Bing, so sorry to hear that! I really hope that she's able to make a quick recovery, with no lasting effects. I'm sure it's comforting to your father-in-law to have you guys there with him right now.

(Oh, and btw, I got a big giggle about you guys needing a nap after 3 days with the kids there! I can totally relate to that!

Ruby's, that's wonderful that it's looking like DH might be good to go by the time you O! Yay!!! And great about DD's first steps too! Mmmm...those batman sugar cookies sound wonderful!

I'm looking forward to hearing how the Wondfo opk's work for you, good luck!
Tui, congrats on your new job, I hope you're liking it! Although sneezing all day from it doesn't sound fun! It was me that asked about your cycle length. That's not too bad! Definitely shorter but probably in the good range of shorter. I HATED it when mine were 21 days before.
Mrs, I haven't started temping yet (maybe next month) so I can't offer any advice there. Sorry! I do hope your temps start going up soon though!
MnG, I hope that Bing is right and that it means it's a good sign! FX!!!
Mint, I'm so sorry that your temps aren't rising yet!

FX that they'll start rising soon and that you really did O. I can't remember, are your cycles pretty regular? Can't you sometimes have a surge and not O, but have it later again in your cycle where you do O?...maybe that's what's going on!