Fall is here...now to plant my little pumpkin seed!!!

I think that would be best beaglemom. it seems like such a long shot that the lack of vaccine would cause any problems!

BTW my real name is chelsey. I feel comfortable to be on first name basis with you ladies :)
Yay future, looks like you and I are going to be in our tww together!!! GL on sunday!!

Hi froggy.. Yay for tww and bfp buddies. I am so nervous. We will trigger tonight between 10-12. I will have iui Sunday at 830 ish. I don't know what to do. I have had my IUIs 24 hours post trigger now I will be closer to 36 hours. I am so so nervous and I don't know why. Grrr... I have been so relaxed this cycle I have been forgetting to temp and poas.

Question: Has anyone else had bleeding gums post ovulation? I usually get it around 7dpo. I have also been having some bleading gums prior to ovulation. Clomid? Progesterone? Bodies own hormones?
Fx it works, I always did iui 36 hours after trigger. I have read that is pretty much the norm. as for the bleeding gums, im no help on that. Sorry!
Hi chelsey :flower: - yay on ovulation. Your BD timing sounds great! Can't wait to see some BFP's here!

FutureBabyG - I think 36 hours after trigger is pretty standard. I too always worry about it being too late. However, this NIH study showed that IUI after ovulation actually had higher success rate - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21177312

"CONCLUSIONS: Single IUI timed post-ovulation gives a better success rate when compared with single pre-ovulation IUI for non-male infertility, whereas for male factors, pre-ovulation, double IUI gives a better success rate when compared with single IUI."

Forgot to say, GOOD LUCK!!! :)
Trigger was almost gone yesterday but this morning the line was slightly darker. I don't think it's possible to get a BFP this early so it's probably just the variation of the trigger. It happened a few days ago too when it was lighter than a day later it was darker.
My trigger left 10 dpo the first time and was gone 7 dpo the second. I think I will just wait to test this month. I really have been laid back this cycle. I will temp the next 4 days hopefully if I remember. Then I will stop and wait to test.

I think my mind had me so pumped the first two times thinking there was no way I wouldn't have success since I have got a bfp on our own. Now my heart and mind are tired of wondering when. I guess it will happen when and if it's going to.

Dh and i had a long discussion about where we go or do if this third iui doesn't work. We are going to talk with the np tomorrow about more testing. We spoke about ivf and sperm donor and neither are right for us right now. Maybe down the road but for now we just need more time to soul search what's right for us. Hopefully our prayers will be answered soon.
I know what you mean. We got pregnant on our own with no help before so why is it so hard now? Part of the reason I've been resisting to do another IUI is because of my fear of what's next. We already had two failed IUI's and I know after the first two or three, success rate drops significantly.

I am now spending a lot of money on injectables. We're changing up the protocol next cycle and I think I'll give it a try for two cycles and then we might have to move on to IVF after that, even though DH is totally not ready for that.
I know what you mean. We got pregnant on our own with no help before so why is it so hard now? Part of the reason I've been resisting to do another IUI is because of my fear of what's next. We already had two failed IUI's and I know after the first two or three, success rate drops significantly.

I am now spending a lot of money on injectables. We're changing up the protocol next cycle and I think I'll give it a try for two cycles and then we might have to move on to IVF after that, even though DH is totally not ready for that.

I totally understand your fear. I don't get how after 2 to 3 iui the success rate goes down. It took us 7 months to get pregnant the first time. I am starting to wonder if it had more to do with temperature. My dh has low motility and cold helps increase the motility percentage. I also wondering if us being sick with colds at the time had any benefit. I think we will continue iui through the winter; while continuing testing for infertility.
I spent a lot of money on IUIs. Part of me regrets it because I could have saved it for IVF. But another larger part knows we do not have a crystal ball. We have to do what we are comfortable with emotionally & financially. I told my dr I am very excited about IVF. But if I had gone to her after my gyno & she sent me straight to IVF, I would have been in panic mode. But after my 1st medicated IUI failed, I went to her to talk about it. That is when I started researching IVF. The prices & everything. So my advice to you guys...start researching IVF now. I truly hope you don't need it. But if you start getting comfortable now & working it all out in your head you will be ready when the time comes. If I had not done any research, I still would not feel comfortable going to IVF straight after the last IUI.

