Fall is here...now to plant my little pumpkin seed!!!

minuet - I'm so sorry that this has been so difficult for you. No one truly understands the struggle of TTC (especially when it's been taking this long!) unless they've been through it themselves. I have heard of clinics that make you re-take all the tests but they are rare. I think most will let you transfer from other offices though - I know mine does.

I had to tell my boss about my miscarriage and the surgeries last week. I wasn't 100% sure if he was being supportive and understanding or not since I did it over the phone and I couldn't see his face but towards the end of the conversation I was trying really hard to hold back the tears. It's not easy for me to talk about it at all so I totally understand.

Hang in there!! :hugs:
I stopped the progesterone 1.5 days ago (evening of 11 DPO was my last dose) so I was fully expecting my temp to drop this morning.

To my surprise I woke up with a temp rise. I don't think my sleeping condition was any different last night to cause the temp rise.

This is very bizarre. Doesn't look like AF will arrive tomorrow now. Maybe Sunday.
Minuet. I am so sorry you and dh have to go through this especially with everything you have already been through.
Afm- I got my first negative hpt today after my pregnyl 1000 MG. Hopefully next week I will have positive HPT again. If not it's ok it was my first iui and I will know more for next time and I will be closer to my take home baby.
Floridasian...maybe you are wrong about AF ;)

Good luck getting darker lines to come FBG.

So I am all set to start my cycle. I am at work & need to actually accomplish some things...so no long post. I hope to catch up with a longer vent later tonight & hopefully start bringing some positive vibes to the thead. I have been down lately, so I really want to pick back up.

Happy Friday everyone!!!
Florida-I told you I was counting you out yet!! BFP heading your way :)
Future-GL Hun BFP heading your way too :)
Beagle-GL to you too

So excited for you guys GL GL GL

AFM- I am still waiting on doc to let me know what is going on this cycle for me just called they asked me to call back and will be following up at 11am but either way (IUI or not) I will still ttc this month. If they say no go with IUI I will be trying out the CB fertility monitor I ordered last month.
Hello Ladies,

I saw this thread and thought I might join it, if you all don't mind. :)

A little bit about me. I'm 27 and married to my best friend. We have been married for about 3 yrs. He has always wanted kids right away, but I wanted to wait until we both had careers we loved and a house. Well both love our jobs and just bought a house a few months ago. So next step is baby step!!! I have to say I am nervous, but super super excited to add to our families. Right now we are keeping it on the DL, we want to surprise our friends and families!!!

Ok so I am more or less trying the nature take its course path. After getting off the IUD for almost 5yrs my periods have been really regular, which was a relief, because when I was younger I went on BC because of painful periods and irregularness. So far no crazy painful ones and they come on the 5/6th of every month! So that has made it a little easier when ttc.

We officially started trying in Aug. but no luck on the first one. I'm a little bummed of course, could have been cool to get it on the first try, but after stalking this site for a while I know it might take a while. So not getting too discouraged.

So my husband and I's approach is the more laid back type, at least for right now. I haven't been temping or used opk's or anything like that. I have however been watching my CM and been using the 14day before your period to predict ODay! Added a few days before and after just to make sure we don't miss it! We tried the every day approach last month, but are going for the every other this month. :)

So this weekend will be filled with lots of fun! I'll keep you ladies posted. Should be testing Oct. 6th (if I can hold off that long, lol).

Wishing everyone luck. I hope I see lots of BFP's.
Hi KJ and welcome. Sounds like you have a good plan of action for this month. Enjoy your weekend lol :)
Welcome KJ...def take a laid back approach in the beginning...unless you have reason to believe you will have issues (age, irregular cycles). But you are young, so just have fun with it!
Welcome kj! You are in your prime reproductive years so hopefully this journey won't take that long for you!

27 was the age when I got married. Neither of us were ready for kids at the time though. We said we would wait 5 years and then 5 became 8 and DH was still not quite ready. It took me some time to convince him that we needed to start trying and I'm glad we didn't wait any longer. He now agrees that perhaps we should have started earlier. Oh well!
Hi everyone so I guess this isn't my month afterall :( Just came from cd2 scan and my lining is far too thick for cd2 and doc needs me to shed it all before going forward with IUI. So tomorrow I start BCP morning and evening for 7 days then stop wait 7 days (AF should arrive) then take BCP for 1 month then give them a call when CD 2. So in a nut shell I am out for the next month from anything ttc related. So many emotions right now but I'm sure you'll can appreciate the disappointment I am feeling right now. Sucking up the tears and trying to put on a brave face. This is all a part of God's master plan. Patiently waitng for the day I am off this rollercoaster.

