End of August Testing Party Thread, Join me!

Congrats Zub! Maybe try a different brand of test? x
Congrats, Zub! I know nothing about tests either so I can't comment on the faint line, but so excited for you!!!

As far as the drinking goes, I'm with MnG on this, that it would never work with my lush friends! ;) I finally decided to just tell our super close friends when it happens anyways, it's so much easier that way. But only the super close ones. Those would be the people I'd want to cry to if I mc anyways, so I figured why not.

MnG, last summer we went on a weekend getaway with 2 of our close couple friends to my grandma's place at the lake. This was our second getaway like this with these couples, and we tend to drink quite a lot on these trips. A couple of weeks after we got back one of the couples announced to us that they were pregnant and had just gotten through the first trimester. I was shocked at how well she had managed to pull off that weekend with making it seem like she was drinking right along with us, when in reality she wasn't drinking at all! Most of the time she was drinking "mixed drinks", where we assumed she was putting the alcohol in and she wasn't. And times were we poured sample beers and handed them out to everyone, she just had her husband down hers while nobody was looking, or said she wasn't a fan of that particular one and gave it to him. So he was kind of drinking for 2 that weekend. I was impressed with her stealthiness! I even heard her quietly order a frozen drink virgin style when we went out to a bar...when I quietly asked her about it, she said all the alcohol from the weekend was bothering her stomach. I have Crohn's and get an upset stomach pretty easily so I just commented back on how it was starting to upset mine too and went about my merry way! I had no idea they were even trying and she'd hid it so well the rest of the weekend so the thought of her being pregnant didn't even cross my mind! Ha! So it IS possible to be stealthy! Just a lot of work! :)
I was sick for a few months a couple of years ago, lots of staying home and if I HAD to go to a social occasion (birthday, engagement party, etc), I was thoroughly miserable, in pain, and unable to drink due to medication. People got so used to it that I think if I did start the same behaviour again but due to pregnancy they wouldn't bat an eye, very handy! All I'd have to do is say "remember two years ago when I was sick for months? It's that again". It's like an ace in my pocket :) Although sometimes I don't drink and friends don't even notice, if I know they are all going to be getting very drunk and I don't feel like it I just play along, take a glass of wine, sip it for hours, say "yes I know I'm boring" and that's it.

Funny that I'm the Irish person here and I'm the one that finds it quite easy to bow out of drinking, and my close friends aren't big drinkers either! Take that stereotypes! :D

I'm bored of waiting for O, the fact that my cycle has coincided almost exactly with the dates of the month makes it feel so much longer because I can count the actual days/weeks passing, testing isn't until 21st, that's AGES away.
I got two lines!! I am in total shock. And petrified. The test line is so light and I'm already 19dpo. That's bad isn't it? And I've been sort-of spotting since 12 dpo. This is my first positive test - even the fmu on Wed was negative. My other terror is my beautiful, gorgeous daughter has down syndrome - it went undetected in my preg. My husband wouldn't cope with another experience like that (even though she is his absolute treasure). I can't believe I'm preg!!!

Congrats! :happydance: Pics? Don't forget It is possible to get a bfp a week after expected AF.
Can you test again with a 4 hour hold?
When we were trying for Caleb I constantly missed out on stuff thinking "well I'll probably be preggers then" and then I wasn't. It was so frustrating. This time I'm not missing out on anything. If I end up pregnant then I'll work it out then. It was a tough lesson to learn because it took us over two years to get the BFP. When I think back on all I missed out on. Grrrr. I'm especially pissed I missed my cousins wedding in Las Vegas. Not happening this time around

im like this too- after it taking 12 months with my son and has been 8 months and 2 mc this time i have stopped missing out on things "just in case" I did it for a long time and can't live like that forever!

Congrats Zub Zub!!
Wow lots to catch up on!

Congrats Zub! FX that line gets darker for you. And if you have another special needs child obviously it will be tough but you will love him/her just as much as your dd - try not to stress about it as it is out of your control.

I am on cd8 - last month I got +OPK on cd23 - started vitex though so we'll see.

Can you really not go on theme park rides during 2ww??! That would not have occurred to me. Would it really affect anything that early??

