Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

It must be something in the air girls! I'm feeling a bit crap today too - I have a 'tired' headache and am exhausted - this day at work is feeling like its going on forever!!!

Roll on hometime I say...

I have my anomoly scan on 30th Oct (I'll be 21 weeks) and I'm finding out (if poss) whether LO is an Arthur or a Martha!!! :rofl:
I don't think I'll be able to resist lol!!

Keep ya chins up girlies..


We are going to find out on 14/11 but we have never done it before. I think it spoils the best bit, especially when it's your first. It feels amazing when you first see and apart from the midwife no one else knows. Is everyone, including you, knows what sex it is and what it look like (4D scans) then where is the suprise. The weight is the only thing left.

I am looking forward to finding out but have never wanted to before but this is my 4th and last so think I need to :rofl:

I had mw app the check my bp AGAIN and AGAIN it's great 110/70! I am seeing my obgyn next Fri so I'm hoping he will let me go four weeks before he monitors me again! I love seeing the mw as she is lovely but it is driving me mad going there every week when there is clearly no need!
I had the housing inspection- thelady waslovely actually, though I have to say she was miffed that I was so pregnant (since I don't show) and also that I didn't know the gender. She said 'how will you know what to buy??'

erm. I think it's the same things you buy regardless? Unless I need a buggy with a special willy attachment if I have a boy and no ones mentioned it?

anyhoo, a friend of my who spent ages TTC and miscarried just before I got pregnant (which made me feel really guilty) has said she is pregnant again so I am super happy.
We are going to find out on 14/11 but we have never done it before. I think it spoils the best bit, especially when it's your first. It feels amazing when you first see and apart from the midwife no one else knows. Is everyone, including you, knows what sex it is and what it look like (4D scans) then where is the suprise. The weight is the only thing left.

I have to say that those first few moments after the delivery are really exciting to me, to me, finding out then what sex it is is part of what's special in my mind about those moments. I love the thought of it just being between the three of us (and the MW!) for a little while and to be able to look at her or him for a few minutes to get used to the news ourselves. I can't really imagine finding out so far in advance.
Thank you for all the cute bump comments :D

Had a crappy day -feeling moody and miserable. Have been grumpy with OH for no reason so now I'm feeling all guilty too. Bloody hormones.
I felt tearful today... for a change!!!

We are on team yellow, we asked our little boy and as he is coming to the scan we gave him a choice. He wants a surprise, which I'm quite pleased about cos I don't think I want to know!!! It's just if baby wants t show us what s/he is!!!!:rofl:

Hope everyone feels ok again soon!!!

Holby now...gotta dash!!!!:happydance:
Watched Holbyw asnt it emotional Lolly ? .
I just wanted to thank all my friends for support today , Was emotional and worrying but iam staying positive , And hope all is better next week .
Have a nice night girls . xxx .
MM - I have only just read your post in the 2nd Tri section. Please try not to worry hun. Really hope you get reassured soon. Hope you're feeling better today :hugs:
Well I am extremely excited to be having my 2nd scan tomorrow morning. I am afraid that I will be finding out the sex this time.
With my last two I was unable to find out, but did enjoy the surprise. I have one of each, so this time, as I am able to find out at my new hospital I decided I would like to know and hopefully buy all the different coloured bits and pieces in advance, and decorate the nursery of course.
I shall let you know tomorrow which little team I will be on.
Although you never know, they might not be able to tell.lol!
Hope you are all well,

Take care,
hopefully buy all the different coloured bits and pieces in advance, and decorate the nursery of course.

Now see, I read this A LOT and yet, when I posted a thread asking people why they felt they needed to know the sex in order to decorate the nursery I just got all replies saying they had decorated it in neutral colours anyway :dohh:

Anyway ladies, it's official, I do now look pregnant... a lady got up and offered me her seat on the bus last night :happydance: I was very thankful as I was exhausted! I got home, just about managed to sort through a stack of paperwork for the move then went to bed and fell straight to sleep at about 7.45!
Good luck tomorrow Shimmy! I have yonks to go until mine!

