I'm sure you'll be OK MM, but good luck.
I'm just having a little break from the packing. I'm exhausted today, I feel like I did in the first trimester. We went out to see friends this morning and go do a few errands and when we got home I was like a zombie, just totally wiped out. Had some lunch and feel a lot better, so I just packed a crate of clothes. I now have my 2 pairs of maternity trousers, a small selection of tops and half a dozen items of underwear! The rest of my clothes are all packed and ready to go!
In the last few weeks I have managed to get rid of sooooo many clothes. I've filled two charity bin bags of wearable stuff and one and a half kirbside recycling boxes of old trousers that are all worn out at the crotch
I'm getting rid of two pairs of old slippers, underwear that hasn't come out of the drawer in five years, a thousand pairs of socks that I will never get around to darning and so much more!
Then there's all the paper that has been recycled, stacks and stacks of old magazines, bills (shredded, of course), catalogues, pads of order forms from when I was a Virgin Vie consultant, on and on. It's unbelievably therapeutic, clearing all this junk out. But at the same time I keep looking around the house and groaning because, despite everything that is already packed and all this stuff we have got rid of there is still so much to do
We're going out to say goodbye to all our Bristol friends tonight, so I'll have to catch up with Strictly in the morning. Have a nice evening folks.