Due March 09 Pregnancy Buddies

Wanababy - I'd be mad too. Try talking to him about it hun, now is not the time for arguments. I'm sure there is nothing to it though hun, men can have a way of just not realising what they are doing :dohh:

Bean - have a great time hun! Look after yourself and bubs and we'll see you when you get back :hug:
Bean - Enjoy your break!! Think I could do with one of them....

Thanks girls I don't feel as paranoid now knowing it would affect you lot the same. My mam said that its just not on and that he's immature and probably needs an ego boost! I've wound myself up so much about it that I cannot stand to even look at him. Luckily, he's on nightshift this week so we're passing ships in the night anyway.

I'll try talking to him maybe over the weekend (in the meantime, I've took the internet connection from comp and have it with me!) and I think few of you are right, the insecurities seem twice as bad when you're pregnant!!!


Wanababy atleast you can it isn't just you and being pregnant makes women insecure as it is. I canonly imagine how you must be feeling but yeah i'd be mad too!!

You enjoy yourself Bean and we will still be here waiting for you when you get back!!! Make sure you enjoy yourself hun xxx

I have another check up this morning with my consultant so hopefully he will be fine with my blood sugars and blood pressure so I won't have to see any one until my scan which is 3 weeks today!! SOOOOOO excited about that. But hopefully today will be fine xxx
Thanks again girls!! Its great to think you can come on here and get support/advice on whatever the problem is....

Good luck this morning Logie on your bloods etc, I'm sure everything will be fine, let us know!


Morning ladies.

Today is my last day at work before we move in 1 week!!!! I am making an apple and cinnamon crumble for work mates, instead of taking in the usual doughnuts etc. The cooking apples were donated by one of my colleagues, as she grows lots of fruit and veg.

Ugh, I am so tired though. The last two nights I've woken up in the wee hours and not been able to get back to sleep for hours. Night before last I tossed and turned for two hours, then got up and watched telly :-( last night/this morning I did finally doze off again at about 6, the alarm woke me 45 minutes later :-(

I think it may be bubs moving around a lot, I'm not that consciously aware of it, but maybe the activity is keeping me awake on an unconscious level? Last night while I lay awake I did feel a lot of movement, which was lovely :)

In what little sleep I managed to get I had a dream about my scan, which is next Wednesday. It was a bit weird, hubby wasn't there but then I realised and made the sonographer wait for him. I didn't think I was nervous about it, but maybe I am.
Oh, and check out the cuteness... one of our cats, Misty, loves to cuddle up to the bump. Sometimes he will full on straddle my belly with all four legs splayed out around it!! This is him a couple of evenings ago just nuzzled up under it:


  • Misty&Bump.jpg
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Cute cat and bump Shifter.

My app went well, he was pleased with my bp and my sugars and has said i have to see the midwife between now and my scan just once so that's ok!

I am just so excited about my scan now. I bet the baby has his legs crossed so we can't see properly :rofl:
Glad your appointment went well logiebear.

I have posted pics of my pram, engagement ring and one of some of my nursery goodies in my journal now just in case anyone wanted a nosey!

Ive had hardly any movement today so decided to lay on the sofa and poke baby about a bit and we ended up playing a little game, sooo cute, i poked it for a bit and then it kicked me, so i poked it again and it kicked me lol, eventually it turned over and started kicking my bladder... baby won!! I actually saw my belly moving when it kicked the first time... sooo cute! god knows how i can see my belly move and OH cant even feel it yet

so glad u love the pram hun :).
Shifter what a cutie of a cat .
Enjoy the break bean hun :).
Wannababy hun , Iam glad u feel allot better make him grovel a little longer watch him sweat it out lol .
Sorry its a quick message today girls , Had such a busy day ... Going to check baby coreys heartbeat he hasnt kicked since this morning , Im not worried sure he is just been lazy lol . xxx .
Aww Katie! I'm sure he'll feel it soon. I keep telling hubby that as he feels really left out at the moment :-(

Busy day ahead for me, seeing friends this morning for farewell brunch, then seeing biiiiig group of peeps tonight to say cheerio to them all. In between we have yet more packing to do. Feels like we'll never get it all done atm, but I'm sure it will all come together ok.