Went to my GP this morning (nothing too serious) and while I was there I asked about getting the Flu jab. The doctor I saw last time said I shouldn't get it this year as I'm pregnant, but I was reading a thread on 2nd Tri where everyone was saying it's highly recommended you do have it. Anyway, my GP agreed with the first one and said I'm not allowed to have it this year, which is a shame as I've found them to be really effective. Is anyone else having it?
Good luck Shimmy have lots of fun .
How nice of that lady Shifter , It suprises me how nice people still can be ... I had a row with a stupid woman today , Ok so maybe i went over the top but it really gets me angry .
At asdas Looking for a mother a baby space a woman on her own in a sports car pulls in to the space .
Normally i let it pass but i just let rip today **Ooooops** , It gets me so angry as its really hard when i have both kids with me to get in and out the car .. I would never ever ever pull in to a disabled space as i know some one genuinly needs it so why do people not have decency to not take a parent and toddler space if they dont need it arghhhh . Rant over lol .
Im feeling loads better today girls thank you for all your support , Hope u are all well .

P.s louise so sorry you couldnt have the flu jab as colds and flu are every where at the moment . xxxx .
MM yes Holby was emotional! I cried for Kyla having lost Abra again just when she knows he loves her!!!
I would have let rip at Asda too!! silly cow... She might appreciate what you said one day....
LouiseLou I sometimes have the flu jab but my GP said she wouldn't take it if she was pregnant. So I haven't had it this year either. I prefer not to give my body more things to cope with!!!
Shimmyshimmy hope your scan went well....did you find out the team you are on??? theres me wanting to know and I'm not gonna find out myself!!!:rofl:
We are gonna do the nursery a primrose yellow and we have lots of neutral things from DS anyway!!! I'm sure if it is a girl The Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles will go shopping!!!!
Anyway better do the school run now!!!
Love to all xxx
yay go MM! let em have it.
Congrats on being pregnant shifter... I think I'll have to wait :(
Good luck with the scan shimmy .. I have to wait till 22 weeks :hissy: No fair!

I have finally bought a pair of maternity jeans! I get them in peacocks, of all places- didn't even have to go into town. They have long hems so I can take them down :D technically I still fit into my regular jeans, but I don't like wearing them round the house cos they cost 65 quid and are for best so I shall wear these to slob about in cus they cost a mighty £16

Good luck Shimmy with your scan, not long til mine too, come on Monday! Hopefully once the scan is out of the way time will start to fly again, cant wait to have my baby!! Im not finding out tho...

Louiselou - my doctor told me im not allowed my jab either this year as they are unsure of the affect on baby!

Love the sound of the peacocks pants, just what u need for house wearing, im starting to struggle with clothes at the moment, bump is starting to push up and out a lot, especially after food!

had a depressing day today just because i cant find a job because im pregnant, im lucky my OH can support us but i feel i have lost my independence and my own money etc so feeling a bit emotional and sure im guna have some tears later lol

hope everyone is having a nice evening!

Hugs to everyone who is feeling down today and good luck to Shimmy tomorrow everyone elses turns will come!!

I collected a load of maternity clothes from a lady on Freecycle today and most of them are too small but I got a couple of pairs of pants which are great so :happydance:
i hope you are wearing freecycled trousers because I'm getting this mental image of mahoosive used preggo knickers and it's not good..

i like these jeans I found out they have turn ups too. I might even wear them out of the house :D I feel proper pregnant now :blush:
Hey ladies due 1 april hehe but here's to a few days early. I've popped on a few times, just popping by again.

I know what you mean about a job, it's so frustrating! I feel a bit awful too, I hate having to rely on df for all the money. It takes away such a huge chunk of independance. Will have to sort something out but who's knows what.

As for parent and toddler spaces don't even get me started! lol I'm alwaysd ranting to people parked in them when they shldn't be. RAR to them RAR!
hi all keep forgetting about this thread lol (pregnancy brain ),its so exciting everyone havin there scans or are due very soon, iv got to wait till nov18th for mine :( i went for my 16 week mid wife appoinment today and it was great heard bubbas heart beat makes it seem more real xxxx

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