Due Sept 2017

Merry Christmas Ladies!!!

Oh I know Tess. This part is annoying. I started spotting really light last night and its lighter now. So just waiting for AF to go full force now. My chest hurts like hell ugh..

So how did the kiddos do for Christmas?! Mine got money to start a college fund some toys and clothes. I can't wait for him to be big enough to understand whats going on.
We had a pretty picture perfect day, yesterday. It snowed all morning while we did breakfast/presents and then was gorgeously sunny in the afternoon for a walk/sled. So hard to be back to work today!
Merry Christmas, ladies!

We had a great Christmas! We went out Christmas Eve so we spent Christmas Day with just the four of us relaxing at home. Val seems interested in her little saucer but I think it'll be more popular in a couple weeks. Teddy got her to laugh for the first time, that was my favorite present ;)

Sorry about the BFNs, Ash. Hopefully you get some good news soon! I don't miss the stress of ttc...


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Aw that’s rubbish about the BFN Ash 👎🏼 I hope it happens soon for u guys.

So glad to hear you guys had such a fab time! Awww she’s gorgeous Chicago! She looks so big haha.

Oh our Christmas was 100% my best Christmas ever. We got snow too and I honestly don’t remember the last fine it snowed at Christmas! Zack didn’t have a clue what was going on but he still got spoiled by our relatives. We got him a jumperoo (well he got his sisters hand me down jumperoo lol) and I thought he would be too little for it but he actually loved it! He can’t bounce in it yet but he just loves being up right and smiles the whole time he’s in it. The reason our day was so good though is because my little Lucy doll is 3 now and this was the first year she really understood what was going on and the look on her face all day was absolutely priceless. I just felt so lucky all day to be surrounded by so much love and to have both of my beautiful, healthy children. It’s a magical time 😊 x
She's so big, Tess. She's wearing mostly 9 month clothes!

Christmas with the older kiddos is so fun, isn't it? Teddy really got it this year too, I loved it.
Chicago - We have that baby doll for Nora as well! She loves to love on her.

I agree - life is difficult and stressful and I do miss regularly getting a full night's sleep.. but this little family of mine is turning out to be more than I ever could've dreamed of. I can't even begin to express how excited I am to watch these kids grow up.
Savasanna, I couldn't resist it! It's a tiny version of the doll we got Teddy when I was pregnant so now they have matching babies. So far all she's done is try to latch on to its ear :haha:
Tess I’m so pleased everything turned out to be fine! I can’t imagine how scary that must be.

Ash- sorry about the bfn’s! They say the first 6 months after giving birth is your most fertile time so hopefully you catch it soon!

Sounds like everyone had a great Christmas. :)
Layla had her very first laugh on Christmas Day, the proper hearty chuckle and continuously done it for about 5 minutes! Day = made!!
She had her jumperoo, lots of clothes, books, singing toys and a crushed velvet top toy box with her name on (I guess the top is nice material so it can act as a seat as she gets older!)
Thanks ladies. Savasanna your little girl is a cutie pie.

Baby boy is starting to be so vocal with all he ohhhb and ahhh. He just melts my heart. He had a big belly laugh New Years Day. His Paw paw (my dad) was dancing for him and making silly sounds while his granny held him and he just started laughing. It made everyone's day.

Matts been sick the last few days and we are supposed to go to the Katy Perry Concert tomorrow night and this weekend is the big weekend for BD so I hope he feels up to it.

Baby bump that's what I heard too so I'm hoping we get it in. I almost want to stop doing the shettlers method but I really really want a girl lol.
I've heard about that method as well, but at the same time I became pregnant from a trigger shot (so inseminated RIGHT at ovulation) by frozen sperm, which is said to only have a life span of like 12 hours or something. So by that theory, I should have had a boy, but I didn't. Sometimes you just get what you get.
We took exactly the same approach (every other day the week leading up to ovulation and always the day of) with both kids and got one of each. I don't know that something like Shettles really makes a big difference, but it doesn't hurt anything beyond maybe making it take longer to conceive.
So who has started weaning their babies on to some solids? I’m thinking of starting Zack in the next 2/3 weeks because I think he’s ready. Can’t believe we are at that stage already!

Prob a strange question but do any of you have really sore arms lol? The tops of my arms have been so painful recently! I think it’s with Zack getting heavier and me constantly picking up the car seat and his changing bag then my daughter wanting carried too etc. It’s a real pain lol x
We've offered Chloe purees a handful of times, the first being on 12/31. She loves them! We don't do it everyday, but if I think about it while I'm feeding Nora I'll offer something to her as well.
We're holding off on solids, we'll do Babyled Weaning again since we loved it with Teddy. I'm looking forward to it, though!

I never carry the car seat if I can help it. Val is so big, even with one of the lightest seats on the market it's too much. I think she's about the same age I started leaving it in the car with Teddy, too. I'd just switch her but I want the option of using the car seat cover when I make DH carry her ;). As soon as the weather improves she'll probably get a convertible. She finally fits in my really supportive baby carrier and I'm so happy. I love ring slings for quick ups but they're hard on my back with a big baby and hard to chase toddlers in.
Oh, and she's properly laughing now! We've had a few little giggles but last night we got some big baby laughs when I was giving her a little wipe bath and it tickled. Teddy was so excited, he wants her to laugh all day now.
Aww - Chicago, that's so sweet! Chloe has literally been smiling since she was born, but we're also just starting to get some little laughs. With my older, she didn't properly laugh until she was much older, like closer to 1 almost. I forget that babies can give those belly laughs so young!

Before Chloe was born, we had this grand plan to use the bucket seat for as little of a time as humanly possible. We sort of hate our bucket seat. We've used it for years with so many babies, I think it's partially symbolic but we're so looking forward to being done with it. So we had planned to use it with Chloe for maybe 4 months and then switch her to a convertible (which also works as an infant seat). But then Chloe went ahead and turned into a FANTASTIC car seat sleeper. You strap her in and she's asleep by the time you put the car in reverse. I'm nervous that she won't sleep as well in the convertible car seat and I'll lose my good car sleeper. Also, it's somewhat convenient because my older is finally in a place where we can take her out to restaurants (long story - but she couldn't hang for a long long time). It's super easy because Chloe will fall asleep on the way to the restaurant, and then stay asleep in her car seat through 95% of our meals. Selfishly, I don't want to switch seats because then I'll have to wake her when we get to our destination.

So.. I'm not sure where that leaves us. Chloe is also teeny so she could stay in the bucket seat for a while still. Maybe we'll keep using it until she can property sit up on her own (ie - can be put in a high chair?). I'm not sure.

Kids, man. Going and ruining your perfectly thought out plans by being individuals. What's up with that? ;)
I'm waiting to start solids until I see signs that his gut has closed- sitting up properly unassisted. Im going to do BLW too so that can be a later start anyway. It will be fun though when we do eventually start, he's already staring our food down!

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