Also I know drinking is bad for fertility but as I am in the wait to O, had a long week, and my brother-in-law is visiting I expect to get entirely trashed tonight. I barely drank at all for the past few years due to medications. I went off those meds to TTC so it is kind of nice to be able to drink a bit when not in the 2ww.
I have no problem drinking during the tww up to a BFP except on a medicated cycle. I figure when you are paying sooooo much money why take any risks at all no matter how small. I'm not sure what the deal is with the amusement park rides. I have extreme motion sickness so I wouldn't go near one no matter what. Lol. Have fun getting trashed with your brother. Sounds like fun!
hmm i don't understand the amusement park rides... most of the tww the embryo wouldn't have even implanted yet- i wonder what the reason is??

have a good night Mintastic!
Congrats Zub Zub! Have a H&H 9 months! :)

I think the worry with amusement parks in the TWW is that the vibrations/rapid movements could prevent implantation from happening properly or at all! I've heard some people don't even do running or strenuous exercise in the TWW for the fear of stopping implantation happening.

Oh and I've tried the whole antibiotics thing in the TWW before with my colleagues (people at my work drink quite heavily on big nights out about once a month) and immediately they all started joking with me saying I was pregnant. Unfortunately nothing happened that month and I had a bit of a breakdown in front of two of my friends/colleagues the next big night out when I was drunk telling them about our troubles TTC. After that I decided it was stressing me out too much thinking about all the stuff I couldn't do/eat/drink in the TWW so decided to just live life to the full and no worry about it until I get a BFP.

hmm i don't understand the amusement park rides... most of the tww the embryo wouldn't have even implanted yet- i wonder what the reason is??

I think it's just a way of being super cautious in case anything stops pregnancy, but yeah during tww it wouldn't make a difference. A friend of mine had a baby quite young and was in denial for a few months of it, she said she can't believe now she was 4-5 months pregnant and regularly went to a theme park with her friends who had no idea she was pregnant, and he's a healthy happy 11 year old now :)

When our parents were having babies the advice was completely different and they could eat and drink pretty much what they wanted, had some very strenuous jobs etc and there weren't many problems as consequences of that so I would be fairly relaxed about most things, unless they are "proper" warnings like drinking much or often during pregnancy, the big food ones like Iron etc. My mum always says she remembers when I was born the woman in the bed next to her was having her 5th baby and not only could visitors smoke in the hospital but so could the mothers, and that mom was brushing cigarette ash off her new baby's head when it fell from her lit cigarette in her mouth :shock:
Personally I don't like roller coasters so I tend not to go to theme parks but I run at least 3-4 times a week and I don't plan to stop during the tww or actually probably during early pregnancy I have been running for about 4 years and I don't see why it would do any harm obviously I will double check with my doctor when the time comes I guess in a way I am trying to keep everything pretty much the same as it was before we started ttc
I'm just "meh" today. Working 12 hrs today and probably tomorrow, no day off in sight til Thursday at least. (Bang head here lol)
At least the week should keep me busy to get me to O day!

How are you Loobs?
I have been running for about 4 years and I don't see why it would do any harm obviously I will double check with my doctor when the time comes I guess in a way I am trying to keep everything pretty much the same as it was before we started ttc

The guideline here anyway is you can keep doing any exercise you previously are used to, just not to start new ones that might exert you more. I love running, only started last year but hurt my knee not long after, it's still not right :(

I'm ok today. Had a long day at work, now I have a charming headache from the stress and the humid muggy weather. All I want to do is curl up and stay in but we're going to a party, ugh. Haven't been utilising fertile days at all as we're both so busy with work. Mañana!!
I am mostly okay today. My brother-in-law came over and is helping DH paint the kitchen. It is a good thing but I am cranky and keep feeling like they are in the way or moving my stuff and I just want to be in my pajamas and watching TV but I just got home from work and I have so much laundry and paperwork to do I can't even relax.
Ok had a bit of a headache been a bit boring today cleaning the house and going to b&q with husband plan to watch crappy tv now and mooch about .
Gosh I thought I had a quiet weekend. Now I don't feel so antisocial lol
We've had friends over this afternoon but a quiet night in tonight and a fairly chilled day lined up tomorrow.

I had a little dark brown blood when I wiped before (tmi sorry), I'm so hoping it's implantation bleeding. The timing would fit if my opk was right as I'd now be about 7 or 8 dpo. I had implantation bleeding with my daughter but don't remember it being quite this dark...how long do you think I should wait to test for the elusive BFP??
We've had friends over this afternoon but a quiet night in tonight and a fairly chilled day lined up tomorrow.

I had a little dark brown blood when I wiped before (tmi sorry), I'm so hoping it's implantation bleeding. The timing would fit if my opk was right as I'd now be about 7 or 8 dpo. I had implantation bleeding with my daughter but don't remember it being quite this dark...how long do you think I should wait to test for the elusive BFP??

I think I read somewhere with IB. . If indeed that's what it is. . Then give it 3 days.
Sending you lots of sticky :dust:

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