Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

Hi Shimmy , Ihad a private scan at 16+3 they said 99% boy lol :) , You could certainly see his winky lol .
Then went for my 20 week scan at 18+3 (God knows why that was a 20 week scan lol) , Didnt go well but they said deffinate boy :) .
I love the names you allready have for your kids hun Molly and harrison are lovely names :).

Dylan is nice
Leo is nice
cole is nice
ash is nice
Kyle is nice
Morgan is nice
Mason is nice
daniel is nice
ethan is one we loved for a while .

God i have tonnes lol the list is endless , But its what you and your OH likes hun , We choose Corey for our 2009 baby boy :) .
Good luck picking . xxxxx .

All girls with scans comming up i rekon lots will be hearing blue patters of tiny feet .

Ohhhh and good news for me , Some lady on freecycle has just offered me a nearly new cotbed !!!!! , all beautifull pine with teething rails etc , I will buy a new mattress but how nice of her to offer me this :) :) . I would of used finnleys but my Aunty who gave me his asked before we announced our pregnancy if she could have it back as my cousin is due in January wich is fair enough was very nice of her to give us it when we needed it :) .
Shimmy congrats on your blue bump!!

I like the name Daniel too but then I'm biased already!!! ;)
I like Kai but DH won't go for that one!!!
Benjamin is another name I like for a boy but Dans' cousin is called that so thats out too!!!

With Dan I knew he was a boy from the minute we took the test!!! I can't decide with this one...From the nub pics I think it looks girl but then I'm no expert so I could be wrong!! I am carrying the same as with Dan but my food preferences are way different!!! So I'm really not sure...I keep thinking girl but then I don't know if thats wishful thinking!!!

Have a good day everyone!!! Dan is off school today for "teacher training" so we are not even dressed yet!!!!
Does anyone else think they know what they are having or want to guess so we can look back at this thread in the future and see if we were right???

I am convinced I'm having a boy too - only because of the sound of the HB!! My sister is due her little girl (2nd girl) in 3 weeks and the difference in the sound is really distinct - they say galloping horses for a girl and a train for a boy, so if I'm having a girl aswell, the HB method is totally WRONG!! :rofl: My sister really wants me to have a boy - there is only me & her (siblings) and she is having her 2nd daughter...She want's a boy next!

Congratuations on finding out you're on 'Team Blue' Shimmy...Have you bought anything 'blue' yet?? I've got 13 days to wait!!

It's sounding like very 'blue' month for March already girls! I haven't any names yet but have been toying with Layla & Ruby for a girl and Gray (OH is called Graham) and Cole for a boy..I quite like Bryn aswell...

MM, I know your daughter is called Layla - I think its a lovely name!!

Hope all of you & your LO's are well


I find boys names harder than girls!!! i have my scan on monday but not going to find out!!!

I like the name Louis(louie) for a boy, its just cute but my family dont like it.

if its a girl, its ella or summer i think.

I like the name corey but my godson calls his willy his corey (his family are londoners and its cockney rhyming slang for penis) so i couldnt use it because he is only 6 and would probably end up calling my baby willy or something lol!!

there are soooo many reasons why u dont like perfectly nice names, because someone else already called their baby that, because you knew someone at school who was a twot called that, my friend is called that, it rhymes with something that could mean child got teased about lol its a complete nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!

im hoping for a less hungry day today, i ate like it was going out of fashion yesterday and felt all fat and bloated by bed time lol

if its a girl, its ella or summer i think.

I LOVE those names but cannot use them myself!! My friends little girl is called Ella and my sister is calling her new baby Summer - due in 3 weeks!!

I agree, boys names are harder though...

And thanks girls for the recommendation for the DVD - Prenatal Fitness fix - I won it on Ebay for £5.64! Bargain! I'm going to try to do it this weekend

Congrats Shimmy :)

Hubby and I have names picked out already, with a couple of contingencies in case LO doesn't suit our first choice when they arrive. Jack for a boy and Eleanor for a girl :) Back ups include Luke and Olivia.
Aw, all those names are lovely! I think we're sticking with Daisy... but if it's a boy, we're not sure. I like Alex. OH is crap at coming up with suggestions though! It's so frustrating!

The HB thing... hmmm. Sometimes she sounds like a train and other times like a horse! Very confusing! Also, her HB varies in rate; MW measured it as 140bpm, but I get between 130-150 depending on what time of day it is (wierd huh?!)
Wow guys you all have loads of fantastic names up your sleeves. I know what you mean about boys names being harder to choose.
I have already used my two favourite names - Molly and Harri/Harrison.
So I am struggling. I like the old fashioned grandad type names like Arthur and Freddie.
My Sister in law has just called her son Campbell. He was born on Sunday just gone. I think that is a lovely name.
Recently the general trend at my childrens school has been for girls. I think there have been 8 girls on the trot. So I think it is about time the trend changed a bit for the boys. Otherwise the girls are going to find there is a shortage of boyfriends when they are bigger.lol!

