Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

So sorry to hear about your sore mouth MM and that awful dentist you once had....I would definately complain - bloody butchers some of them!!

Sorry to hear about puppies Jade...:cry:

Just checking in and have been catching up on thread - hope all's well


soz 2 hear bout ur mouth mm.... i'd def complain!
hope you're feeling better soon x
sorry to hear about your tooth MM, i also hate the dentist!!

I have been to the baby show today and it was bloody brilliant, i really wanted a mamas and papas set but it was just so expensive and THEN got to the baby show and it was 20% off so i bought EVERYTHING lol, got loads of gorgeous nursery stuff for cheapies! Everything was cheap and got free sample etc to try out.

I road tested lots of prams (and i mean lots!!!!) every pram was there that i wanted to consider and i had a big play, i think im going to get the maxi-cosy mura 4 (which wasnt even on my list before i went lol) i didnt like the look of it until i started to play!!

Just had a great day, although im knackered (like my credit card). Got to see the nursery set i am ordering tomorrow as well and it was just as good in the real as it looks in the pictures etc.


scan in the morning wooooooooooooooo hooooooo!!!

Have a fantastic scan hun, well done with all the baby buying, sounds like fun,

Good luck for your scan this morning Katie and glad you enjoyed the show so much. It's here in Manchester in Nov but i haven't even considered going until now, How much were tickets hun?

Sorry to hear about your butcher, I mean dentist MM. I would defo complain, that is shockin and he'll be thinking he got away with it!! Grrrrrr.

I am doing sod all this week as my daughter has twisted her foot and really herself so it's a good job it's half term but it now means I have an etrx kid to shuffle round after grrrrr and I'm so tired :sleep::sleep:
Hmm, I am not impressed. My stepson is ill with a raging fever, sickness and diarrhoea. His mum would normally have him, as is the usual routine on a Monday. But for some reason she's asked us to have him instead. We have loads to do today - I need to go shopping for a load of stuff, and we have an appointment we have to keep later. I also don't think it's a particularly smart move for me to be around him when he's ill with god-knows-what and I'm pregnant. Nevertheless, OH has said yes.

When I asked him if he'd remembered the mega list of things we need to get done today, he said yes, and that it'd be ok - 'we can just take him with us'. Err... no we can't! If he's ill, he should be at home, not wandering round town in the freezing cold. So, all the things we need to get done are going to have to wait until later in the week. And I'll be majorly p*issed off if I get ill. Not a happy bunny this morning- grrr....
Oh the poor kid being so ill and not staying at home. That's not fair on him or you. You are right and you shouldn't be around a tummy bug if it can be helped and your oh should have said for that reason alone.

Hope you don't get ill hun xxx
jealous of those who have scans and baby shows!

Louise, I would be really peeved at my OH if he did that to me. In a 'I'm going out all day, have fun with the problem you have created' kind of way. I hate it when they don't even consult you :hissy:

I had a dizzy spell in the showers at swimming. I think it was too hot or I was too hungry but now I am all worried I've broken the baby :( I did manage to get into the cubicle and felt ok once I've sat down and had a snack..
Louiselou, I'd also be well p*ssed off if my OH did that to me!! Men eh? They don't think sometimes do they? Hope you don't get ill hun!!

I'm that way with my OH at the minute anyway, he just doesn't seem to want to get involved with any 'baby' things, eg. I saw a cot/bed on ebay, told him about it and asked whether he thought i should bid for it. The reply I got was 'if you want'!! Makes me so mad sometimes, feel like he's just happy to leave everything to me when I really want him to be involved.

Glad you had a great time at the show Katie - sounds like it was a good 'un!! And bargains to be had, bet you're glad you went now! Hope your scan went well...10 days for mine!!!

Beancounter - I wouldn't worry hun, I'm sure dizzy spells are common in pregnancy, something to do with blood pressure I think or maybe like you said, you just needed something to eat.

