Far off but is anyone planning IVF/FET Oct/Nov time or waiting to start treatment?

Afm only 4 days until lining check! I'm wondering if my transfer won't possibly between someone between next Sunday and next Wednesday. My last FET I feel like I had my lining check and it was good so that day I started day1 of progesterone and on day 5 of progesterone they did FET so if that happens the same way next Sunday would be day 5 but I'm u sure I'd they do FET on Sundays or if they'll have me wait a day and do transfer next Monday day. Ahhhh so many variables and I know it all depends on my lining praying it's good!
So I went in today for preconception blood work on Friday! It was a ton of things they were testing my blood for so the girl had like 6 full vials of blood! I am surprised I didn't pass out! LOL! The list is as follows:

-Rubella IgG
-Complete MEtabolic Profile
-Blood type & RH antibody screen
-CBC w/o Diff
-Hepatitis B
-Hep C
-Antimullerian Hormone (AMH)
-Vitamin D

I will probably get my BW results on Monday morning depending on when Quest gets them in. Everything should be normal/negative, I have no reason to think it wouldn't be. It was normal before years ago when I had to do all of this stuff before.

I scheduled DH for a semen analysis for next Friday. He went to pick up the collection cups this afternoon. Thankfully he can just collect his :spermy: here at home since we are only 15 minutes away from the clinic. They just need it within an hour of it being done.

I didn't want to be worried about whether or not he has :spermy: since it has been so long since his reversal and since we haven't done an SA in almost 4 years! If he doesn't have any :spermy: than we would have to have the RE surgically extract his :spermy: for a little over 1k! It will cost more if the numbing medication isn't enough for the pain and he needs general anesthesia. I think about 500 bucks more! But fingers crossed he still has swimmers. I was nervous about taking a chance and him not having swimmers on the day of the retrieval, and ending up with a freeze all cycle! I really think I need a fresh cycle to get my BFP! Wish us luck! :thumbup:

I ordered some of my meds yesterday. I am going to get the rest of them ordered by Monday. I was trying to figure out a plan to pay for the meds, and I think I have it all figured out. My AF is due on the 15th, so hopefully it won't come early before i can get the rest of my meds. The pharmacies I order from do overnight shipping so I should have everything by Tuesday. Wish me luck! :thumbup:

The meds I am ordering for my IVF cycle include:
Gonal-F 450 powder # 6
Menopur # 10
Cetrotide 0.25mg # 6
Crinone #60 and Estrace # 60
Yay Ellie, it is going quick, I hate the lining check, with dd it was too thin first check, so so close though went back a week later and it was still barely where they wanted, she done a fee measurements until one was just OK, so grateful they went ahead!!

I got all my meds yesterday, I'm so excited to start now

Emily I'm been cheeky really with the blood tests so shouldn't complain, as I am paying for my fet blood tests and chlamydia test at the clinic would have been £215 so they suggested ask gp and luckily they didn't mind!

That is awesome news that you got your meds! :thumbup: Good luck with all of your blood tests! Good luck and baby dust to you for your upcoming cycle! Come on BFP! :dust::dust:

Good luck Emily.

So everything looks good and they are giving me the trigger shot to take tonight. This means transfer will be next week on friday. How long after that until I find out if it worked? Will home pregnancy tests work? I will be taking progesterone starting on monday. Will this effect the results?

Good luck and sticky baby dust to you for next friday! :dust::dust: I hope you get your BFP! :dust:

When I had my chemical FET I got a BFP about 5 days past transfer on my HPT. They didn't do blood work until about 10 days after transfer if I remember correctly. When I was pregnant with my twins I got a BFP early at like 4 DPT but that was because it was twins and they were making a lot of HCG!

6foot - they will tell you when to take a test 10dp5dt sounds familiar. Your trigger may show up as BFP so they like to make sure that's out of your system. I tested my trigger drug out, but can't remember how many days post 5dt it was though.

