Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

Have a wicked time at the baby show girls! Try out lots of stuff and then review 'em all for us! :D

Had a blood nose this morning... first one in living memory! Kinda wish I'd left the spring cleaning until today now, as it was lovely and sunny yesterday when I was stuck inside and now it's piddling down - grr!

Gosh, Sandbanks Lolly- isn't that like the swishiest place to live in the UK...?
Hello ladies. Glad Jade is OK. Didn't go to the Baby Show in the end, figured it would be a heck of a long day for me with the coach journey each way and we could do with saving the money tbh. So we went to our local Mamas & Papas store and played with a Pliko Switch and went into Sainsbury's to look at the cute Winnie the Pooh baby clothes. I bought a little fleecey jacket for bubs to wear home from hospital :happydance:

My mum sent me a little surprise in the post this week too, a cute sleepsuit with yellow and green spots from Jojo Maman Bebe, seems they've opened a shop in Harrogate :happydance:

We're going to pick up our free cot from my friend this evening too :happydance:

Yesterday was also a very busy and productive day of packing and sorting. We've filled 2 kirb-side recycling boxes of paper and old clothes, as well as a big bin bag of shredded paper. That's basically all of our piles of junk sorted through and rubbish got rid of.

I packed almost all our books, all our CDs and loads of random stuff, so our third bedroom is rapidly becoming a sea of packed and ready-to-go boxes :happydance:

We've still got a few bits up on Ebay and Freecycle. Hubby managed to sell my old sewing machine for more than I paid for it new! And he sold his Starsky & Hutch Scalextrik, which is being picked up today. We're also getting rid of two huge boxes full of VHS tapes on Freecycle - I was amazed anyone would want them! Plus some of my old OU course materials that someone is interested in. I love Freecycle!

Strictly was great last night, the competition is really hotting up now the men and women are competing against each other!

On the negative side of things, I am a little sleep deprived as the teenage daughter next door had a rather loud party last night that kept me awake and this morning we have got up to find a large chunk of our back garden wall caved in :dohh: we'll be having words with the mother later I believe.
Ooh, nearly forgot to mention this...

yesterday morning hubby and I were having a lie in and a cuddle and he wriggled down to chat to the bump, this is what he said:

"It's not fair that mummy gets to feel you moving. Daddy wants to feel it too. Can you give it a bit more oomph please?"

HaHaHa how cute is that shifter lol ....
Better than my OH he thinks i have an alien grwoing in my tummy and now "Its" kicked him he wont touch my belly any more pmsl .
I agree was loving strictly last night , My friend said i looked a bit crazed thow when i had to flick between strictly and x factor like a mad woman !!!! , Why now do they have to be on at the same time lol .
I bet you loved buying the little fleece hun , Did u like the switch ?? . I love the pliko i have :) .
Not so great news for me today , I cracked a tooth last night eating crisps Ooooops and got an emergency appointment at 5 to have it out :( . Iam petrefied of dentists , But i see it this way im in that much pain with it (Was up half the night) , So ill be glad to have it out , Its not dentists so much i dislike , Its the needle they give u to numb your mouth allways leaves me with a massive lump and real painfull afterwards . Ohhh well ill be back to moan about it to you girls later . xxxxxx .
Oh MM seems there is a few of us with dental probs these past weeks!! Hope it goes well at the "D's" lol

Shifter your hubby is cute and don't over do it with your packing hun, you need to be taking time to chill too hun.

