End of August Testing Party Thread, Join me!

Sparkle - I might be 1dpo or I might not be Oing at all or I might not have O'd yet. Got my peak OPK two days ago but no temp spike yet.

Mn and Turtle. What I learned from talking with trainers/research and what works for us is do do a LOT of recall training when in low-interest/low-distraction situations. So have a lot of tiny training treats and call your dog from one end of the yard to the other and give a small treat and pets enthusiastic praise every time they come back quickly. If they come back but a bit slowly you can still praise but just a calm good girl/boy and a pat on the head or an even smaller treat. Some people use clickers too but I haven't done clicker training myself. Then once recall is 100% in that environment you let them go a bit further but still in a low-distraction situation - so if your park has an off-leash zone that is larger than your yard but you can go at an odd hour when there aren't other dogs there. You use the same protocol until they are 100% again and then move them up. Finally if they come back when there is another dog/a squirrel/a hamburger on the ground you give them over-the top praise and pets and a large favorite treat and then you slowly fade it to just a small training treat or just praise.
Mint, thanks so much!!! That's great advice, we'll definitely have to look into it! With Hugo, we pretty much only have the problem when he turns it into a game to try to run away from us. If we ignore him, he'll eventually tire of it and come back quicker. Otherwise, he runs by us with this pure luck of glee on his face and loves to just dart away when we try to get him. It's so frustrating. Obviously, if we could manage what you're suggesting, then he wouldn't be behaving like that in the first place and would be listening better! Thanks so much for the tip! :)
Bing, FX that it is the reason why, and that this will be your lucky month! :) I know what you mean, being around my niece and nephews does make me want them all the more. Then again, I work at their house so I also see the fighting, screaming, talking back, etc...and sometimes it makes me think maybe I don't really want them after all! Ha! Just kidding, of course. :haha:
Oh can i join af suppost to be here the 13 th or 14 th but hoping for bfp. First month trying to conceive!! :thumbup:
Oh can i join af suppost to be here the 13 th or 14 th but hoping for bfp. First month trying to conceive!! :thumbup:

Welcome, Momo! Ohhh, you're so far along in your cycle, how exciting! When do you plan on testing? Good luck, sending lots of :dust: your way!
Im going to try and wait until this weekend if i can if af doesnt arrive!! Last time i conceived i had a faint like day after af. Fingers crossed!!
Welcome momo - you will be testing so soon! good luck!

Turtle - yeah obviously the key there is to never give in to the chase other than in an emergency but you already know that.
I am lucky that my current dog isn't big on the run away from us game so I am sure that makes recall more challenging. Her issue was more bolting and not listening when there was a squirrel or rat, a far away dog, or something she wanted to eat but we have her down to 100% recall in calm situations and 95% or greater in "special situations" (like seeing a racoon). So we continue to work on it because it should really be 100% across the board.
Oh can i join af suppost to be here the 13 th or 14 th but hoping for bfp. First month trying to conceive!! :thumbup:

welcome!! Your little girl is such a cutie. FXd for you for that big BFP! Ive added you also :)
Mint- thanks for the great advice. We currently have a vibrating collar on our dog. And hes been great in the yard. Hasnt run away since weve starting using it almost 2 months ago. Our problem is mainly at the dog park or even with strangers. The distraction is too much I think for him. He'll walk right past us like we're not even there and look back at us like we're the idiots lol

We'll definitely have to work with treats again in the yard and keep it at.
Wow... it's hard to catch up around here!
Thanx for your welcome! My surgery is to remove a ganglion from a finger, and i have an appointment this thursday to decide what to do. I don't think it'll interfiere with pg anyway but i'll might wait in case as it's not hurting.

Sparkled and momofonegirl welcome to you too!

I feel very jealous about your dogs, i'd love to have one but my DH is allergic so no pets at all (just him :haha:)

I also watch some of the shows you've mentioned. I have to finish with Dexter. We started Breaking bad but got stuck at season 2. Now we're watching True Blood, Grimm, The Big bang theory, New girl, Modern family...
The one i've been watching lately on tv is Friends. I love it! I've seen it loads of times and it still makes me laugh.

