If I end up being induced I'm probably going to throw this whole med-free conversation right out the window. I've read so much about how how and why Pitocin intensifies contractions. Nope. Not gonna do it.
Tess - in the US an "average" pregnancy doesn't receive any scans past 20 weeks, either. However, I have a feeling most doctors find reasons to get you extra scans, if they're there. So the 32 week scan came up because of my age. All my other growth scans were because of my fibroids. Any little reason that could maybe, possibly be an issue will likely get you a scan. This could be for monitoring and to be on the safe side, or it could be because the medical profession is a for profit industry and if a doctor can find a reason for a scan that insurance companies will pay for, why not bill for it, depending on how cynically you want to think about it. I suspect it's probably a little of both.
In any event, I don't personally mind. Scans are, in my mind, a pretty low/no risk intervention and I like the reassurance.
Insurance companies are rubbish, though. I mean - I suppose I'm grateful for them, but what they choose to cover vs what they don't is frustrating. I'm terrified to get the final bill after this baby arrives. As it is, I just received a $150 bill from my rhogam shot, which is standard procedure so I have no idea why my insurance company would've denied it.