Whisky Tango Foxtrot. So .. I am on CD 7 supposedly of my new cycle today...
July clomid round ... dtd when I "listened" to my body -- (when I was super horny) and a couple of other times. One problem.. I forgot to take my CD7 clomid and took it on CD 10. Anyway. On July 29 which was CD27 (late for me since my cycles are 22-25 days I spotted. CD 28/CD1 I had a light period. CD29/CD2 had nothing... then CD 30/CD3 had one spotting incident.. kept a pad on all day nothing. CD31/CD4 Brown stuff came out - light brown almost like flesh only when I wiped. Boobs still sore etc.
I considered it .. and still consider it a period.... Anyway.. I am traveling for work .. so -- I used up my last HPT on CD5/CD6 (CD32/CD33) both BFN.
I cam home yesterday CD6 for a layover before I left again. Amazon had delivered Wondfo... I grabbed some packets... flew off . This am before I flew out -- I peed into a cup.. and tested .. Faint line

<-super confused. I used three strips -- two for LH one for HCG apparently there were HCG tests in the OV kit ....
Hmmm... So I get in this morning hubby and I dtd... tested ALL of the HCG negative but LH super strong <--what ?? I can't because I am not able to ovulate considering period ...just finished. Anyway... I found an old EPT... faint positive. Ok -- so -- I am not going to test until the weekend - but could it be that I was preggers and didn't know ... if so - I am glad I made the call not to take CLOMID .... super defects on early development for baby. Called my doctor ... she said "Your cycle moved out to CD 27 -- wow... She ordered lab tests to draw blood.
I will go on Thursday ... just because I don't really want to know. What if it's ectopic? Maybe this is why I am cramping.
Also, she said that with my first pregnancy military records show that between 1-16 weeks my twin pregnancy (my eldest daughter was the only surviving twin) not HCG was detected in my monthly urinalysis... That was 14 years ago-- I didn't even know they HCG -- i thought it was just a drug test. Truth is I found out I was pregnant on physical for Iraq deployment and I was 18 weeks by then... and no i wasn't showing -- I just had bigger boobs and felt bloated... I thought it was because I kept eating Chinese from the place off the base. Wow. I am gobsmacked. I have all the symptoms ... but really being preggers and not testing positive... and having said that .. if indeed implantation completed a fews days ago... then I wouldn't test positive right away.
WOW right?
Two outcomes. HPT fluke and I continue on my first organized cycle. I am BBT charting, CM charting and OPK testing...
OR I am preggers and .. well then I am done TTC.
To be continued....