End of August Testing Party Thread, Join me!

I can even understand the fear of holding then when they're super small (not that I'm scared but it seems to make sense that some people would be) but it makes me laugh that my hubby is like that even when they're like 9 months! Guess he hasn't been around babies much! :)

Lithodora, that's funny! I don't know how you guys do it with not trekking anyone you're trying. I am horrible at keeping secrets and just get too excited and end up blabbing! All of my close friends know! I just can't help it. Good for you for staying strong! :D

I know what you mean, I haven't even reached I day yet! This sure is a long game full of waiting...
Man, first time posting on my phone...ugh. I meant TELLING anyone, not trekking. And I haven't reached O day yet, not I day. It should hopefully be soon though!
Im AWFUL at keeping secrets, the only way I can do it is to avoid people altogether. When we got engaged but were waiting to get the ring I avoided my friends all week because I would have to tell and we wanted to tell parents first obviously. We have quite a big secret we're keeping about a family member of my husband's...We've both told friends lol and had to swear them to secrecy! Luckily they are better at it than us!

The only thing keeping me from telling them is that I couldn't handle them being disappointed every month it doesn't happen, two of them would do such sad faces. Especially when we'll be stopping ttc after this month, they'd constantly be secretly hoping we'd slip up ha!
Whomever mentioned hubby holds the dog but is scared to hold a baby..that's my husband to a T!!

Friends of his had a baby 2 yrs ago and I talked hubby into holding him (cause you HAVE to see what the guy that you might marry looks like holding a baby :haha:)
Anyway it took a lot of talking hin into it especially after he mentioned all babies cry when he holds them.... low and behold not 1 minute later this baby is WAILING at the tops of his lungs... poor hubby! Ha doomed and all I could do is laugh lol

Then a year ago another friend had a baby and again...screaming when hubby held him. I just don't get it :-k. Hopefully when we have one there will be no crying.
The only thing keeping me from telling them is that I couldn't handle them being disappointed every month it doesn't happen, two of them would do such sad faces. Especially when we'll be stopping ttc after this month, they'd constantly be secretly hoping we'd slip up ha!

This is my biggest regret. A few select friends know we are ttc and I wish I never said anything. I get a few messages each month asking for updates and "good news". I hate saying "oh, H has issues" OR "they put me on Clomid". Now I think like they all feel bad for me. . At least they stopped asking and I don't have to make excuses.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot. So .. I am on CD 7 supposedly of my new cycle today...

July clomid round ... dtd when I "listened" to my body -- (when I was super horny) and a couple of other times. One problem.. I forgot to take my CD7 clomid and took it on CD 10. Anyway. On July 29 which was CD27 (late for me since my cycles are 22-25 days I spotted. CD 28/CD1 I had a light period. CD29/CD2 had nothing... then CD 30/CD3 had one spotting incident.. kept a pad on all day nothing. CD31/CD4 Brown stuff came out - light brown almost like flesh only when I wiped. Boobs still sore etc.

I considered it .. and still consider it a period.... Anyway.. I am traveling for work .. so -- I used up my last HPT on CD5/CD6 (CD32/CD33) both BFN.
I cam home yesterday CD6 for a layover before I left again. Amazon had delivered Wondfo... I grabbed some packets... flew off . This am before I flew out -- I peed into a cup.. and tested .. Faint line :wacko: <-super confused. I used three strips -- two for LH one for HCG apparently there were HCG tests in the OV kit ....

Hmmm... So I get in this morning hubby and I dtd... tested ALL of the HCG negative but LH super strong <--what ?? I can't because I am not able to ovulate considering period ...just finished. Anyway... I found an old EPT... faint positive. Ok -- so -- I am not going to test until the weekend - but could it be that I was preggers and didn't know ... if so - I am glad I made the call not to take CLOMID .... super defects on early development for baby. Called my doctor ... she said "Your cycle moved out to CD 27 -- wow... She ordered lab tests to draw blood.

I will go on Thursday ... just because I don't really want to know. What if it's ectopic? Maybe this is why I am cramping.

Also, she said that with my first pregnancy military records show that between 1-16 weeks my twin pregnancy (my eldest daughter was the only surviving twin) not HCG was detected in my monthly urinalysis... That was 14 years ago-- I didn't even know they HCG -- i thought it was just a drug test. Truth is I found out I was pregnant on physical for Iraq deployment and I was 18 weeks by then... and no i wasn't showing -- I just had bigger boobs and felt bloated... I thought it was because I kept eating Chinese from the place off the base. Wow. I am gobsmacked. I have all the symptoms ... but really being preggers and not testing positive... and having said that .. if indeed implantation completed a fews days ago... then I wouldn't test positive right away.

WOW right?
Two outcomes. HPT fluke and I continue on my first organized cycle. I am BBT charting, CM charting and OPK testing...

OR I am preggers and .. well then I am done TTC.

To be continued....
Gutted. Went to the loo this morning and heard something hit the water, when I looked I briefly saw a little grey ball. I've since had a lot of clots with af. I assume by early af and this grey ball that the egg fertilised but failed for implant for some reason. I'm so disappointed and sad. Does anyone know why an egg may fail to implant? Need to ensure I can make a better home for it next time...


