misaacs Congrats, that is really a massive achievement for a woman with PCOS to lose weight - very tough indeed. It will definitely help you to conceive.
I see you're hoping to start injections on the 7th, that's exciting!
Oh and I want to say the new schedule for baselines is insanity. Seriously, do they not realize that people have jobs?? That is nuts. Also nuts that they can just increase the cost of IUI like that without giving you any warning, doesn't seem right to me.
floridasian I totally hear you on the resolution to do whatever it takes to conceive. It sucks, it really sucks to accept the fact that we have to spend time, pain and money for something that is easy for others.
You have two things in your favor - you both are determined, and it's January.

How exciting is that? I'm so ready for all those 2015

And you're already in the TWW, even better.

Love the adorable ( and cheap) Christmas onesies! So hope you get to use them this Christmas.
FutureBabyG Glad you have another chance this cycle.

Thinking positive for you!
Beaglemom Looking forward to your update tomorrow