Far off but is anyone planning IVF/FET Oct/Nov time or waiting to start treatment?

Hi Janey, welcome to our growing group, hopefully soon be growing with bumps too!
Good luck this cycle, hopefully I won't be too far behind you with transfer
Yeah pretty soon - I'm getting nervous! I go off BCP in 3 weeks and then start estrogen priming on CD21 of that cycle. Stims start on CD2 of the cycle following, so we're looking at a hopeful retrieval and fresh transfer in early November. It feels like it's tomorrow and years away at the same time.

I'm sorry to read about your miscarriage and FET. Hope you're doing ok and that this next cycle is it for you! <3
Hope it doesnt keep you waiting ellie bean!

I've paid for meds and they are being delivered Thurs
Still have bloods to do but they just need the results by the time I have transfer so not such a rush but will do them this week

Fingers crossed for a short cycle!

I worked out that if I have to try again after this it won't be until after Christmas because I would probably have a cycle off which would be end of Oct them end of Nov were going to Disneyland and then be Christmas, dont really want to wait until after Christmas!

Thats great that your meds are on their way! What kind of a medication schedule are you on for your cycle? Good luck to you! :dust::dust: I hope that this cycle is a BFP, so that you don't have to wait until Christmas! :dust:

Hey ladies,

Do you mind if I join you? Currently, in the middle of a stimulated FET, hoping for ET at the start of October TTC #2.
I see that you transferred a 5BB embryo and had success Star.... Gives me hope as our embryo is a 5BB. I feel like we've been through a lot this year with a miscarriage & failed FET... Feel like this is our last go due to the strain & pressure of taking the drugs & stress of thinking about if it will work or not.

Welcome to the group, good luck and tons of sticky baby dust to you! :dust::dust:
AF came today!!!!!! I'll call my RE's office in morning and they'll tell me how much estrogen to start taking and what day I have to go up for the lining check and lab check. Then hopefully all will be good and we'll get a transfer date!
Good luck Ellie!

Wannabe, I will be on estrogen tablets, can't remember how long for, about a week I think then a lining check, of ready start progesterone pessaries and transfer is 5-7 days after that (can't remember again!) if not ready then carry on with the estroyfor another week then check again, this is what I had to do before and it was still only just thick enough, luckily they let me carry on though as it worked!
Thanks Ellie & Wannabe!

Star & Ellie, your protocol sounds really simple, I'm having to inject Buserelin for 5 weeks, which is GnRH agonist to make me premenopausal. During my last FET I was piling on the weight, emotional & having hot sweats. This time, I'm losing weight and feeling fine. Really jealous of you girls though.

Thanks Lemon, I'm ok now, I feel cautiously hopeful but this time I'm not as excited. Trying to get my head round the fact that our LG might be our only but very thankful that we have her. My miscarriage was a surprise natural pregnancy, so I have a little chance naturally too even though I don't ovulate every month & have PCO. Which I'm trying to manage through, gluten & dairy free diet and supplements.
November will be here in no time, my advice is to enjoy yourself & your husband, things change when baby comes along. It is a nerve wracking time, but might just turn out to be the best time of your life.
Janey I have a buserelin injection on the day of transfer, they think it helps but I can't remember why but it worked for me last time so fingers crossed it does help

Like you if it never works for me again I will be fine, so grateful for my LG who I never thought I would have bit would be nice for her to have a sibling (or 2 lol) but at the same time I feel less pressure this time around
Janey it really is pretty smooth. With our son we did a FET too bc we did PGS/PGD testing on our day 5 embryos and it was pretty darn smooth. I'm praying it goes just as well and that it works again without any issues. Fingers crossed for all of us during this crazy ride!
Also FYI started estrogen today at 4 tabs (8mg) daily then go up for lining check Wed Sept 14! :) im so excited can't wait!
It strange how every clinic has a different protocol & still has good success rates. Obviously this differs by country. Where are you in the UK Star? I'm at the Liverpool women's hospital which is excellent & I live the staff there.

Ellie, that sounds amazing, I wish mine was shorter but I just have to trust that my clinic do the right thing for us. The last FET my DR said everything was textbook but the embryo just didn't want to embed. Really not very long for you now, exciting! How old is your LO?

I have my baseline on Thursday then will hopefully get a date for starting progynova tablets and confirmed date of ET. Just over 3 weeks to go for me!
Good luck Ellie!

Wannabe, I will be on estrogen tablets, can't remember how long for, about a week I think then a lining check, of ready start progesterone pessaries and transfer is 5-7 days after that (can't remember again!) if not ready then carry on with the estroyfor another week then check again, this is what I had to do before and it was still only just thick enough, luckily they let me carry on though as it worked!

Good luck! :dust::dust: That sounds a lot like what I did for my FET cycle. I was started out on 3 estrogen tablets vaginally a day but since my lining wasn't thick enough and I had a first cycle that didn't make it to transfer since I got sick and AF crashed the party on CD 18 they had me introduce injectible delestrogen every 3rd day, it was an intramuscular injection in the rump, which wasn't much fun but for the next 2 FET cycles I had my lining was like 10.7! I guess I needed that extra boost! So it had great results. :thumbup: I finished out with vaginal progesterone tablets and progesterone injection in the rump. My progesterone was low so I went from 2 tablets vaginally to 3 every day both FET cycles plus the injectible daily.

Fingers crossed you get your BFP! Good luck and baby dust! :dust::dust:

Also FYI started estrogen today at 4 tabs (8mg) daily then go up for lining check Wed Sept 14! :) im so excited can't wait!

