Jules, nicely done on reading back through AND remembering stuff! Impressive! You are correct, I'm only on my 2nd cycle off the pill. I could definitely chalk it up to all that. The only thing that still has me discouraged about it though is that last time I was off the pill I had pretty regular 21 day cycles. I just assumed I was ovulating around day 7 then and still having close to 14 day lp's (but I wasn't trying to get pregnant then so I wasn't tracking anything). If I have a short cycle again this time off the pill, and I now know (or am pretty sure) that I ovulated on cd 16 or 17, I'm afraid that means that I do O closer to "on time" but just have a super short lp. Which isn't good, as like you said I think it has to have time to implant. So it's more with looking at my last time off the pill and comparing to what little I do know about those cycles that makes me worried. I do hope that it's just my body adjusting though, only time will tell! Thank you for the good wishes though!
Blizzy, welcome and good luck!
Mommyto, FX for you that those are symptoms of your BFP, and not your AF coming!
MnG, hope you have fun at the peach fest and at your party tonight!
Canadabear, yay for crosshairs! And yay for getting some in during your fertile time! Good luck, I hope you caught that eggie!
Bug, so sorry.

But like Loobs said, you're not out yet! Try not to give up hope!
Lith, impressive! I try really hard not to symptom spot either but obviously it doesn't work out so well for me.

Nicely done! You're right, being a girl is so tiring!
MomofOne, thanks for the advice! Do you know which B vitamin is the one that actually helps, or is it all of them? I have to do a B12 shot monthly because I'm B12 deficient and have Crohn's Disease, so my body won't absorb it from a pill. I honestly go through phases where I'm really bad at giving myself the shot for a few months at a time. Up until last month I was quite a few months behind. I did finally do it though within the last month or so (I'm probably due for it again soon). So if it's B12, then A) I should be covered on that with my shots and B) I could still be low on my numbers from missing for so many months, and maybe after a couple more months of it I'll be back on track? I hope so! If it's not B12, then I should look into that!