Zub, I'm so sorry to hear that!!!

I can only imagine how emotionally drained this is making you, and completely understand you needing to step back from here for a little while. Your sticky bean will happen at some point, I have faith...hopefully sooner rather than later!
Emski, FX that you'll need those drinking excuses at the party in a couple of weeks!

Do you normally drink mixed drinks, beer or wine? If mixed drinks, just don't put the alcohol in and nobody will be any the wiser that you're not actually drinking.
Bing, that's funny! Silly boys!
Afm, I'm just confused right now. I haven't been temping or using OPK's yet so I don't have the best idea ever on what my body is doing yet. I started checking CM this month, and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I've had creamy (sorry if TMI). I've been checking it a couple of times a day though so as not to miss anything, especially this first month. Well then last night right before bed it had switched from creamy to what I thought was EWCM. There wasn't a lot, but I was really excited! H wasn't feeling well and it was kind of late so we decided to wait until today to BD...especially since I figured that meant I was gearing up to O, not that I already was. We went to bed and I did feel a few twinges on my right side (last month I felt them on the left so that would make sense) but not as strong as last month so again, figured I was gearing up for it. I had wanted to BD this morning before work (just in case it really was O last night) but H was feeling even worse this morning so that was a no-go. I was keeping my FX that he'll be feeling better tonight. Well I checked my CM this morning and it appears to be back to creamy already! Could that really have been it, is that the only window I have of symptoms?! It was less than 12 hours of EWCM, I was anticipating at least a day gearing up for O, if not more! WTH, body?? So now I'm afraid that we just missed it all together.

We did at least BD on Tuesday so if that was it last night, hopefully some of those little guys were still sticking around! I told DH that if nothing happens this month, I'll be using the OPK's next month. Ugh!