Due May 3rd

Being induced in 30 hours :) getting sooo close!!

23 hours for me :happydance:

I'm having HORRIBLE contractions, though so I'm wondering if I will make it! I haven't been timing them so I'm not positive what they are at now but they started about 3 hours ago and were coming between 6 and 10 minutes. They slowed down a lot so i stopped timing. They hurt like a motherfucker though... Excuse my language but its bad :( It's not unbearable, though so I'm not going to go in. I am hoping they will fade away so I can get one more good night's rest before the induction!

I'm still losing my plug. Pretty disgusting and I'm wondering when it will stop? Also, since 2 days ago when my body cleaned out my bowels, I haven't gone.... So now I'm just hoping these contractions lead to a good bathroom trip so that I don't poop during delivery! I can't imagine it would be pleasant and I know that they usually clean it up so quick you don't notice but 2 days worth of shit all coming out during labor is a scary thought!
Being induced in 30 hours :) getting sooo close!!

23 hours for me :happydance:

I'm having HORRIBLE contractions, though so I'm wondering if I will make it! I haven't been timing them so I'm not positive what they are at now but they started about 3 hours ago and were coming between 6 and 10 minutes. They slowed down a lot so i stopped timing. They hurt like a motherfucker though... Excuse my language but its bad :( It's not unbearable, though so I'm not going to go in. I am hoping they will fade away so I can get one more good night's rest before the induction!

I'm still losing my plug. Pretty disgusting and I'm wondering when it will stop? Also, since 2 days ago when my body cleaned out my bowels, I haven't gone.... So now I'm just hoping these contractions lead to a good bathroom trip so that I don't poop during delivery! I can't imagine it would be pleasant and I know that they usually clean it up so quick you don't notice but 2 days worth of shit all coming out during labor is a scary thought!

Yay for induction! Not yay for the contractions and shit (literally and figuratively lol). I had some mild contractions one day and nothing ever since. I think it was from my cervical exam that morning. I worry about that too...pooping during labor. I am sure they have seen it all before, but that doesn't mean i want it to be me!
I hate you both above me! Ok I really don't I'm just a little jealous. I can add to your guys' toilet stories!

It's 1 am I can't sleep! I just got out the shower. I wish I lived alone right now so I could vacum and scrub the floor right this second! I feel dirty!

ANYWAYS do you guys have dogs? If you do and you love them please don't get mad at me for saying this but I hate dogs! I had my window open in my bedroom because its nice and cool out and it literally sounded like EVERY dog on my street was barking, and its not little dogs, it sounds like big dog barks!

My next door stupid neighbor had 2 dogs that were about 5 times my size each. They were huge and they would bark around the clock, my neighbor said they were terrors (inside the home) so she would leave them outside to bark and bark and bark and frickin bark! They would wake up my son at 6 am, during naps, and then when she would let them out after midnight! We finally told her about it, she apologized and said it would stop . . . I guess she meant it would stop FOR ONE DAY ONLY!

Anyway I sat and prayed and told god that if he would pleeeeeease get her to move I promised not to hurt the dogs! Well last week she moved and got a new neighbor who is very considerate of her surrounding neighbors. Love it!
Haha cuteness exactly! Sure they may have seen it all but doesn't mean I want it to be me!

Al Syr sorry to hear that! We have dogs. They only really bark when our neighbors are doing work on the house and we always make sure it never lasts more than 10 mins at a time. Our dogs are little, though so while easier to control, the bark is a bit more annoying in my opinion lol.

Speaking of inconsiderate neighbors! I just have to vent about this and I feel horrible for being angry but I really just can't help it! The family who lives across the street from us is a single mother and her two teenage children. Both children have autism. The daughter is high productivity? Sorry I'm not sure what the term is but she has the normal mental capacity of someone her age, so aside from having occasional sleepovers and having 5 teenage girls all laughing and joking outside early on the weekends, there's no problem whatsoever with her! She keeps to herself most of the time or maybe isn't home, I don't know. The son is like 15 but is severely autistic. He cannot speak full sentences and shouts and makes strange noises. He spends a lot of time outside and rides his scooter through all the large driveways on the block. Since becoming pregnant my nerves are bad and I just stay inside and avoid it because it makes me sad. But one two separate occasions, once when I was home alone, the boy has come and knocked on the door and once he realizes the dogs bark began BEATING on the door and shaking the door handle trying to get in. He laughs when the dogs start going crazy inside and will continue this for like 20 minutes.

