Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

Sod those men wanababy. They have no idea!! You should say back to them at least i can lose the weight in 5 months time, you can't change your face!!!:hugs: At least htat guy that gave you all that stuff is an understanding male!!!

MM hope you got on ok today:hug::hugs: Did you enjoy your evening out last night????
Wanababy - men suck, full stop. Well done on stopping smoking; you should be really proud of yourself. And a huge congratulations on reaching the half way point! :hugs:

OH and I were talking earlier about how fast this is all going; does anyone feel the same? I mean, thinking back to when we found out - that feels like ages ago - but when I think I'm less than 2 weeks from being half way through - woah! That's bloody scary and has happened so fast!

Thanks for the link Shifter - am definately going to give it a go, even if it means we just cut down on nappy use rather than eliminate them altogether. Sounds really promising anyway! :D
Shifter, thanks for that hun but tjhat's exaclty what happens to me too. You click on that link and it just sends you to the home page. i think they may have only been offering a discount on London, typical!! Thanks anyway!

I'm due on the 26th but my section is booked in for 9th xxx
is it manchester central your going to? if you go to baby centre website and click on their free stuff and vouchers etc there is a code (E131) to save u £2.50 off each ticket.

on the baby front... my pram arrived today!!! they forgot my carrycot attachment but have sent it out today for delivery tomorrow so i am sooo happy and i cant stop playing with it lol!! i will upload pics once i get all the bits tomorrow, got sooo many pics to get loaded up in my journal lol!!!

hope your all well, im so happy everything is ok for MM too!

Hi Girls well most of you probably read in second tri thread scan went amazingly good yayyyyyyy we are over the moon ,Last night was lovely with OH .
And today has been sooooo tire some going to get an early night it really has knackered us both lol .
A real big thank you for all your support while i sat and worried like mad .
A big welcome to our March home to the new ladies joining :) . And hope all you are well today . xxx .
Wanababy - ignore those rotten men, they don't have a clue.

Glad the scan went well MM.
wanababy - men are b**tards sometimes. sorry to hear they've been giving you a hard time :hugs:

mm - yay for a great scan!

katie - glad pram arrived - can't wait to see the pics!!

as for me, well, i took into clearing out the roon that will be baby's when he/she arrives.... i hadn't realised it would be such a big job.... :(
in more exciting news though - it's our 1st wedding anniversary tomorrow! YAY! can't believe where time has disappeared off to.... madness! will most likely be depressed come friday tho - coz that means it's a year since we were jetsetting off to australia for a couple of months and i'm not ready to stop living in that dreamland just yet! hehe
Thank girls, sorry I'm being such a moaner....I'm really hating men at the minute! My OH especially - we both have eachothers password etc for our facebook account (as we've nothing to hide - normally!) and I went on his profile last night just out of curiousity - he's adding young, (18//19 - he's 34) single girls to his 'friends' and has admitted not even having a clue who they are!!!

Am I just being paranoid do you think? I keep calling him a pervert and accusing him of fancying them, I have thrown him on the sofa. Is it me, am I being unreasonable? Not sure if its because I'm feeling fat and horrible and 2worried that he's going to run off with someone younger/slimmer?

Arrrggh!:hissy: I'm in a right BAD MOOD!!! And feeling so sorry for myself. :growlmad:



Oh I forgot to say - I deleted his profile last night out of pure rage (I have an email to retrieve it all but he doesn't know that....yet!) and I text him to tell him and haven't spoken to him since. He spends hours on his Facebook putting on music etc - I think its quite sad, I think he loves his bloody profile more than me...
Thanks so much Katie! That is brilliant and great news about your pram, can't wait to see pics hun!!

Glad everything went well for you MM and here's to a more relaced next 20 weeks or so lol
wanababy - really sorry things aren't great with your OH at the moment. I don't really know what to suggest. I'd be pretty peeved if my OH was spending all his time on Facebook befriending random young girls too, especially if I was feeling insecure :( Maybe you could try talking to him really calmly about how crappy it's making you feel, and trying to make some time together for you as a couple - going out to dinner, or seeing a film or something? Something to remind you both of why you're together, and of how much you love eachother. Hope you're feeling better soon xx
i'd be annoyed about the facebook thing too wanababy, but try talking to your OH and tell him exactly how its making you feel.... it's probably that he knew in himself that it's all above board and innocent and so thought you'd automatically see it that way to. (Men! They really don't know ANYTHING about women sometimes!!)
WOO HOO YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I did a search on Google for vouchers codes and it took me to the ever faithful Money Saving Expert.com, god I love that bloomin site!! and I got code BM01 and it has given me the 20% discount and this link

So I got 2 tickets for Sunday at £17!! So excited now! And last night I went to Boots and sent £50 on Christmas stuff and they gave me £10 in points on my card and if I go back on another Special evening (which I will do) and spend £50 they give another £5 ontop of the £10 so I will get £15. So I will have spent £100 on boots stuff and got £25 back on my card! I'm doing well atm.
Not to mention the points you get for spend the money anyway so that was something like 272 points which is £2.72 so I am happy!! And atm they have an extra 300 or 500 points if you buy your Avent bottles there so if you spend the £14.99 for 4 bottles you get 300 point + 56 so you get £3.56 back! I think it's a bargain.

I sound like a Boots advert :rofl::rofl:
boots advert indeed logie.... :rofl: are you on commission?! hehehe

nice work - my advice though - treat yourself with those points.... nothing too sensible!!
Treat myself indeed :rofl: Can't remember the last time I did that! Don't think you do much when your a mum, specially with 3 and 1 on the way :cry: lol
I used Boots online to get my vibrating melody baby chair , Such a good price and they were sooo quick to deliver , I would use them again .
Wannababy hun, Iam so sorry to hear OH is getting you mad , Luckily me and OH rearly use anything like facebook/faceparty i think i would allway sbe nosying not trusting , God knows why as i trust OH just something i would have to check on .
You keep him on that sofa untill your ready hun :) . xxx .
ooooh, I'd be mad too wannababy, though I have to say sometimes men can do pretty dumb things.

Well, I'll be off tomorrow on my 10 day retreat, I'm pretty nervous about leaving my OH and going off (especially as I haven't been able to see a midwife since 15weeks :hissy:) but I will have no internet or phone so just in case anyone misses me, that's why :D
Wanababy I would be the same as you. Mad as f*/k! Like the others said try explaining to him why you feel so insecure, if he says it's just you you can say it's not. My DH has to keep reassuring me at the mo he's not gonna run off with a younger model.The stupid thing is I know that anyway!!! I think men just like to look popular on Facebook and have lots of "friends" even if they don't!!!! LOL. I look ath hubbys facebook acc too, even though there is nothing to hide on there. I'm sure being pg makes you feel more insecure anyway....and you're not fat you are PREGNANT!

Beancounter enjoy your ten days away..... have a lovely time and see you when you get back!!!

Gonna fly, Holby is on bbc Scotland and I missed it tues due to footie!!!!!:hug:

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