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Fall is here...now to plant my little pumpkin seed!!!

Florida-keeping fingers crossed for you hoping you don't have to cancel your cycle. When I had the cancelled cycle due to estrogen I read alot online that said femara can give a falsley low estrogen result.

Winni-I know exactly what you mean. BD on a schedule can be so difficult and unenjoyable at times. I found that when DH knew when I Od he would not "perform" good but once I kept O a secret we would have an awesome time. And as froggy mentioned there are always little fun stuff you can use to spice things up a bit. Get creative and think of things you'd both like. :)
Just took another OPK and it could not have been any more negative.

I think the Femara is messing up my OPK's. It got darker yesterday morning but then it was light again at night. FMU today was so dark that I marked it as positive on my chart but just now it's negative again? I give up! I'll have to wait for my doctor to call me back on my blood LH.


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Wow! Yesterday's and todays look almost identical! I hate regular opks. Have you ever used digis?
Doc just called me back. Blood LH was only 11.2 so no surge yet. Estradiol was 198 so it's getting up there. Going in for another scan Friday morning and hopefully my lining will be thickening by then (and hopefully no O yet!!)
Yay! Good luck floridasian. I am right behind you. Cd 3 starting Clomid tonight. US next Friday. I hope you can lead us to some bfp this month.
Hi ladies...I have so much I should be doing at work, but I can relate to everything going on today.

Floridasian - the femara def can do a false positive...but you have bloodwork back now & know that...but just for next time (if there is a next time ;))

As far as performance...I am sadly too familiar with this. We are not very active anyways...my husband less than me. So we actually get to the point where we are just tired of having sex. My husband has anxiety sometimes & we are not able to finish. So he has been buying some pills at an adult store to help & it really has. Sorry I cannot remember the name. We actually have so many of those stores around...I think it is because we are in an army town. So if you have a store like that, just walk in (even without him). The one I go to is very nice inside...not gross or sketchy...the women are usually very eager to help. Most of them try the products out & can offer their personal advice. I have gotten over being embarrassed. They don't know me & chances are I won't run in to anyone I know there. Honestly, I think my husband could be tricked with a plecebo...it is all in his head. There have been other times things are working so we just relax...watch tv...or just lie there. I tell him let me know if anything starts happening...he has actually woke me from a doze & just got right to it which was fine by me! It will be nice to have sex just when we want to with no pressure.
Dh and I have a pretty good bd life but it is now like twice a week on average. Not on my part but dh doesn't seem up to it as much. And I'm usually the one with the problems lol.
But on another note I have not been on the scale in about a month and a half to two months and decided to get on it today because a teacher friend of mine said I looked skinner. Come to find out I had lost 5lbs without even noticing or trying really!! So happy about that because I only need to lose about 5-8 more if I can. Just want to lose some fat and gain more muscle. Sorry this is soo random lol
Misaacs thats exciting news! I like surprises like that! Like finding a few dollars in your pocket of your jacket the next winter! Lol.

So tomorrow is dh and I anniversary. I absolutely love being married to him, he is the most amazing man in the world! This weekend we are heading to dallas in celebration! Im super excited because we agreed that every year no gifts just splurge when we take a trip, and last year our trip got cancelled. We tried for a beach trip and of course we were married during hurricane season!
Great news on the weight loss, Michelle! I heard that it helps with PCOS!

Excited for you!
Thanks everyone for relating. funny how many of us have a higher drive than the men...and yet so many sex life jokes are about how the woman doesn't want it.

We had a good talk today. A big part of our issue is that we both want the other to be the "aggressor" (if that's even the right word) so we talked about it, and I feel good about going forward.

We start SMEP tomorrow!
Thanks everyone for relating. funny how many of us have a higher drive than the men...and yet so many sex life jokes are about how the woman doesn't want it.

We had a good talk today. A big part of our issue is that we both want the other to be the "aggressor" (if that's even the right word) so we talked about it, and I feel good about going forward.

We start SMEP tomorrow!

That is our issue as well. I told my husband I take charge so much in my life, when I am in the bedroom I just want him to be the "man" so to speak. I am not against being the one to start things...but I am the one who ALWAYS starts things. And that can make you feel like you are begging for sex. So it def needs to be a back & forth effort.

I am probably that woman who would have no issue if my husband was just on me all the time. Plus sometimes I am not necessarily in the mood but I am easily turned on.
Good morning ladies. This is going to be a long post. I would appreciate you guys reading it & giving me your honest feedback. Thanks.

I have an update on the grant. I can’t really say if it is good news or bad news. I am processing it & looking at it at several different angles. So the website stated application deadline was Sept 26 & the decision would be announced on Oct 1. I was a little skeptical at this timeline, but figured whatever. So yesterday I look on the website not sure how we would be notified of a winner. Nothing there…same Oct 1 announcement date. I forgot all about it then remembered before bed. Checked the website again…the announcement date now says Nov 15. I think somewhere in the back of my mind I always feared this would happen. Everything in our paperwork says 6-8 weeks for processing…so I never knew how they were going to announce 5 days after the application deadline. Plus that was a postmarked date…so applications are still accepted if postmarked by Sept 26. So of course calendars are running through my head, can I still make this happen…all kinds of questions. Just FYI, funds cannot be used on services already paid for. So I can’t do IVF, then win the grant, then give them a bill I already paid. Also, my IVF paperwork says my total is due when I go to my education class. Can you guys let me know how funding happened at your offices? So anyways…I feel like even though the timeline would work for me to just be on BCP until Nov 15 then start everything, my education class & all the other preparation would be happening way before so nothing is rushed. I really do not want to wait…and I can’t push it back any further because that would put me into the holidays and the issue again at work with time off. Also with all the money spent so far, I want any other major medical expenses to happen in 2014 for tax reasons. So I have a dilemma.