GL to you all I will try to pop in to check on everyone and see those BFP announcements but right now I think I will take a few days away to get my head in a good space.
Hi everyone so I guess this isn't my month afterall :( Just came from cd2 scan and my lining is far too thick for cd2 and doc needs me to shed it all before going forward with IUI. So tomorrow I start BCP morning and evening for 7 days then stop wait 7 days (AF should arrive) then take BCP for 1 month then give them a call when CD 2. So in a nut shell I am out for the next month from anything ttc related. So many emotions right now but I'm sure you'll can appreciate the disappointment I am feeling right now. Sucking up the tears and trying to put on a brave face. This is all a part of God's master plan. Patiently waitng for the day I am off this rollercoaster.

GL to you all I will try to pop in to check on everyone and see those BFP announcements but right now I think I will take a few days away to get my head in a good space.

I am sorry to hear this...I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you.
So I am home now & can put up a proper update about my day. Work was busy, so I really couldn't type much. I may repeat some things, so sorry about that. So my appointment was at 9:15. I meant to get there at 7:30, but sleep was too good this morning...so I got there at 8...I was out by 8:30 which was nice because I didn't miss any work (after skipping lunch). So I went in & the tech says to use the bathroom. When I come out I start waiting & a nurse comes in. So I wasn't sure what was up. Then she started talking & I was like oh here we go...a talk. Basically she was saying after 3 we usually say no more IUIs...blah blah. So I explained using up my meds & she was like oh yeh that's right. I was just thinking no one wrote that down somewhere...does my dr even know I am doing this? So she checks me out & says both sides look great. I could see some tiny follicles already there. So she gets my ovidrel ordered & then I say make sure to mark my chart timed not IUI so insurance will pay & she looked at me funny & was like ok. So I think she thinks I am even more nuts now. 3 failed IUIs & now doing a timed cycle. That made me start thinking desperate again & thinking I need to do another IUI. But then I checked out & instead of $250, I only had to pay $30! So I felt better & just said whatever will be will be. So I set up my CD 10 scan appointment which is a Saturday which is good because no more missing work. Plus I looked & my husband is off that weekend which is perfect for a BD schedule. So with the late cycle & making an extra trip to Raleigh, I think I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed & tired. So I typically listen to audio books. But instead I started up my MP3 player & pretty much cried all the way to work...an hour! It was just one of those exhausted cries, you know? I had the music up as high as it would go...& some of my best music was on. It felt good...I was screaming some lyrics & actually my throat hurts a little now. So my husband calls later & asked how it went. And I said well apparently I have beautiful ovaries & a perfect uterus. Basically with a tone like why the f*** can't we get pregnant? So anyways, then in to work to a pretty hectic day which made it go by fast. So i am excited to give this a shot. Even more excited to hear back on the grant hopefully in a couple of weeks.

I am going to put up 2 videos...basically the first one is my go-to mood upper. They lyrics are a bit depressing & so is the video, but the chorus is what I was scream singing on the way to work...it just pumps me up. Sorry if they are not your taste in music...I am a rocker til death :) The other is a Guns & Roses Patience. (excuse the weird 80s music video) When I listened to the lyrics today, I realized they could mean so many things...but today they spoke to me & my TTC situation.


You have had a rough road.

I do not know why they would redo any tests. My Dr forwarded everything to the specialists so she only did a couple additional tests. When you make your appt ask about forwarding all your records over.

That's great you didn't have to repeat tests. I will be taking our records over and see what they say about tests then.
minuet- When I moved from my gyno to specialist, we got all test results transferred (although at some point not initially he had us redo some of the tests). I am so sorry you and DH had to go through so much and I understand about putting fertility treatment as no1 because that's what we are doing. It is a sacrifice we are willing to make. My clinic doesn't do payment plans but many do, it won't hurt to ask. What is your game plan in the month you wait for your appointment?

Thanks. It is a sacrifice, but the end result will be so worth it. I only hope my future child(ren) realize how much they are ( will be) loved!