I had a gray pasty clump come out on my last cycle which may or may not have been unsuccessful. -- I saw it when I wiped. Are you on Clomid? I had never seen that before either. If there is no implantation ... its bleeding not gray paste like I saw. Describe it -- what was it like?
BeavertonMom, I hope it was just IB! Fx'd for you!!!!
MnG, your poor husband! That had me cracking up though! ;-) I haven't ever even been able to get him to TRY with a young baby. We'd only been together about 4 months when my youngest nephew was born and he refused no matter what I tried. About a year later, I looked up one day when the kids were over to see my now hubby holding him. I tried not to make too big a deal out of it so as not to scare him out of it. ;-) One of his best friends had a baby last December...nope, still won't hold him.

I told my closest friends because I was so excited to start trying, but once it actually happens I wanted to wait to tell anyone except close family until after the first trimester. But then I realized I should have kept my big mouth shut on when we were going to try if that's the case, otherwise they're constantly going to be playing detective with me, looking for signs that I am. So I finally just decided to tell our closest friends when it does happen...it's way easier on me and will let them stop scrutinizing my every move! I hope it doesn't take too long (besides for the obvious reasons) so they're not asking me all the time or feeling sorry for me, since they do know. :-/
BeavertonMom, that sounds promising! Good luck, FX for you!
Emski and Lithodora: Love camping!! We go about every second weekend in the summer. I live on west coast Canada- Vancouver Island. Saw my first bear this weekend.. Only lived here for 37 years :haha:

Hope everyone is doing well sending :dust: to you all. AFM: not sure what is up with my body. Already having O pains and huge glob of ewcm!! :shrug:
Me and hubby said we weren't going to tell anyone we were TTC but I ended up telling my BFF, my two sisters and two friends at work! Whoops!

A couple of weeks ago me and hubby had a heart to heart and he asked if I'd told one of my sister, as he knows I'm close to her, and I said no. Then he looked at me that way and said "are you sure?" as he knew I was lying - so I admitted I had. He knows me too well! :haha:

At first the sister I'm close to kept asking me every month if there is any news, but now as time has gone on she doesn't ask any more. My second sister hasn't mentioned it since I told her. And my BFF and friends at work only mention it if I bring it up first which is good!

Originally we discussed telling close family when we do get pregnant but the longer time has gone on I would like to try and wait until after the first trimester before telling anyone as I don't want to jinx anything. We live a 2 hour drive from all our family and don't see them too often so I may manage it! But I know I'm crap at keeping secrets as I get so excited! :)

Afm - after my supposedly 'Peak' OPK on Monday evening, my temps are still low and I've been getting 'low' readings ever since :confused:

I'm thinking it was a false 'Peak' reading cus when I ejected the stick afterwards it was flooded and once it was dry there was hardly a second line there, let alone it being darker than the control line! Temps say I've not ovulated yet anyway which is good as me and hubby haven't been up to DTD the past couple of days.

Morning Ladies

Woo I missed loads last night had to work late and by time I had gotten in a cooked dinner it was pretty late :( I have always had pets I grew up with dogs, we have a 7 month old kitten who loves being picked up he lets you carry him around like a baby hes a bit of a softie and hubby carry's him around. I think he will be ok holding a baby
@ Lit I went to bed and went straight to sleep so tonight we plan to get down to business not that it matters I am no where near O yet we are just going to try every other day going forward.
@ MnG my god you work long days are you a nurse or something a long those lines ?

How is everyone today ?
Morning :)

My app suggested yesterday was most likely for O. Sunday I had a bit of breast pain, yesterday I had minor twinges once or twice in my lower abdomen, and today I have very definite twinges and cramping, and based on cm it seems I am still pre-O, I think. Dtd is scheduled for this evening as it's the last fertile day by my app, but who knows! Ah the romance of it all! :)

Re: the menfolk holding babies, my husband is quite good with them from about 3 months onwards, he has nieces and nephews and was a teenager when he was helping out with his youngest siblings. He's pretty bad with them when they are newborn to 8 weeks old, but I genuinely think it's because he has huge hands, it's awkward for him to hold them and move them gently and smoothly!
Morning girls! Happy Wednesday (though for you in the UK it's lunch time)

I work as an aide in a hospital right now. The long hours are mostly easy OT. I'll be 1 on 1 with patients and hey, for OT it's easy $. Plus we get a bonus for weekends worked so it doesn't bother me much. ..unless it's O weekend then there's no amount of $ that I'd leave the house for haha.
I was planning on going back to school to be a medic but I'm worried with TTC I'd have to leave mid semester or something...I almost feel like a 50s house wife putting school on hold to have a baby.

I think it's comical knowing what we'll all up to this weekend ;)
We're visiting my parents this weekend so this was terrible planning :blush: I was going by the app saying O was yesterday, it was all planned so well! :dohh: Will just have to be quiet lol, go to bed early :sleep:
lol yea have fun Lith :winkwink:

ah the things we do to have a baby !! I am so glad I live close enough to both sets of parents so we don't have to stay over anymore we can just come home.

I think you should still go to college and train can you study from home or would you have to go to college ?
I live about 15 mins away from the campus and have the basic gen eds done from years ago.
It's only a year and half course, probably shorter if my previous classes carried, but I don't exactly have the finances available. Plus I have to work full time.
I don't know how I'd do all that AND have a baby.
It amazes me how people with kids go back to school.
My parents live an hour away so we'd have no trustworthy babysitters :(
Hi everyone! Missing you all so I'm just checking in to see how you're all doing. I'm praying you girls come over to 1st tri super soon - it's so boring there that I've actually stopped going onto the site. Holding thumbs for lots and lots of BFP's! (Although the way things are going I may find myself back here next month - HCG's are not playing the game. Only 156 at 21dpo. In the ballpark but not good. More tests tomorrow).

Enjoy your week and loads of babydust to you all XX

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