Now I understand that he is grown but I feel his mother should be watching him. The last time we had this episode of the beating and trying to come in, my parents were out front five feet away from the door! Telling him, you need to go home go get your mom stop no etc. and he just continued to laugh and beat and of course out dogs are going insane! My thing is... This is just an annoyance now. I can handle it when it wakes me up but so help me when it comes a day that my newborn who hasn't slept all night is woken up from this behavior!

We are hoping that by putting a sign out front that announces the baby's birth (I kinda hate those signs cuz they always look tacky in the front yard, but thought it would give the neighbors warning) that the mother would be considerate enough to tell him to not ride through our driveway and to definitely not come beating on the door. But if it happens I'm going to have to go over and ask her to watch him and I'm scared that as a new tired mommy I'm not going to have the patience to be nice about it!

What do you ladies think? Sorry it's extremely long but this is something I'm seriously worried about and I understand that he cannot help it but his mother should be watching him. If we didn't lock out door and backyard he would just come right in.
Haha cuteness exactly! Sure they may have seen it all but doesn't mean I want it to be me!

Al Syr sorry to hear that! We have dogs. They only really bark when our neighbors are doing work on the house and we always make sure it never lasts more than 10 mins at a time. Our dogs are little, though so while easier to control, the bark is a bit more annoying in my opinion lol.

Speaking of inconsiderate neighbors! I just have to vent about this and I feel horrible for being angry but I really just can't help it! The family who lives across the street from us is a single mother and her two teenage children. Both children have autism. The daughter is high productivity? Sorry I'm not sure what the term is but she has the normal mental capacity of someone her age, so aside from having occasional sleepovers and having 5 teenage girls all laughing and joking outside early on the weekends, there's no problem whatsoever with her! She keeps to herself most of the time or maybe isn't home, I don't know. The son is like 15 but is severely autistic. He cannot speak full sentences and shouts and makes strange noises. He spends a lot of time outside and rides his scooter through all the large driveways on the block. Since becoming pregnant my nerves are bad and I just stay inside and avoid it because it makes me sad. But one two separate occasions, once when I was home alone, the boy has come and knocked on the door and once he realizes the dogs bark began BEATING on the door and shaking the door handle trying to get in. He laughs when the dogs start going crazy inside and will continue this for like 20 minutes.

Now I understand that he is grown but I feel his mother should be watching him. The last time we had this episode of the beating and trying to come in, my parents were out front five feet away from the door! Telling him, you need to go home go get your mom stop no etc. and he just continued to laugh and beat and of course out dogs are going insane! My thing is... This is just an annoyance now. I can handle it when it wakes me up but so help me when it comes a day that my newborn who hasn't slept all night is woken up from this behavior!

We are hoping that by putting a sign out front that announces the baby's birth (I kinda hate those signs cuz they always look tacky in the front yard, but thought it would give the neighbors warning) that the mother would be considerate enough to tell him to not ride through our driveway and to definitely not come beating on the door. But if it happens I'm going to have to go over and ask her to watch him and I'm scared that as a new tired mommy I'm not going to have the patience to be nice about it!

What do you ladies think? Sorry it's extremely long but this is something I'm seriously worried about and I understand that he cannot help it but his mother should be watching him. If we didn't lock out door and backyard he would just come right in.

You need to go tell her now. Tell her what he does and that you understand why he does it but that it is not ok at all! Also tell her if she does not fix it that you will find a way to get it fixed. Unfortunately I had to be the bitch neighbor and call the Humane Society on my neighbor. It is just not right how some sigh its are loud and don't care about the surrounding.