As for the month or so until appt, it is CD30 and no signs of any hormonal changes. So knowing my system, I'll probably still be on this cycle a month from now and have to start provera to get things going. At least that way we'd be at the right point in the cycle, right?
minuet - I'm so sorry that this has been so difficult for you. No one truly understands the struggle of TTC (especially when it's been taking this long!) unless they've been through it themselves. I have heard of clinics that make you re-take all the tests but they are rare. I think most will let you transfer from other offices though - I know mine does.

I had to tell my boss about my miscarriage and the surgeries last week. I wasn't 100% sure if he was being supportive and understanding or not since I did it over the phone and I couldn't see his face but towards the end of the conversation I was trying really hard to hold back the tears. It's not easy for me to talk about it at all so I totally understand.

Hang in there!! :hugs:

:hugs: Aww you poor dear. I'm sure your boss didn't know how to handle it because he probably has been fortunate not to experience anything similiar. I'm sure he will remember and be understanding from now on though.
I would love to have people in person to talk to about it, but as you know it is very upsetting, so it would have to be someone who actually gets it. So far everyone I know hasn't had issues, and I know they would not be able to understand. Not having that pain validated makes it hurt worse when trying to share, if that makes sense? So I just end up venting to my dear spouse, or to you ladies, who can relate.

On a bright note, I see your temperature is still up! :happydance: Let's hope for another high temp tomorrow too.
Afm- I got my first negative hpt today after my pregnyl 1000 MG. Hopefully next week I will have positive HPT again. If not it's ok it was my first iui and I will know more for next time and I will be closer to my take home baby.

I'm glad you have a clear negative now,so you can believe those faint lines that will hopefully show up next week!

Beaglemom Happy Friday to you too! Friday does make things seem a little better, doesn't it?
I"m sorry you are feeling down, which is totally understandable. Getting another shot at things with a fresh cycle should help those emotions reverse. :)
As another way to feel better, I prescribe a fun fall activity. Such as.... roasting marshmallows......a stroll in the leaves....caramel apples.....hot chocolate and a good book.....

You know, the older I get the more I know it's true - the simple things are the most pleasurable.
Take it from one who knows - if you go for a drive in the country on those dirt roads, make sure you have the spare tire and changing equipment handy!

Edit: finished reading the thread and saw that your appointment went well. I'm glad you can get the tests and such paid for this way. :)
Hi everyone so I guess this isn't my month afterall :( Just came from cd2 scan and my lining is far too thick for cd2 and doc needs me to shed it all before going forward with IUI. So tomorrow I start BCP morning and evening for 7 days then stop wait 7 days (AF should arrive) then take BCP for 1 month then give them a call when CD 2. So in a nut shell I am out for the next month from anything ttc related. So many emotions right now but I'm sure you'll can appreciate the disappointment I am feeling right now. Sucking up the tears and trying to put on a brave face. This is all a part of God's master plan. Patiently waitng for the day I am off this rollercoaster.

GL to you all I will try to pop in to check on everyone and see those BFP announcements but right now I think I will take a few days away to get my head in a good space.

:hugs::hugs: Sorry honey, wasted months are so painful. :( I am glad you are taking some time for yourself, and hope your spouse is understanding and comforting.
Okay guys my pity party is over come on BFPs!! Everyone have an awesome weekend!
So sorry you have to sit another cycle out, Praying! I had a few of those after my D&C. Every time I went in I was like, so we can try now? Only to get a no, you need to wait until blah blah blah. Argh! I had no idea your lining could be "too thick"! Mine's always on the thin side and I've been doing everything I can think of to try to thicken it. I didn't know the opposite could be bad too.

beaglemom - glad your appointment went quick and sorry that they didn't have their records straight. At my last ultrasound my RE asked me "so how is Femara compared to Clomid"? and I was like, "eh? I've never been on Clomid!" and the nurse looked at my file and said, "no, it was Femara both cycles." Even at my small clinic they can still mix things up!

So my temp went down a little bit this morning but still unusually high for 14 DPO. I also keep a separate oral chart (the one in my signature is my vaginal chart) taken with a different thermometer and the temp on that one actually rose to an all time high this cycle. I thought I might have been getting sick because I've had this slight lump in my throat the past few days but no I think I'm fine. So no idea what's going on.

AF is due tomorrow and keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't show!!!!

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