FutureBabyG Yes, it makes sense to do an HSG CD10 later so you don't have to worry about clots and such.
misaacs Thanks.
Yeah I'm pretty crushed, and angry. Called today, took until 15min after they opened to get anything but a "this office is currently closed".
Talked to a different nurse, who said that she thought 150mg wouldn't work for me also and didn't see the point in doing it. She also said the doctor had seen the previous nurse's note - so it HAD been a note - and signed off on it. So they're still telling me sorry, waste a whole cycle, oh and extend your cycle since you have to wait a long time to see a doctor so you can start again. Instead of even giving it a TRY, like other REs do.
Don't they understand that I'm at the end of my rope? Every.single.time I get a little hope, a little positivity, a little chance that 'maybe this is finally it' someone tears that out from under me. After everything else we've endured these five years, it is soul crushing.
You ladies are no strangers to disappointment in this area, why is this such a cruel process?