Entitled? Child Tax Credits / Working Tax Credits


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Do I qualify?

9 out of 10 families with children are entitled to tax credits. But you don't need to have children to qualify.

Well I'm not bloody entitled and yes I'm bitter! he he. for 3 full days nursery we pay £470 per month and get no help what so ever!argh! Always say I'd be better off throwing Dale out! :lol:
Blimey how much :shock:

Pack his bags!! :lol:
K X said:
Always say I'd be better off throwing Dale out! :lol:

Sadly it is true tho!! :( Not right is it?!
i don't get it either they have stopped ours cos they had paid us 300 pounds to much and we didn't qualifie for working tax credits either we earned to much
Its crazy isn't it! One minute you have X income then BOOM big dip! :x
I qualify for naff all.

Both me and DH work and when we do have kids the nursery fees will be over £600 per month (my sister is a nursery nurse) and we will only get a little help (like £85 a month) if anything.

So we'll be basically forking out about £500 a month for the privelidge of going to work.

Looks like I'll have to give up on the little luxury's...like food :?

I just checked for a job i may be getting,
because of my age im entitled to diddly squat!
Dont even go there. :lol:

I have had so much hassle with the Tax Credits people since they started it is beyond a joke.

Every year i tell them what my OH earns, and i tell them of changes in circumstances as they happen, without fail. And yet i still get overpaid when i complain or make enquiries i get no-where, one minute there saying its your money, the next it's oh nope sorry we were suppose to stop paying you x amount of months ago.

It is total madness. I personally owe them £1700 so far. I cant pay it back. OH has just started doing ovetime at work latley too so i phoned them and told them. I thought i'd ask them while i was on the phone what is the maximum amount of money we would need to earn to get off the credits.

erm :shock: for 2 adults and 2 children in our situation our combined income has to be £58 thousand :shock: at least. We have no chance.
We can get jack sh1t either. Four kids, legally separated and they still won't let me have a penny. I certainly don't earn more than £60,000. Of course they take into account the £3.60 a month maintenance payment I get for Daniel :roll:

And if they ever do decide to give me anything, they'll only backdate it for 3 months, but they overpaid me a couple of years ago and backdated my repayments for the whole year. PANTS, I say, PANTS
Old topic, but since changing jobs etc i had a look and we can now get WTC :D
Not an old topic ... its a sticky lol ... stuck for continuous talks on what people are entitled to etc. Just not many have used it so far ;) :D
i had to owe them £3,000, might as well go on the dole, they will still find a way of getting it...

i feel sorry for all of you that pay so much for childcare, i think the goverment should do something to help. when i lived in canada the goverment helped parents who went out to work, you only pay 10 dollars a day, and the goverment payed the rest, it does not matter how much money you made...
Not an old topic ... its a sticky lol ... stuck for continuous talks on what people are entitled to etc. Just not many have used it so far ;) :D

i have my reasons not commenting on the ******* :smug: :rofl:
I just did an estimate for if i do have a child and I would get about £244 a month.
Tax credits bit me in ass recently for over a grand .... wasn't my flaming fault so when I rang the guy said he'd send me a dispute form *must fill that in soon*
Thats one thing im worried about with claiming them. What if they get it wrong and we have to pay them back!
Tax credits bit me in ass recently for over a grand .... wasn't my flaming fault so when I rang the guy said he'd send me a dispute form *must fill that in soon*

disputes dont mean f all to them hun.... i nvr even got an apology after 6 month of not a penny off them!
Well I phoned them up, after bein nilled for Rebecca due to an overpayment and I am entitled again cause of Lucy and my SMP. I phoned them 10 days ago, still not got award notice thru. Fookers....:hissy:

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