Nica, welcome back!

Hope you're getting good results on your OPKs!
MnG, I'm glad you had a good time last night, that's awesome about your timing matching up so well this month! YAY!!! So happy for you, FX that you caught that eggie! Sorry you're not feeling so well today though...I've definitely had a few mornings like that at work and it's no fun AT ALL. Hope your shift goes by quickly for you! Also, I obviously don't have any clue about what's going on with your digital tests, I hope you get it figured out soon! Either way you still should have O'd right?
Loobs, I'd say that's sounding positive for you as well! Yay!
Mint, that's awesome that you got your solid smiley today!!! And earlier in your cycle this time, even better!!! So much good news in this thread the last few days, I love it!!!
Bug, I really hope it's like Mint says and the temp problems are just from your shift times/testing at different times. I really know nothing about temping yet but it sounds like that's at least a possibility! Or at the very least, that maybe it's like Mint suggested and you'll gear up again later this month to O then instead, if you haven't yet! FX for you, don't give up hope yet!
Afm, I actually wasn't able to find the dollar store OPK's to use so I ended up buying the store brand ones from CVS. Probably not quite as cheap as dollar store ones but at least cheaper than the name brand ones. I'm planning on buying some ic for next cycle though if this one isn't a lucky one.
Anyways, I tested again today and it was waaaay lighter than yesterday. So since yesterday was technically a negative but super close in color to the control one, I'm assuming I had just recently ovulated and now I'm moving further away from it. Considering my other symptoms on Wednesday night, I'm guessing it was probably Wednesday night/early Thursday that I did, if at all. I'm going to test again in a little bit (just to be sure) but if that's the case, oh well. We BD'd Tuesday, Thursday and Friday so if it was sometime around then, I'm at least somewhat covered. If I had realized that was going to be the case, I obviously would have made sure that we did on Wednesday as well but oh well! What can you do, right? At least we got a little bit in during that time frame!