What do you do to distract yourselves in the TWW?? I'm starting to get nervous and impatient... and seeing BFP at 7dpo and 8dpo (not many)doesn't help! I'm 7dpo tomorrow... good job i haven't got many hpt, otherwise i'd be testing already. I'm waiting until thurs and i'll be testing with an IC... got a digi but i'm saving it for when i get a BFP on a strip.

hope to see bfp soon around here! :dust:
Tweaked a bit.

I think I'm seeing it! Everything crossed for you! I'm a fellow Texas girl as well, actually in San Antonio as well. How funny!

AFM, opk is gearing up so I should O in a day or two I suspect. I use a cheap-o opk until it gets close and then switch to the clear blue advanced. I love it! Last cycle I got two days of flashing smileys and then a solid smiley! However, it is WAY to expensive to use by itself especially since I have PCOS and might not even O.
Lady- this board is getting a lot harder to keep up with lol

I LOVED Dexter. It was an awesome show and I was quite upset when it ended. The same goes for True Blood. We still have 4 episodes left to watch bc I just can't stand it to be over lol
We used to watch Grimm but I think it got very dry and I lost interest. But Friends, that's a show that'll never get old. I can watch the "pivot" episode till I die :rofl:

During this awful TWW I try to work as much as possible. On my days off I hang out with the pup, or I waste my time here. Sadly all my friends have kids so it doesn't make for a great social life.
I gave up on Grimm also. I personally find the wait to O more stressful than the 2ww just since my cycles are so wonky.
I gave up on Grimm also. I personally find the wait to O more stressful than the 2ww just since my cycles are so wonky.

I totally agree with waiting to O sucking more than the TWW. I figure whats done is done by that point and I'm a POAS-aholic so I usually start testing really early. I LOVE Grimm, though. lol It's one me and DH's favorite shows.
Momo, good luck waiting that long! I don't know how you can do that, I'm way too impatient for that! I thought I was doing good by making myself wait until 12-14 dpo! :haha:

Mint, it sounds like you have your dog training skills down! That's awesome, I'm pretty jealous! Honestly part of my problem is that I'm not stern enough (sometimes), I'm just such a softie. But that's not all it, as DH is stern enough and he still won't listen to him either in those situations. Yeah, not giving into the chase is definitely key in that game. It's really hard though when he's just running around our neighborhood and we're afraid we're going to lose him, or that he'll get hit by a car or something! Thankfully that hasn't happened for quite some time, I think he's finally getting better around home at least. You said you live in NYC, right? Is it hard having a dog in the city?

Ladygin, glad it's nothing too serious and that you can have the option to wait if you want to! And glad it's not hurting!

Oh, I also love The Big Bang Theory and New Girl! And Friends...that's just a classic. What's not to love? I can watch those over and over without ever tiring of them. The "pivot" episode is also a favorite of mine! Man, that was a good show.

This is only my 2nd TWW (and it just started for me), so I'm not great on the advice as to how to wait it out and distract yourself. In fact, I found this website in my last TWW, that's how I distracted myself. ;)
So I know 3dpo is way early but has anyone had sore nips this early on? I don't know if I should get excited or chalk it up to delayed Clomid side effects. They don't hurt but are quite sensitive to touch.
Turtle - Well it helps that I do behavior analysis for a living - with children but behavioral principals regarding learning/motivation/reinforcement are all the same.

Never having had a dog anyplace else I can't compare but I will say my dog gets a lot more exercise and socialization with us than she did with her former family who had a small yard. They just let her out back but we take her for walks 3x/day (2 long, one quickie) and to the dog runs and off-leash areas/hours. It is great for me because I would be a total couch-potato otherwise!

Ladygin - have you looked into poodles or poodle mixes? Some people aren't allergic to them. Also Siberian cats.

Oh and Mn - sorry I don't know about clomid side effects but it is too early to be anything else really, right?
I have a pic stitched set of OPKs and I need opinions, but this thread isn't for that. If anyone who is interested, if you could go to the ovulation test forum, I'd appreciate opinions :) I did BBT as well, but I think that's a complete wash this cycle. My chart is psycho o.o
In other unrelated news...Robin Williams died this morning. Excuse me while I cry in the corner....
Oh no! So tragic.
Thank you for sharing Mn. I am avoiding Facebook these days so I tend not to hear about these things right away. :(

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