That sounds great so far! I started out with 3 estrogen tablets daily and eventually had to add in an injectible estrogen since my lining wasn't thick enough! Good luck and lots of sticky baby dust to you! :dust::dust:

It strange how every clinic has a different protocol & still has good success rates. Obviously this differs by country. Where are you in the UK Star? I'm at the Liverpool women's hospital which is excellent & I live the staff there.

Ellie, that sounds amazing, I wish mine was shorter but I just have to trust that my clinic do the right thing for us. The last FET my DR said everything was textbook but the embryo just didn't want to embed. Really not very long for you now, exciting! How old is your LO?

I have my baseline on Thursday then will hopefully get a date for starting progynova tablets and confirmed date of ET. Just over 3 weeks to go for me!

Good luck with your baseline! :dust::dust: I hope that everything looks great and you can move forward as planned! I hope you get your BFP! :dust::dust:
It strange how every clinic has a different protocol & still has good success rates. Obviously this differs by country. Where are you in the UK Star? I'm at the Liverpool women's hospital which is excellent & I live the staff there.

Ellie, that sounds amazing, I wish mine was shorter but I just have to trust that my clinic do the right thing for us. The last FET my DR said everything was textbook but the embryo just didn't want to embed. Really not very long for you now, exciting! How old is your LO?

I have my baseline on Thursday then will hopefully get a date for starting progynova tablets and confirmed date of ET. Just over 3 weeks to go for me!

He is almost 16 months old so if all goes according to plan and our FET works he'll be over 2 when our second baby is born.
Thank you for the baby dust wannabe, hope you are well

Janey, I am at complete fertility in Southampton, I really like it there and trust the decisions they make
For my ivf they collected 21 eggs and as there wasnt a reason why we couldn't conceive they wanted to do half the eggs the usual fertilisation way and the other half icsi in case it was a case of the egg and sperm not bonding, I was a bit worried as potentially was wasting 10 eggs if this was the case but 11 fertilised normally and 9 with icsi, it was so they would know if I didn't get pregnant that cycle and had to do ivf again, if I would need icsi, I glad they were wrong with their theory that time!

Ellie bean, excited for you and the 14th!
Hey all, it's been a minute since I checked in. Really sorry, but I'm just too upset to even go back and read all the posts. I just found out my sis is pregnant. That's two family members to get pregnant without even trying in the past 4 months. So happy for her but so sad for me. Having such a hard time dealing with ttc lately. My doc scheduled me for an office appointment in a couple of weeks instead of scheduling me for the polyp removal surgery and that's had me pretty broken up too. I don't get why this is taking so long. I actually spent the day yesterday drinking - after spending the past year being pretty much a saint health wise, I just broke down. This is sooo hard. I can't help but feel so hopeless:cry: sorry to get on here just to vent but I just can't keep holding this in :sad2::sad2:
Hey all, it's been a minute since I checked in. Really sorry, but I'm just too upset to even go back and read all the posts. I just found out my sis is pregnant. That's two family members to get pregnant without even trying in the past 4 months. So happy for her but so sad for me. Having such a hard time dealing with ttc lately. My doc scheduled me for an office appointment in a couple of weeks instead of scheduling me for the polyp removal surgery and that's had me pretty broken up too. I don't get why this is taking so long. I actually spent the day yesterday drinking - after spending the past year being pretty much a saint health wise, I just broke down. This is sooo hard. I can't help but feel so hopeless:cry: sorry to get on here just to vent but I just can't keep holding this in :sad2::sad2:

I am so sorry that you are having such a rough time right now and that your surgery got postponed! Big huge hugs to you! :hugs::hugs: Can you call your DR's office in the mean time and ask why the surgery got canceled? I would be upset also! :growlmad: Even though I am a Mom now it took me 3 years of LTTC before I had my twins, I haven't forgotten how painful LTTC is and how it seems like everywhere you look someone is pregnant or giving birth! Hang in there hun! Your time is going to come very soon! :hugs::hugs: I hope you feel better soon! :hugs::hugs: We are always here for you to vent!!! :hugs:
So sorry cookie you are having a hard time, definitely vent to us, we have all been there
I remember feeling upset when my little sister was pregnant for the second time when I was trying and how bad she felt telling me made me feel bad for that too
Focus on yourself, although it might not seem like it you Will get there, so many times I thought it would never happen and then it did and you will look back and think how long ago it all seemed once your baby is here
Keep going and concentrate on your plan, the wait will all be worth it
Hi ladies

Can I join you? I'm not sure when my cycle will be yet though.
We are doing fresh IVF as no embryos were suitable for freezing when we had DD. We can only afford to do this once so it's a lot of pressure.
I had a lap 11days ago to remove endo cysts to give us the best chance.

I got a phonecall from fertility coordinator to say that consultant has requested I go for a follicle scan on Friday then he will decide on what drugs to give me prior to my cetrotide. She said it wasn't the pill, but didn't say what it was.

This is a different clinic to where we had DD because we have moved 5 hours away. Feeling very nervous about it.
Welcome to the new ladies :) So sorry about your loss Janey. Wishing you all the best this time.

I hope this cycle works for you Star. It would be a nice gift to be pregnant before christmas.

Cookie I'm so sorry you are having a hard time. My cousin felt the same way so that is why I had to help her once all her other options were over. It's so unfair how some people have to struggle while others don't even have to try.

Woohoo Ellie. About time your period showed up :p You are only a few days behind me.

I went in for day 12 today and my lining is an 8 :) Apparently I have 30 follicles on each side but only 2 are measuring 1 and 1.4. Normally I ovulate closer to day 16 so I'm not surprised. So I am going back friday to see where I'm at and hopfully get my trigger. Then 6 days after that will be transfer day. I'm so excited for my cousin!!

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