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end of april due dates updated with list

Feff, i dont think the heat pads did anything LOL maybe they will be ok if i get sore boobs though :haha: its so hard not to get hung up on bf'ing it feels like the center of the universe when your in hospital with them and every time the midwife/health worker are round i feel bad cos i cant get him to bf but i am expressing...its hard work i have to say! formula feeding is defo an easier way to go but i want to try and give him breast milk as long as i can so he can get the good bits but my sis formula fed my niece from birth and she is happy and healthy 6 yr old :thumbup:

How did your sweep go hun? Sorry i cant get on as regular as usual, its hard between feeds and expressing takes up so much time :wacko: if only he would bf it would be a lot easier and quicker :dohh: ihave a feeling she wont be long if she not here already :happydance: xxx

Thanks Jenny :hugs: i didnt have a chance to be a wimp lol as they got me on the gas and air and i was out of it haha! but if not for that i would have been the same for sure :thumbup: did you have your sterilization too hun? how are you recovering now? I didnt believe DJ was mine in the operating room :blush: he didnt look anything like i expected haha so silly :dohh:

Louise congras on baby William :hugs: how is he getting on? x
Congratulations Jenny :) hey, nothing wrong with ginger hair :winkwink: oh don't worry about being scared, it was a big operation it's no wonder you were afraid! Hope you're both doing well :) :flower:

Congratulation Louise :) he didn't want to keep you waiting lol!

Oh no Smanderson :dohh: yeah maybe they'll help in the future! I'd like to give her all the goodness that comes with breast milk but it's just convenience as self centred as that sounds :dohh: I was breast fed and I still get ill all the time :haha: most of the people I know were formula fed and they turned out fine so I'm not worried about that :)

Didn't go well :( she attempted to do it but couldn't because I haven't started effacing or dilating and my cervix is still thick! Was so disappointed, and it bloody hurt :wacko: booked my induction for the 12th just in case I go over that far :( I don't think she'll be here anytime soon :haha: she's just comfy :thumbup: oh that's fine, I bet it does too! You'll get into the rhythm soon I expect :flower: xxx
I think you have to find a balance that works for you hun, you will know more when she is here what you want to do, i never even considered BF not working :dohh: i just assumed it would be a case of feeding through the pain but as it is i dont have pain he just wont feed from me :cry: But in terms of convenience i guess expressing is as close to formula convenience with the benefits of BF but its not easy as your stuck on the pump the whole time so probs not that convenient LOL especially when you have studies to keep on top of!

Ohh noo! Shame it didnt work hun :hugs: at least you know you have the induction date now so if she doesnt come before you know you will have her on or soon after the 12th :happydance: Not long now hun :hugs:
Yeah I think formula feeding would be best for us, it is quite disappointing but obviously I can't change the circumstances! Oh no :( is it just his latch or does he just refuse to feed from you? He's a stubborn boy :winkwink: yep that's the problem lol! I would like to do it it's just not going to work I don't think :( I'm not gutted about having to formula feed or anything anyway, I've kept my mind open all throughout being pregnant about feeding thank god :thumbup:

Yeah I'm glad in a way I've got that date for definite I just feel like a bit of a failure :wacko: in your case it was more for health reasons I just feel like I'm doing something wrong so she doesn't want to be here! Stupid hormones :haha:
I know exactly what you man about feeling a failure, i really feel this especially with all the health issues then the induction and then the section and now the bf failure :dohh: all i can say is i just keep trying LOL and loads of ladies have inductions so try not to worry about it if it comes to that :thumbup: its hard not to feel that way though i really do knwo where your coming from :thumbup:

You have done well to keep your mind open hun, i seem to have been brain washed by the hospital LOL :dohh: As long as you are both happy and healthy thats all that matters :thumbup::hugs:

mmmm sleepy!!! huby taking over aby dutyfr a few hours so i can shower and catch some snoozes :happydance:
We should try to use different words lol failure sounds such a nasty word but it's just what fits! :dohh: in a few years I bet we'll be looking back and thinking 'what the hell were we talking about?!' It's just you want everything to be perfect don't you so when things don't go to plan it's a big shock :(