AFM - 9 follicles on the right, one of them was 18.5 and one 14.5mm the rest up to 8.
And 2 follicles on the left, one 8mm and one 6mm. The left is where I've just had surgery for endometriosis.
My lining is 7.2mm.
Apparently my consultant is happy. He thinks AF will be here in 2/2.5 weeks then we will start 14days of stimms with the next AF. I'm hoping I'll be regular so we could be starting stimms in 7 weeks! No need for the pill. I've got to ring the coordinator on Monday. Then as soon as AF arrives in a couple of weeks I've got to have an appointment with the nurses to make sure everything is ready

How exciting! Good luck and sticky baby dust to you! :dust::dust: Fingers crossed that you get your BFP!!!! :dust: I have stage 2 endo and I had some scar tissue and endo removed along with a polyp when I had my lap/hysteroscopy surgery. For my FET cycles my RE wanted my lining to be at least an 8 or better before the transfer. I ended up having about a 10.7 for both of my FET cycles. The estrogen really helps beef up your lining though and it will get nice and thick! Good luck!! :dust::dust:

Hi Cookie, just wanted to say I know how you feel. My SIL gets pregnant so easily & has no sympathy for me. I don't talk to her about it now as she makes light of infertility. She's had 3 children & I love them but her youngest is 4 months younger than my little girl, and she told my mum she was jealous of me having a baby so got pregnant. I was devastated when I found out, as we'd waited so long for a baby... (Only 18 months trying, but wanted to be a mum forever!)
It does get easier and when you get that bfp and then the baby, you forget everything you've been through. I hope you're ok. Throw yourself into your sisters pregnancy.... As hard as it is, I'm sure she'll reciprocate during your pregnancy plus I believe good karma! Xxx

Well, had my baseline yesterday. Lining is 2.9mm so started the progynova oestrogen today, then another scan in 10 days then ET in less than 3 weeks.

Good luck 6foot, what an amazing person you are, your cousin is lucky to have you X

Hope everyone has a good weekend xx

It sounds like your cycle is off to a great start so far! Good luck and sticky baby dust to you! :dust::dust: I hope you get a BFP!!! :dust:

Thanks, we are having a great weekend! It has been laid back and relaxed. I played with the twins out in the back yard today, DH & I watched some movies together after the twins went to bed. It has been so hot and humid here though! Thankfully tomorrow it will finally cool down and be in the 80's! I am looking forward to the Fall and the cool weather! Fall is my favorite season, and it is so pretty!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?

How is everyone this weekend?

6ft, if you ate going to test before otd it is best to test out the trigger I got my bfp 5dp5dt but I didn't have the trigger as was an fet

Emily glad to hear your appointment went well won't be long before you ate starting next!

Janey goof luck for the cycle bow you have started glad baseline went well

Afm, have now got blood test forms and chlamydia test to do, day 31 today, last cycle was 37 but before that in the 40s, 37 is my shortest since they started again
Hurry up af!

I hope that AF shows soon for you so you can move forward! Good luck! :dust::dust:

We are having a great weekend! It has been laid back and relaxed. I played with the twins out in the back yard today, DH & I watched some movies together after the twins went to bed. It has been so hot and humid here though! Thankfully tomorrow it will finally cool down and be in the 80's! I am looking forward to the Fall and the cool weather! Fall is my favorite season, and it is so pretty!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?

Afm only 4 days until lining check! I'm wondering if my transfer won't possibly between someone between next Sunday and next Wednesday. My last FET I feel like I had my lining check and it was good so that day I started day1 of progesterone and on day 5 of progesterone they did FET so if that happens the same way next Sunday would be day 5 but I'm u sure I'd they do FET on Sundays or if they'll have me wait a day and do transfer next Monday day. Ahhhh so many variables and I know it all depends on my lining praying it's good!

Good luck! I hope that your lining gets nice and thick so your embryo can burrow in and stay snug! :dust::dust: I did estrogen for about 2 weeks and than started the progesterone for about a week,before transfer, so about 3 weeks to transfer with my FET cycles.
Thanks wannabe! I'm excited for you, sounds like your getting everything all squared away! :)
Thank you wannabe, good luck to you too
Youre near there to start, so exciting but scary at the same time is about how I am right now!
DH had a really busy weekend with work, well 5 days actually as he has a taxi company and there's a festival on where I live so we haven't seen him
So just been the 2 of us and yesterday it rained allllll day! Hopefully today will be better so we can walk the dog and go and see my mum, hate being stuck in!
Good luck Emily.