LO didn't keep still yesterday, don't know about you ladies but the movements are getting much stronger and longer of late!!! I love it! :happydance:


Beancounter i did giggle with the phrase "Broken the baby" lol , Sorry i had to giggle .
Try remember to have something sugary before and exsercise like swimming hun :) , And maybe have a float around isntead of lots of laps lol .
So sorry to hear your little girl has twisted her foot logie i hope she gets better soon **Hugs** .
I aggree been at home tucked up with Duvet would of been best for your stepson Louise hun , Theres lots of bugs going around , I have had one and me and baby are ok , But i wouldnt of asked some one to take my kids around town when they were ill with it bless him , I think you had the right thing in mind in not having him for the day hun .

Im just getting layla ready for school , Her half term doesnt start untill this Friday .
Iam going to take her off for the day onWedensday thow , As its mums borthday and were taking her for a posh lunch all the family kind of thing , And then as you all know my dreaded scary scan is at 3.45 so will go from lunch to there (Please please baby be well this time) .

Anyway this morning my gum is killing where i had the numbing injection going to pop some parcetemals see if it helps a little , I keep trying salt water mouth wash too :) .

Hope every one has a good day , Ill pop back later today .
Ohhhhhhhh And good luck Katie and Rach on your scans today :) . xxx .
Aww beancounter :hugs: I'm sure bubs is fine. It was probably low sugar. Unfortunately, dizzy spells can be a normal part of this pregnancy malarky!

Wanababy - my hubby was just like that with planning the wedding, I wanted him to be involved but he just couldn't get into it. It wasn't until about three weeks before that he started to get excited. He's on and off with the pregnancy, he has days where he is so excited and enthusiastic it's almost overwhelming and other days where I think he forgets that it's real :rofl:

Hope people's scans go well today!
Thanks Shifter, am glad my OH isn't the only one then lol!! I could still gladly strangle him sometimes!!

Made a booboo with last post - sorry girls I had got name mixed up (I've corrected it now!) :blush:
am blaming preg brain!

Ooh 2 scans today then? Good luck to Rach aswell....


I have spoken to rach i will let her update but i knew i was right lol ....
Shes very happy :) .

And katie just seen your pics hun , What a lovely cute baby awwwww . So glad everyones well . xxx .
thanks guys my blood pressure was low last time it was checked which was ages ago I'll remember to eat my banana before i go next time!

Does rach know her team, aww, lol :D
Yep she knows now lol , And as were speaking shes in town shopping on a certain colour of clothes lol :) .
She has to go back in 4 weeks as baby was curled up and they couldnt get heart chambers etc , But told her everything looks fine :) . xxx .
Just a quick hello as I MUST start the tea!! DH will be home in about 5 and its not even begun yet!!!

We only dream about Sandbanks, its not for real!!! God how I wish. We couldnt even afford a beach hut down there!!!!:rofl:(85 grand for a beach hut!!!!!)

I'm glad your enjoyed baby show Katie, it sounds really good

Beancounter I hope you are ok. With my DS I went in the steam room before I knew I was pregnant and I went all dizzy...its just your body telling you to slow down!!

MM I hope your tooth is feeling better now, get writing that complaint, that is so terrible about your dentist.

Louise I hope you don't some down with anything. IF you do you must make DH have time off work to wait on you hand and foot cos it will be his fault.
My DH said our nephew can come to stay tomorrow night. I put my foot down cos I haven't even done the washing from the weekend visitors yet!!! An extra body to get out the door at 7.30am is not going to be a smooth day.....
Congrats on the scans girls :dance: .... lots of March Boys now it seems

MM soz about your dentist babes, hope all is getting better.

Im off to the Baby Show in Manchester, cant wait. Ive been offered a full mamas and papas nursery furniture set so im hoping I can get a nice bedding set to match - wanting the 20% now, so hope they turn up!! Hope some of you girls can make it too :)

Take cares
just a quick post as been a very hectic day but wanted to let you all know me and OH got engaged tonight! Im just floating around on cloud 9 today, so many good things have happened!!!

good night all xx

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