I was sick for a few months a couple of years ago, lots of staying home and if I HAD to go to a social occasion (birthday, engagement party, etc), I was thoroughly miserable, in pain, and unable to drink due to medication. People got so used to it that I think if I did start the same behaviour again but due to pregnancy they wouldn't bat an eye, very handy! All I'd have to do is say "remember two years ago when I was sick for months? It's that again". It's like an ace in my pocket

Although sometimes I don't drink and friends don't even notice, if I know they are all going to be getting very drunk and I don't feel like it I just play along, take a glass of wine, sip it for hours, say "yes I know I'm boring" and that's it.
Funny that I'm the Irish person here and I'm the one that finds it quite easy to bow out of drinking, and my close friends aren't big drinkers either! Take that stereotypes!
I'm bored of waiting for O, the fact that my cycle has coincided almost exactly with the dates of the month makes it feel so much longer because I can count the actual days/weeks passing, testing isn't until 21st, that's AGES away.