Hubby is still furiously Freecycling and Ebaying lots of junk, er, I mean, quality produce.... :rofl:

Anyway, gotta run....

Have a good Saturday everybody!
Hope everyones well ... I found coreys heartbeat fine last night so he must of been having a lazy day lol typical boy , Weekend comes he decideds to lay back and rest lol .

Iam sooooooo nervous today girls arghhhhhh , Since OH bless his cotton socks got put on part time work we have struggled very badly (Hes a contractor peace worker so it goes bad sometimes) .So last night i went for an interview and have myself a a little job .. Nothing much Im delivering for a new posh indian food place only 5 hours on a saturday but its an extra £35 a week for us , Iam just sooo nervous lol .
So i guess ill see u all tommorrow girls , Have fun watching strictly/x factor tonight . xxx .
I'm sure you'll be OK MM, but good luck.

I'm just having a little break from the packing. I'm exhausted today, I feel like I did in the first trimester. We went out to see friends this morning and go do a few errands and when we got home I was like a zombie, just totally wiped out. Had some lunch and feel a lot better, so I just packed a crate of clothes. I now have my 2 pairs of maternity trousers, a small selection of tops and half a dozen items of underwear! The rest of my clothes are all packed and ready to go!

In the last few weeks I have managed to get rid of sooooo many clothes. I've filled two charity bin bags of wearable stuff and one and a half kirbside recycling boxes of old trousers that are all worn out at the crotch :rofl: I'm getting rid of two pairs of old slippers, underwear that hasn't come out of the drawer in five years, a thousand pairs of socks that I will never get around to darning and so much more!

Then there's all the paper that has been recycled, stacks and stacks of old magazines, bills (shredded, of course), catalogues, pads of order forms from when I was a Virgin Vie consultant, on and on. It's unbelievably therapeutic, clearing all this junk out. But at the same time I keep looking around the house and groaning because, despite everything that is already packed and all this stuff we have got rid of there is still so much to do :-(

We're going out to say goodbye to all our Bristol friends tonight, so I'll have to catch up with Strictly in the morning. Have a nice evening folks.
Hang on a minute... I just went and packed two boxes full of towels and linen etc, which were in the airing cupboard, in the office, where hubby is. He was surfing the internet.

I moved the full boxes into the room we're piling all the packed stuff and realised that every box in there was packed by me.

I have had the packing tape, scissors and marker pen all week and hubby has not asked for it once.

What's going on here? An hour and a half ago he was telling me to take a break as I was so tired etc. But he hasn't lifted a finger since we got home! In fact, apart from doing all the Freecycle and Ebay stuff (which I do appreciate) he hasn't actually contributed towards the packing and sorting much at all.


I can tell what will happen, I will carry on getting all of my things and the "household" things packed and Thursday night I will walk around the house and see piles of his things that still need packing and he will still be sat at his computer! How is this fair?

I already packed all of his books for him (and he has a HUGE library of books - that makes it sound like we live in some sort of mansion, with an actual library, which we don't, but he has three tall bookshelves full). He hasn't touched his wardrobe or drawers... this doesn't look good ladies.

Sorry, needed to rant.
typical man, my OH didnt help much with the packing when we moved, he did the moving part but only because he had no choice! I think i packed everything but i didnt really mind to be honest at least i knew it was done well and i knew where everything was. If i left it to OH i'd have had rice in with bath towels or something!! lol

I have been worried today as not a lot of movement from baby, it had just given me a couple of kicks which is reassuring i think maybe its in a funny position and kicking somewhere with no nerves or something.