Sorry to hear about your puppies Jade :hugs:

I like Laura on the x-factor but that song last night was bloody awful. Don't the mentors listen to them sing and go, "we'd better change your song" they flipping should do!! I love Austin too, he's brilliant, bit of a cry baby but talented xxx
I liked austins version of that song last night too :) .
In the end i think Ruths purple rain was great , I thought ohhh yes i like that .
I didnt even know the song Diana was singing i just think shes great .
Kids gone for afternoon nap bless them , Iam eating tea now Lol ... I remember last time i went to the Dentist i forgot to eat anything and was too sore after so went to bed with a grumbly tummy lol .
So im having a shepards pie OH is cooking now yummmmm . Will be back later to update how rough the Dentist is lol . Have a nice day Gilrs . Go easy with packing shifter . xxx .
Thanks ladies. Don't worry, I'm not over doing it. It sounds like I'm working flat out but it's more like half hour bursts with an hour rest in between! :rofl:

I'm not lifting anything heavy, hubby is doing all of that.

We just picked up our cot. It's a lot bigger than I thought, not entirely sure I like it, but it's a free cot, you know what I mean? You can't turn down generosity like that. I'm sure once it's assembled and in place in the nursery it'll grow on me. I just need to sort out a new mattress for it. It's hardly been used, but I feel funny about using the mattress.

Dead chuffed about Andy Murray :happydance:
Ooh, and on the pram front, we marginally prefer the Silver Cross Linear Freeway and have been offered one for £150. So we're going to go with that one. But I did like the Pliko Switch, it was a hard choice that might have gone the other way if it weren't for this great bargain.
Wow girls, you're all getting so much stuff sorted! I'm going to try and get the pushchair and carseat done in the January sales I think, so I have oodles of time to plan and read up on them all! Have got a cot and moses basket and have been given loads of bedding too :D
Well girls back from dentist ...
Not happy at all !!! , Had my wisdom tooth taken out my mouth feels like its done 10 rounds with mike tyson lol . And had to havea referral for sugery !!!! iv never had surgery in my life :( . Apparently i have 2 gaps where teeth have been taken out but theres still tooth and root still in there , So should get a letter from the hospital real soon arghhhh . xx .
Not at the min hun lol ,I feel like i have a fat lip thow lol . Everythings tingling still lol .
I dont mind this bit its when it wears off lol .
Little nervous about this surgery malarky , Will see what the letter says when it comes soon . xx .

P.s Lol just tried taking a drink its dribbling now lol .
Sorry about your tooth MM. How awful that whoever took your other teeth out didn't get it all! I'm sure the surgery will be fine. :hugs:
Thank you hunny , I know Mum said i should put a complaint in . It was at a little place in a posh part of town called Humberstone about 2 years ago The dentist tonight couldnt believe there was 2 spaces with laods still in :( , I allways wondered why they was tender but never really painfull , I said if its not painfull do i need them out , He giggled and said yes so suppose il have to have it .
Iv just taken two parecetomls and OH is been sooooo sympathetic its great untill thsi numbing stuff wears off lol . xxxxx .
Thank you hunny , I know Mum said i should put a complaint in . It was at a little place in a posh part of town called Humberstone about 2 years ago The dentist tonight couldnt believe there was 2 spaces with laods still in :( , I allways wondered why they was tender but never really painfull , I said if its not painfull do i need them out , He giggled and said yes so suppose il have to have it .
Iv just taken two parecetomls and OH is been sooooo sympathetic its great untill thsi numbing stuff wears off lol . xxxxx .

You should definitely make a complaint. That's terrible :-(
that's shocking MM. Some dentists are really terrible! Hope you feel better soon.
Me too - that's shocking! ...But now I have funny visions of you trying to drink and it all dribbling down your chin... :D
HaHaHa its very true , I had apple juice dribbling all down my chin , I had to giggle . Well try too one side of my lip aint doing much lol .
Does any one know who i can complain too , I mean i know Doctors etc but who do you complain too about a dentist .
I wouldnt of minded but at the time he didnt even tell me i had some left !! .Ouchhhh just bit my toungue .

I'm a terrible dribbler after the dentist, it's awful but pretty funny with hindsight.

As for the complaint, I would start with a letter to the surgery where you had the bad work done. Other than that I'm not sure.... a quick google search revealed this site: https://www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk/ I haven't looked around it though hun, so not sure if it's appropriate for you, but I hope it helps start you off.

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