to a shock cheque of £45 i was entitled too aparently i over paid something or other lol .
So off i go to bank it tomorrow :) . xx .

Hoorah!! :wohoo: lend us a tenner..... :lol:
Need some new trousers! :rofl:
OOohh don't say that JMS I'm going on retreat at the end of the month, and I was really hoping that my trousers would stay fitting till after it because I dont think I have 10 daysworth of clothes if they don't :o Now even if they do I'm going to have to take a waist extender and a belly band in case I pop, arn't I?
ive bought some maternity clothes now and they are just soooooo comfy, the elastic trick didnt work for me, got annoyed with it so just bought some lovely trousers from next.

think i felt the baby do a somersault last night but not sure, this movement thing is weird, im sure at the time and then after i wonder if it was a movement! nightmare!

got a job interview today but i dont think i will get it as i have to tell them im pregnant (i was recommended to tell them!)... catch 22 situation on the job front for me, im bored stiff i want to go back to work!! i've done all my ironing (pretty much) and now im going to run out of things to do!!

going to pig out today i think, just through boredom!

hope your all well!

I have been in maternity clothes since I was 9 weeks :rofl: I have always shown really early though. Since a section ruined all my tummy muscles low down and my uterus just kinds of falls over my pelvis :rofl:

I love eBay for it or recycling with my friends! Freecycle is good for it too xxx

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