I decided to take OH to mothercare to have a look at some bits and bobs and he found a dressing gown he liked for baby and a little yellow outfit (he wanted more yellow as everything is beige and cream!) when we got home i decided to go up to babys room and hang it all up, well i got thinking and got my pram out, put a sheet on the mattress, got an outfit and laid it in the pram... then a blanket, a bottle, a bib, nappies and a burping cloth. decided to push it around the nursery juuuuust as OH walks in looks at me laughs and walks back out. ha ha i thought it was a cute idea, he thinks im mad!!!

please tell me its not just me who has done this!! im doubting my sanity at the moment... looked for reassurance from my sister but she is laughing too :S

Good luck for tonight MM, I'm sure you will be fine, I'd be asleep behind the wheel if it were me lol.

I have Nettle Rash tonight and I am twitching! It is unbelievable how much I am jumping and shaking with the pain of the ithc trying not to scratch EVERYWHERE!! I honestly think I'm gonna pop. Never had this before and it is just sooooooooooooo bad and random. I have taken an sntihitimine that NHS direct said is ok but we shall see if I get ANY sleep, like I'm not knackered enough!!!
I absaloutly love my new job , I got £6 in tips whooooo and a free meal of my choice , Wich OH assures me was very nice pmsl .
The people were lovely , Only one sad thing is comming home from a little village out the way i hit a fox ****HUGS*** ... i felt awfull , I did see it run off thow so i didnt kill it thank god , I hope it mends ok thow i really did feel horrid , I only passed my test last xmas and its the first time i have hit any animal i cried :( .
Awwwwww logie hun that sounds horrid are u aloud calomine lotion ?? , Iam sure some one told me thats good to cool and help all itches .. I hope it eases for you soon hun .
Shifter sweets , Tell yoru OH to get of his bum make you a drink and pack some more lol take a well earned rest hun :) .
And Katie i swear you are not crazy hun, Its a first time mummy thing to do and its lovely . xxxxx .
Katie, I have put a sleep suit inside a snuggly jacket and rested it on my bump to see if it looked like it would fit :rofl: I also laid the jacket under my chin and asked OH if he thought baby would look like me! So, no, you're not mad at all. I can totally imagine myself doing exactly what you did once we have our pram and are living in our new house with a decorated nursery :cloud9:

Logie - sorry about the rash hun, hope it clears up soon :hugs:

MM - glad your new job went well. Sorry about the fox though, they're tough little things so it will probably be ok.

I am back from seeing friends. Hubby is staying out late with some of them, going to a club. We had a little chat before we went out. I told him I was a bit miffed but that I did really appreciate the efforts he had made. He said he had been finding the whole thing very frustrating and like he couldn't help as there is no room anywhere. He wants to get on with dismantling furniture but everything still has stuff on/in it! We agreed to work together on it all more, coordinate our efforts and get one room clear at a time as much as is possible. So I feel much better now.

Sleep now...
Well my rash is cleared up this morning and I feel loads better! I looked it up and it appears to have been a nettle rash brought on by stress. Sitting in the Trafford Centre traffic for 2 fookin hours with the 3 kids and my hubby moaning lol.

Don't worry Katie, it isn't your sanity as I have done stuff like that with every baby!! lol
Ur not mad Katie..... well, maybe you are, but if so then WE all are too o at least you're not alone! hehehe

Glad your job went well MM!

Logie - good to hear your rash cleared up on it's own.

Shifter - Just think, this time next week it'll all be over..... :) Moving sucks at any time but while pregnant it's even worse coz no matter how much work is shared it feels like you're doing everything! (We moved about 6 weeks ago too) Keep smilin hun!

In my news - Hubby felt monkey kick for the first time last night! wooooo! He was poking my belly coz I had said that I sometimes did that to feel LO flutter around. But darling hubby kept poking long enough that monkey saved up lots of energy and kicked him right on the palm of his hand. Hehehe.
Don't think the big kicks are gonna be a regular thing just yet though coz it's gone back to flutters since then, but was exciting none the less!!!

Anyone interested in buying an almost new pink iPod Nano (8GB) with accessories, I have one for sale - going on ebay just as soon as i get round to it. Let me know if you want more info! x

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