This boys mom should be watching him, she kind of seems like my sister. She drops off her kids at my moms when she is stressed so she does not have to deal with them. It kind of sound like this neighbor of yours might be doing the same thing. Letting him to outside so she can relax without him in the house and does not care who he bothers. So annoying!
Well the woman always seems high! She's very hippie like and just looks like she's completely baked at all times. Multiple times she's been outside making out with her boyfriend while the child does who knows what inside. Yes, he's grown physically but not mentally at all! Yesterday he was running around the street in only his underwear! She doesn't pay enough attention. And I think I'll definitely go have a talk with her if she's home before we leave for the hospital and just say that she knows what it is like to have newborns! The behavior won't be tolerated and my parents are both cops and her not watching a special needs child is considered negligence on her behalf! I am not afraid to file a report because its so saddening that the kid is just ignored so she can relax.
i can relate to the dog thing, but from the opposite perspective. We just moved with two large dogs that have been in a fenced in yard all their lives. They are too big and rowdy to keep in the house with the kids and our new house has no fence. We had to put them on chains in the yard and explained to our new neighbors that it may take them some time to adjust. We have been here 2 weeks and the first week, yes, they barked a lot at night and we apologized. The second week, they only bark when the neighbor's cat comes in our yard beating up my cat. They refuse to take their cat in at night, as I have started to do with mine, but they feel the need to come over at 5 in the morning to knock on our door and wake up our kids (who have school) to tell us that the dogs woke them up. IT IS YOUR FREAKIN CAT MAKING THEM BARK!!. And you don't expect a dog to have common courtesy, but you expect it from people...we have children here, you dick. Pardon my language, but seriously?? They are a very young newlywed couple with one cat, and I understand that they are not accustomed to sleeping through noise like we are, having 5 kids and another on the way...but you would think they would at least wait until morning to talk to us about it.
i can relate to the dog thing, but from the opposite perspective. We just moved with two large dogs that have been in a fenced in yard all their lives. They are too big and rowdy to keep in the house with the kids and our new house has no fence. We had to put them on chains in the yard and explained to our new neighbors that it may take them some time to adjust. We have been here 2 weeks and the first week, yes, they barked a lot at night and we apologized. The second week, they only bark when the neighbor's cat comes in our yard beating up my cat. They refuse to take their cat in at night, as I have started to do with mine, but they feel the need to come over at 5 in the morning to knock on our door and wake up our kids (who have school) to tell us that the dogs woke them up. IT IS YOUR FREAKIN CAT MAKING THEM BARK!!. And you don't expect a dog to have common courtesy, but you expect it from people...we have children here, you dick. Pardon my language, but seriously?? They are a very young newlywed couple with one cat, and I understand that they are not accustomed to sleeping through noise like we are, having 5 kids and another on the way...but you would think they would at least wait until morning to talk to us about it.

You have an excuse for your barking dogs though. My neighbor's dogs are indoor dogs, but just when she was fed up with them and didnt feel like dealing with them she would throw them outside.

Oh yes and one single only time this summer when I still had cats one of them ran outside and we figured he would come back. About 30 minutes after the cat went outside it started meowing in the back door, she immediately came over and said to hurry and let the cat back inside because the meowing was really annoying her. Well my cat was never ever ever outside before and like I said that was the only one single time and she was annoyed?

I was like WTF?!! Seriously? She gets bothered by the fact that she heard my cat meow for 2 minutes EVER but she's cool wolith her stupid dogs?!!

Anyway, it felt good to talk about my issues with her dogs, so glad they are finally gone.

So you ladies are getting induced tonight aren't you? Now I'm going to be abandoned here :-(
i am being induced at 5:30am...so 10.5 hours from now :) super excited!!. Misslatino was being induced 7 hours before me so i guess she goes in about 3.5 hours :)
Ill still update and wait with ya if I'm not too busy ;) you don't have much longer at all!
and i will not abandon you :) i want to know how the rest of your pregnancy goes! :)
And yep 3 hours and 29 minutes. I'm getting SUPER anxious and nervous as hell! I've re-cleaned the house about 5 times today!
I have been trying to rest today...sleep and eat until midnight so i have plenty of strength when the time comes :)
I've been napping on and off. I got a really good night's rest last night. Bout to have a light dinner and take a bath then head out!
Aaah! I am jealous! tomorrow i see my OB, I am going to tell him to induce me this weekend, if he says no or that there is no room in the hospital this weekend I am going to pee on him! :growlmad:
OMG I'm so excited! I keep on checking to see if you guys update! I'm watching you (on here)!!!!

and while I sit and watch I am about to pound 3 cans of prune juice . . . Maybe I'll finally push a monster out! No not the baby . . . a monster!
Lol we are in the car on the way to the hospital! I'm all of the sudden super emotional. Just keep praying over an over again that she's healthy and that god watches over us all and I'm usually not this spiritual! Can't believe its happening!!!!
Lol we are in the car on the way to the hospital! I'm all of the sudden super emotional. Just keep praying over an over again that she's healthy and that god watches over us all and I'm usually not this spiritual! Can't believe its happening!!!!

Congratulations! and good luck! Everything is going to be perfect and by tomorrow at this time you will have your baby in your arms! So exciting!
I am about to try to get some sleep before i go in...i have 5 hours and I am starting to get...scared honestly :( so many what-ifs in my head...just need to clear it... Best of luck Misslatino!! I will be checking as long as I am able to see how your's is going :)

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