Yippee for team blue.
Yeah the HB things mad!! Not sure if it works or not though, I've not heard many stories so who knows?? My LO's HB ranges from 130-140 - I have heard girls are faster but then again - I'm definaltely no expert lol!
I'll find out soon enough - hopefully!

Lovely names everyone!!


Aww thanks wannababy i love laylas name .
Layla was going to be summer all the way through my pregnancy , I had a plaque made for her door and everything .
Then when the Mw passed me her i looked and shouted nooooo dont write summer on her tag she doesnt look like a summer lol , My OH is half spanish .. And as you may be able to tell by the photo i have layla took after her daddy beautifull tanned complexion and summer just reminded me of a little girl i knew with blonde hair bue eyes sounds silly but layla just didnt look like a summer ... OH said what about layla and ohhh she looked like a layla lol.
Finnley looked like me when he came out and i had picked finnley months before , And said if he looks like his daddy he will be called enrique But he looked like a finnley lol .
Names are allways difficult for everyone , Corey this time is sticking 100% wether he looks like me or his daddy lol .
Ohh and the heartbeat thingy worked for me with this one low in the 130s and sounds like a train :) .
have a nice day girls , Im going to pick my cot up yayyyyy . xxx .
You're welcome MM!! Oooh so if the HB thing is anything to go by from your experience - I'm having a boy lol!!

Financially it would be much better if we had a girl as there is only going to be 4 months between me & my sister's babies, she's having a girl, so everything 0-3, 3-6 etc would come straight over to us - it would save us a fortune! But if it is a little boy, of course I'll be just as happy...:happydance: Like someone mentioned before, as long as LO's healthy, thats the main thing!

MM, you are doing soooo well on Freecycle!!! Good on you!! I still haven't posted/aquired anything. My mam said she saw an article in the paper and they had furnished a whole flat from things off Freecycle! She said there was a picture of it and everything - just shows you doesn't it!

I'm convinced mine another boy. My last 2 were boys too, I have extra hair on my belly and my lady garden is growing quicker, I think due to the extra testosterone lol probs completely wrong but I'm not botheres either way.

Congrats Shimmy and glad the scan went so well for you. I have 4 week to wait for mine yet!!
We won't find out what we are having until IC Baby on Dec.22. That was the earliest I could get in. They won't tell you what you are having here where we go for our ultrasound and I'm not aware of any private places to get a scan around here. Guess it's just a waiting game. I went to a psychic over the weekend and she said it was a girl but I'm not going to rush out and buy any pink stuff. I'll wait until after Dec.22!
:sad2: Not a good day so far!

When I was hanging out the washing earlier, I noticed that a teeny little blue vein I spotted on my leg last week has now progressed into a fully fledged VARICOSE VEIN! I've just bought a few pairs of support tights online (mmm, they're sure to get OH's pulse racing, eh?), but has anyone got any suggestions on how to avoid getting any more of the little buggers? I've heard vitamin E can help, but I want to check with MW that this is ok to take...
Wanababy i was the same as you hun , Would of financialy been a little easier if baby was a girl had actually convinced myself girl .. Then Boy came up lol .
If corey was a girl we wouldnt have to move house , Oh well only moving next door phewwww lol .
I rekon boy for you anyway hun :) .
So sorry to hear about your Vein iv no advice hun as never had them , But hope the tights make u feel better :) . xxxxxxx .
The tights look funny - they have a round panel in the tummy for the bump! Tee hee hee :D
Louise i don't know about the vein either to help you , tights sound real sexy!!!
Could you ring your midwife to see or NHS direct may be able to help you.
i have to say that nothing really works there are lots of old wives tales as there are with everything in pregnancy but nothing actualy works. My left shin is covered a loads of little ones, my leg looks bruised. I don't have them any where else either but sorry to say that there is nothing hun xxx
Bugger. Cheers anyway girls. It's not so bad really - I'd be more bothered if it was the hieght of summer and I was desperate to wear shorts and skirts, but I'm happy plodding round in jeans so I should be ok.

Hmm, except when we go to Mexico...

So, anyone doing anything fun this weekend? Anyone heard from Jade? Is she busy being all studious?:D
I haven't seen Jade on for a couple of days, maybe she is studying lots like a good girl lol. My weekend is naf i'm afraid, nothing but housework planned :cry:

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