I expect I'll start to waiver a bit when I'm in hospital, there's 'breast is best!' posters everywhere :dohh: yep definitely :thumbup:

Oh that's good, how's the sleeping now? Have you took DJ out yet now the weathers been nice? I hope you're healing well from the section :hugs:
Change of plan, I think my waters just broke! :rofl: I'm shaking so much I can hardly type this lol! Will keep you updated if it turns out to be anything or just a false alarm xx
Change of plan, I think my waters just broke! :rofl: I'm shaking so much I can hardly type this lol! Will keep you updated if it turns out to be anything or just a false alarm xx

Oh my god!! Exciting!!! Keep us updated :hugs:
Change of plan, I think my waters just broke! :rofl: I'm shaking so much I can hardly type this lol! Will keep you updated if it turns out to be anything or just a false alarm xx

OMG!!!! OMG!!! Just seen this!!!!!!! So excited for you hun!!! Best of luck and keep us posted :hugs: eeeeeaaaakkkk!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: xxxxxxxx
She's here! She was finally delivered via emergency forceps at 12.47pm today, weighing 7lb 10oz :) ill update more when I'm home, staying in overnight just to make sure everything's okay :hugs: xxxxx
She's here! She was finally delivered via emergency forceps at 12.47pm today, weighing 7lb 10oz :) ill update more when I'm home, staying in overnight just to make sure everything's okay :hugs: xxxxx

Congratulations!! Well done! Nice weight! Can't wait to see pics!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Congratulations hun :happydance: :hugs: looking forward to reading your story and seeing pics of your gorgeous little lady :flower: hope your recovering well and enjoying lots of snuggles and skin to skin :cloud9:
Thanks ladies :) will write a birth story a bit quick even though I'm supposed to be napping :winkwink: well after being very fed up of being pregnant on Thursday I thought I'd eat some pineapple (which turned into a whole pineapple :haha: ) and bouncing quite hard on my ball! While I was bouncing I felt the baby move down and I thought oooh maybe I won't have to be induced on the 12th after all, so I was bouncing really high and hard then for about half hour then I got bored :haha: at about 11 I went to the toilet and as I stood up I felt a trickle and just thought it was more wee, pulled my undies up and went to walk out of the bathroom and felt another trickle so I started panicking lol. Called my mam into the bathroom whilst I was sat on the toilet and small gushes were coming from me, so she calmed me down and stopped me shaking (was literally trembling!) and told me to phone the hospital who told me to come and get checked :thumbup: was just having little tightenings at this point but my mam thought I was making them up from nerves :dohh: got to the hospital and got checked with a speculum and they said my cervix was still closed and very posterior but it was probably my hind waters that went, and to come in the next day at 10pm to be induced :( left the hospital at about 1am, and as soon as I got in the car I was having quite bad periody feeling pain, again my mam thought I was being a wuss and nothing was happening because the midwife just checked me :haha: got home soon after and the contractions started getting really bad and lasting about 1 minute with 2 minutes in between, I had no sleep and was shattered! At about 5 I couldn't cope anymore and even though she STILL didn't believe me my mam rang again and told them so they told her to bring me down again. Got there and checked and I was 3cm (wasn't expecting that at all!) and they were admitting me :) just had gas and air and pethidine which was enough, I didn't need the epidural which I was so shocked at! It's a bit blurry after that, but I know I got checked again because I needed to push so bad and was 7cm and I had to not push until I was 10 which was so hard :dohh: got moved not long after because I was finally 10cm and I could push, omg I was like an animal :rofl: grunting and groaning like a pig haha! After pushing for around an hour the doctor came and checked me and as she did she felt the baby turn around so she was back to back :dohh: everything seemed to happen really fast then, I had to sign a form to say I was willing to have a spinal and forceps because I wouldn't be able to get her out, and at the same time keep pausing because I needed to push even though I knew it was pointless :( my waters were everywhere at this point and I swear I should have started charging people to check my bits and I would be a rich woman :rofl: got to theatre and I had to keep stopping them from going near my back because I needed to push, my waters were all over the floor within minutes :haha: I remember a doctor giving me a drip and I grabbed his finger because I started pushing and he was like 'um, could I have my finger back please?' So embarrassed :dohh: everybody was so lovely and helped me understand what was happening so I wasn't so scared :) got my epidural and omg the relief! Not having to stop every minute to push was lovely :haha: so finally they turned little miss trouble and helped me to get her out and she was born at 12.47pm yesterday! She had a mighty pair of lungs on her as soon as she came out :haha: she was 7lb 10oz and in her notes it says on her apgar scores she had 9 at 1 minute and 10 at 5 minutes (I don't know what it means but it sounds good :winkwink: ) we both had to stay overnight but we're home now thank god, she's absolutely perfect! She looks exactly like me :haha: I decided to name her Elodie Rose in the end! Right I'm going to catch up on my sleep now, I'll try and put pictures up soon but I'm on my phone so I have to work it out :dohh: xxxxxx
Congratulations and what a pretty name. I'm trying the pineapple tonight. X
Wow, loved your birth story Feff!!! you do have a way with words, made me chuckle a few times :haha::winkwink: so glad your both safe and well, make sure you rest up hun :flower: sounds like they took good care of you at the hospital, its scary when it doesnt go as you though eh? Dont you just love gas and air!?!?! I love how it made everything fuzzy, lets face it, sometimes its better to be fuzzy on the details! :wacko:

Looking forward to pics and Elodie Rose is such a pretty name :flower:
Well done Feff! Sounds like you were very brave. Glad she is safe and sound! Get sleep whilst you can! Although I think I spent the first 48 hours just staring at Bjorn!
Looking forward to seeing pics! Xx
Smanderson I think I'm still all doped up on gas and air :haha: that was good stuff haha! Aw thank you, yeah we're both fine now :) just a little sore from the stitches that's all! Yeah it was, I was gutted I had to have an epidural, I was expecting to have one because I thought I wouldn't be able to handle the pain but going through it all without one and then having to get it because she turned back to back :wacko: she's a little bugger :haha:

Thanks rooster :) I tried to be as much as I could! Lol I've tried to get as much as possible, I can't stop looking at her either :haha: she's so beautiful! Xxx
Awww bless you, its so lovely getting to know their face and all their little expressions isnt it :cloud9: cant wait to see a pic of your gorgeous little lady :flower:

Ohh dont worry about having the epi hun, in a few days time it wont mean anything, it was just how they helped her get here safe :thumbup: i was devastated about my birth experience, it frightened the life out of me but after a week i realised it doesnt mean anything, he is here safe and sound and we have our whole future to look forward to as a family :happydance:

How is she feeding? DJ took a few days to get used to feeding but now he is a greedy munchkin :haha: he even has chubby arms!!!
I'll try and get a picture up soon, I haven't had the time really! :haha:

Yeah that's true, it's just because everything happened so quick I think! I would have let them do anything to get her out at that point I think lol.

She's a bit better now but still could be better! She's really windy so I try to give her an ounce and then wind her but she's too lazy to bring her wind up so she'll fall asleep as you're tapping her back :dohh: she's quite grizzly today but she was really good last night :) oh love him lol! Elodie's got rolls of fat on her legs and arms too, so cute :haha:

I'm so sore from where they cut me, I'm aching everywhere too especially the top of my belly and my arms :wacko: and my boobs are hurting too, I was expecting just my bits to ache but I feel like I've been beat up :haha:
Its taken me ages to even get a chance to read this :wacko: DJ is constntly feeding or pooping at he minute :wacko: e has put on 10 oz in 4 days though!!! he is now 7lb 11oz

Have you tried her with infacol? i heard its really good for colic or trapped wind :thumbup: and i think its pretty normal for them to be so snoozy this early hun :thumbup: she will probably start being more awake as the days go on :flower: DJ is now awake quite alot and seems happy just staring at things :haha: so cute :flower:

aww bless you all achy and sore, you went through a lot so its not surprising hun, make sure you get as much rest as you can and whenever someone offers to help snap their hand off!!! :thumbup: i always try to get visitors to feed him LOL its nice for them and a good break for me :happydance:

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