Good luck ladies...& IVF isn't that scary...once you get comfortable with it, you really do get excited. But I hope neither of you need it :)
Our not wanting ivf doesn't come from the financial aspect of ivf. I want more answers to why we aren't conceiving naturally. I believe the doctors stopped searching after my dh sperm could was low. But his sperm count has been over 20 million progressively motile every time last time he was over 50 million in 0.4 ml. I am really nervous that they will cancel today due to low count bc we bd on friday afternoon. It was either 42 hour hold or since Wednesday I figured a two day would be better than 4 days. The second part of not wanting to do ivf is our own personal feelings. My husband wants to be appart of everything and the more that is done medically the more it takes away from us. We have good beliefs that if it's meant to be it will be.

I believe ivf is wonderful and a great opportunity. It's just not right for us this year maybe in the future because I don't like saying never.
Well that is exactly what I mean. We all have to do our own journey and come to our own conclusions. I can only imagine your frustrations after a mc. Even though technically my husband's count can get me pregnant I have to come to terms it is not meant to be that way for us.
My fear of IVF isn't the financial aspect either. Apart from feeling like a failure, it's also the very last resort. What if IVF doesn't work either? Then that'll be the end of it. I'm not ready to face the end of the journey yet.

Sorry for being a Debbie Downer today but all those unknowns are making me nervous.

I think trigger is about completely gone. I *maybe* see a hint of something if I squint really hard but I think it's mostly gone.
Although, someone on another board brought up a really good point that is making me consider IVF soon. If we want more than one child and even if I conceive naturally NOW I'll be 37 by the time I give birth. So if we wait 6 months to a year for baby #2 I'll be close to 38 and my egg quality will be much worse by then. So theoretically it's better to do IVF and have some frozen embies from my 36 year old self than 38 year old self when it comes to time for baby #2.

That is a very valid point and is definitely making me think hard about it.

Bu then again, there is no guarantee that I will have frozen embies.
I know there are no guarantees but I feel better about my situation because I have responded well to meds in the past and I do typically start with 5-6 follies on each side. But no guarantee. When you get to a certain point you are just ready to take a leap of faith.

And that is a good point floridasian.
You make a great point floridasian. I could understand if I was in your situation. I am 26 and have a good reserve for now and have a little more time to think. We will make an appointment with the fs again and do 2 rounds with them in a few months. For now we will stick with my ob gyn.
I emailed my nurse & dr we wanted to proceed even without the rubella immunity...both came back with no problem...I just have to sign a waiver...but they didn't seem concerned.
Thats great beaglemom!

Florida how is the pregnancy testing today?

Future did you have your iui? How was it?

Do you ladies believe in having symptoms from 1dpo? Not hcg symptoms of course, but estrogen and progesterone symptoms? Im having a hard time deciding if its just left over from ovulation, but starting 1dpo I have been taking naps no matter how early I go to bed or how late I sleep in. And have extremely sore nips and sore boobies. Also a little tender in my abdomen. It's probably just that I had a strong ovulation, but even on letrozole I didn't have any of this
Sounds good, beaglemom! You must be relieved and feel good about your decision!

Froggy - yes I have "symptoms" from early on too. This cycle and both my IUI cycles I had the full uterus/light cramping feeling from almost 1 DPO. I also started getting tingling sensations in my boobs from like 3DPO. These are obvious not caused by HCG but I think they are indications of high progesterone level/strong ovulation. My progesterone was 33 at 3DPO so that certainly explains it.

My line was barely there this morning. I couldn't tell if it was darker, lighter, or the same as yesterday's test. I'm anxiously waiting for tomorrow because I can't have three days tests that are the same, right?

I have tomorrow off - one of the very few holidays we have off. I think I'm going shopping at the outlet mall. Haven't gone clothes shopping in like a year so I'm really looking forward to it!
Hi froggy. Iui went very well. No discomfort. That was a first and my dh is no longer considered low sperm motility. .. Yay vitamins and icing helped.

How are you?
Floridasian I would be so anxious if I was you. I remember my ic hpt staying positives a few days after I said it was very faint. It was just lingering. I just wanted a blood test by day three. I hope it stays for 9 months for u.

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