I am not upset right now…just torn…I feel like I know what I want to do, but would love some feedback. Here are some of the ways I am looking at this. I really want to move forward. I know it is possibly stupid to just ignore the grant, but I just am so tired of waiting. Believe me, I do not see the money about to be spent as small change. We would need a loan to pay it. We have all the loan details figured out…basically a backup if the grant does not succeed. We are not poor or living pay check to pay check. We could def cut back a lot in order to get the loan paid down quickly. Plus we need to do that anyways to prepare for the expenses of a baby. I have sort of thought this whole time we are not high on the list of people to receive the grant. We have decent jobs, 401K, small savings, little debt (not counting the house), and my husband has stock options at work. We are way luckier than a lot of people. So part of me is thinking just move forward. If I win the grant, maybe it is just good karma to say someone else out there needs it more. Please guys, give me some feedback.

Of course, I plan to double check the payment process with my clinic. If I have to pay on the education class day, I guess it depends on when the classes are. I wanted to start my IVF meds the last week or 2 of Nov to allow for an early Dec retrieval & transfer. So with an announcement on Nov 15, maybe I can get in to a class right after…might put my schedule back a week which would be fine…but still cutting it close. Plus we are in the holidays, so I do not know if that would make the schedules any different.

Anyways…that is my short & not very important or stressful update…LOL! To close this whole thing out…if I am being completely honest with myself…this is how I am feeling: I don’t want to wait, we can make the financing work, I never really expected to win the grant.

Thanks guys.
Beaglemom - sorry that the decision is taking longer than expected.

If I were you, I would move forward with the IVF. The grant is great if you get it, but it was never a 100% guarantee and you already have other contingency plans in place. Also, they now moved the announcement date to Nov 15th but did they say when the check will actually be mailed out or do they pay your doctor's office directly? I hate to say this but the actual payment might not even come in a few weeks after Nov 15th.

At this point I would just treat the grant as a bonus and move along with your planned IVF time line. You've already considered other sources of funding - 401K loan, 0% APR credit cards, etc. I think you'll be fine.

But of course I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you do get the grant!!
Beaglemom - sorry that the decision is taking longer than expected.

If I were you, I would move forward with the IVF. The grant is great if you get it, but it was never a 100% guarantee and you already have other contingency plans in place. Also, they now moved the announcement date to Nov 15th but did they say when the check will actually be mailed out or do they pay your doctor's office directly? I hate to say this but the actual payment might not even come in a few weeks after Nov 15th.

At this point I would just treat the grant as a bonus and move along with your planned IVF time line. You've already considered other sources of funding - 401K loan, 0% APR credit cards, etc. I think you'll be fine.

But of course I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you do get the grant!!

The grant is paid directly to the dr. So the problem I run in to is I cannot start the process before the grant...I mean if I start, then get the grant, it won't matter because they do not pay for expenses already paid. Thanks...I am leaning toward just moving forward. If I move forward I am pretty much giving up on the grant...because of the whole timeline thing.
The grant is paid directly to the dr. So the problem I run in to is I cannot start the process before the grant...I mean if I start, then get the grant, it won't matter because they do not pay for expenses already paid. Thanks...I am leaning toward just moving forward. If I move forward I am pretty much giving up on the grant...because of the whole timeline thing.

Oh now I understand the dilemma completely. It's like a scholarship - you can't register for your classes until the scholarship money is sent to the school. So it's like if you start the IVF process now you pretty much say goodbye to the grant. I don't know what I would do if I were you then! I would probably still move forward just to not delay the process any further but I agree it is tough! How long is the grant good for? Maybe you can use it for baby # 2?
The grant is paid directly to the dr. So the problem I run in to is I cannot start the process before the grant...I mean if I start, then get the grant, it won't matter because they do not pay for expenses already paid. Thanks...I am leaning toward just moving forward. If I move forward I am pretty much giving up on the grant...because of the whole timeline thing.

Oh now I understand the dilemma completely. It's like a scholarship - you can't register for your classes until the scholarship money is sent to the school. So it's like if you start the IVF process now you pretty much say goodbye to the grant. I don't know what I would do if I were you then! I would probably still move forward just to not delay the process any further but I agree it is tough! How long is the grant good for? Maybe you can use it for baby # 2?

I think I have a year to use it. Then I started thinking if (knock on wood) IVF fails for me, I could apply again & actually may be in a better light for them because I had spent more of my own money. Basically if you have no kids, no insurance (infertility), & already spent money you are a bit higher on the list. So we figured we had a decent shot, but financially we could make IVF work which is why we figured there was a good chance we may not get it because someone else had more of a need.

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