I had some really bad cramping at 1 DPO that lasted a good 7-8 hours - similar to what I had after one of my IUI's. Other than that I don't really have any symptoms. My temp was crazy high for two days after a slow rise and then it went down again this morning so it's kind of unusual for me.
Excited for your starting out new meds, Michelle! Really hope this is it for you and you don't have to worry about taking time off of work for the schedule change.
So I was at Target today and found these adorable infant outfits that rang up $0.89 each at 90% off!!! They weren't marked and had no clearance tags on them. They were sitting on the regular shelves with the other infant clothing. I couldn't resist so I bought two - one for newborns and one for 3 months. One can only dream, right?