Facebook Status

Facebook status: O'd today, everyone celebrate! I'm bloated, my left side is cramping and my cervix hurts because we've been :sex: so much but we're so excited that it happened without chlomid!
Now if he can just put out three more times in the next three days, we'll catch that damn egg and it'll get busted into by a strong mean :spermy: and turn into a cute little :baby:
Ah I'm sorry you're feeling sick, must be really hard BEING PREGNANT! Why don't you stop for a minute and think though how lucky you are or what it feels like to lose a baby.


Rant over.....
My status would say :

Bitter? Angry? Sad? Why, yes I am! I just had a MC! Hoping it doesn't take us another 10 months or longer to conceive again. And hoping it is a sticky bean the next time! :cry:
i really hate FB! ppl when you put :( but yet dont say anything else...wth! at least your pregnant! be happy!
Nice to hear I'm not alone in feeling like this :) one day we'll all be able to enjoy our pregnancies, including feeling rubbish!!
FB status: It so nice and thoughtful of you to post your sweet ultrasound photos online with little captions and talk about how you cry when your hubby kisses your pregnant belly, but seriously... Please don't. I don't post how I am feeling after a miscarriage or when my midwife refers me to an infertility specialist because I can't get pregnant. I'm happy that you are growing a baby, but please be sensitive to those who can't.
For fucks sake af. When I told you to take a holiday I meant you should send storky in your place
What's the point of being happy when the world just shits in your face! Just saying!
wishful status: Oh you're pregnant? Please tell me how terrible it was waiting to get your GFP 4 months after you just gave birth. UGH. on the upside, O pains are in and just waiting for the DH to wake up so we can BD! :)
Hmmmmm i think mine would probably go something like... "what an insensitive pr*ck you are to announce your wife is 10 weeks pregnant with your 4TH child and that very same evening tell me how shitty your life is and that I will only understand in 10-15 yrs (??) when I have a family of my own! You know I have wanted even just 1 baby for 6 yrs and we have been ttc for 3 yrs now and had 1 mc and 1 mmc! :growlmad: Oh little brother you really need to think before you speak to me again! It's a good job the rest of the family were there to stop me as i flew through the air to get you! :grr:"

Rant over! This thread is great! I feel a little bit better after getting that one off my chest!
My coworker confirmed my suspicion that she is knocked up...the countdown is on until she takes mat leave and I get my sanity back!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
To the girl several years younger than me who has a six month old baby boy. Really, the photos are enough. I really don't need every status of yours to be about how ridiculously fantastic your baby is and how being a mother is the absolute best thing in the whole wide world and how much joy he brings you. I'm happy for you but, geez, spare me some of my sanity.
To the girl several years younger than me who has a six month old baby boy. Really, the photos are enough. I really don't need every status of yours to be about how ridiculously fantastic your baby is and how being a mother is the absolute best thing in the whole wide world and how much joy he brings you. I'm happy for you but, geez, spare me some of my sanity.

this this and all of this. I have the same problem with my 18 year old SIL.
So happy for my friend who's just given birth this morning, and has a lovely baby boy. Please can it be my turn soon before I have to read daily updates about how wonderful he is?!
A friend of mine posts DAILY about her being pregnant. EVERY morning I wake up to seeing "7 weeks and 3 days && sooo blessed!", "Going to bed - still so blessed my bean is growing!! **7 weeks and 4 days**"

I literally couldnt stand seeing 2-3 f'n updates a day, so I deleted her. She text me and asked why, and I wanted to say because her pregnancy was giving me never-ending nausea and if I saw one more "omgomgomgomgom I'm knocked up!" post I was going to vomit for real.... I would like to just put that up as my facebook status instead. But I'm too chicken.

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