Hi ladies, after a forced break since July's cycle failed, I am finally back in the running again!
I read the past few pages to try and catch up on where you all are at after being away for a couple months....
floridasian It sounds like you are on to injectables now? I'm glad they produced a bfp for you, but so sorry it was a CP.
beaglemom You're doing IVF this month? That's exciting! It seems that back in July you were going to have to wait until the new year, so I'm glad that moved up for you!
FutureG I see you have a bright shining new BFP, congrats!! and new puppies to boot, how cute.
misaacs I'm sorry that you've had to take a break also, TTC is such a hard thing to wait for! It looks like you are starting injectables in the new year.
..hopefully I got that all straight and didn't miss anyone.
AFM after a very long wait, we finally saw the fertility doctor 11/20. The good news is that his sperm count is back to normal levels and so is motility, we never did hear back about the morphology though. So that was relief, after such poor results in July.
They put me on progesterone to start a cycle fresh, since I've been having "weak" cycles - and it was $70 yikes!! Hopefully they can offer a cheaper alternative next cycle.
Today is CD1, and I was supposed to get an HCG this cycle ($670!), but with it being December etc, that was impossible.
We are going ahead with Clomid 100mg this cycle anyway, and she insists on a negative blood pregnancy test before prescribing it, so it looks like I'll be doing days 5-9. I'd much rather do 3-7, but it seems that women also get positive results with 5-9 so I guess we will just go with it this time.
It's been very emotional dealing with all the hope and anxiety and pain that actively ttc brings so it's almost hard to get excited about trying again. If that makes sense?
Anyway, I'm looking forward to rejoining you guys now as we're back in the process.
Edit: forgot to add we had hubby on all of Fertilaid's concoctions for men and not sure if it was that or just time that improved the sperm, but wanted to throw that out there.