So everything looks good and they are giving me the trigger shot to take tonight. This means transfer will be next week on friday. How long after that until I find out if it worked? Will home pregnancy tests work? I will be taking progesterone starting on monday. Will this effect the results?

Hi noodle,

You will have to test out your trigger daily to know when it's out, otherwise wait for the blood test. In my fresh cycle, I did a day 3 transfer and got a clear BFP on 8dp3dt (line darkening after the trigger faded).

In my FET without trigger I got my BFP on the evening of 3dp5dt so super early. Was clear the next morning.
Hi ladies
Well I finally feel we are making progress! I found out today that the idea is AF should come on the 23rd sept, then start cetrotide on 21st October with plan for EC week commencing 7th November.
So fingers crossed AF isn't late!
Hi ladies
Well I finally feel we are making progress! I found out today that the idea is AF should come on the 23rd sept, then start cetrotide on 21st October with plan for EC week commencing 7th November.
So fingers crossed AF isn't late!

That's awesome! :thumbup: I bet it feels good to have a plan in place! :happydance: Good luck and lots of sticky baby dust to you! Fingers crossd your AF isn't late! :dust::dust:

My AF is due on the 15th, so it sounds like we will be on a very close schedule and we can be cycle buddies! :thumbup: I also hope that AF doesn't come late as well, but because I had the failed FET in August all of the medications might mess up my cycle this month and it might go long, but I hope not!

AFM, I have almost all of my meds on the way in the mail! Most of them will be here either tomorrow or Wednesday! :thumbup:
Fingers crossed for no late af's! I still have no sign of mine, day 34 today
Wow it's all happening.
Thanks Wannabe.. I hope you get your BFP too... (my fingers are crossed for all of us ) that is a big blood testing schedule... But you're nearly there! X

Star, wannabe & Emily - get those white sheets on the bed, wear those white knickers and even wear OH pants (obvs around the house!) AF will show her face... It always works for me.
My Medicated FET in May affected me too Wannabe.... For 3 cycles!
Ellie - good luck for your lining check, only a day or so to wait?!!! X

As for me, well just waiting for my lining check a week today, then a week later for ET. Only 14 more injections and the progynova is having no effect either... and this time I've lost nearly a stone rather than gaining weight! So really pleased.... Come on baby stick with us, you'll be totally loved.... I promise X (if only all those frozen embryos knew how special they are!)
Star - hope AF hurrys up and shows soon! I'm dreading that!

Wannabe - ooh exiting! You're doing fresh cycle this time right?

Janey - no white sheets for me! Our brand new bed arrived today, it's amazing I love it!!
Yes Janey! Lining check tomorrow morning !!!!! Ahhhhh so excited/anxious hoping all is good so we can get FET date for next week!
Wow it's all happening.
Thanks Wannabe.. I hope you get your BFP too... (my fingers are crossed for all of us ) that is a big blood testing schedule... But you're nearly there! X

Star, wannabe & Emily - get those white sheets on the bed, wear those white knickers and even wear OH pants (obvs around the house!) AF will show her face... It always works for me.
My Medicated FET in May affected me too Wannabe.... For 3 cycles!
Ellie - good luck for your lining check, only a day or so to wait?!!! X

As for me, well just waiting for my lining check a week today, then a week later for ET. Only 14 more injections and the progynova is having no effect either... and this time I've lost nearly a stone rather than gaining weight! So really pleased.... Come on baby stick with us, you'll be totally loved.... I promise X (if only all those frozen embryos knew how special they are!)

Thanks for the good luck wishes hun! :flower: That is awesome that you only have 2 weeks to go before transfer. Fingers crossed that your lining is nice and thick! :dust::dust: I will try your theory and see if it makes AF appear any sooner! LOL! :haha::winkwink:

Star - hope AF hurrys up and shows soon! I'm dreading that!

Wannabe - ooh exiting! You're doing fresh cycle this time right?

Janey - no white sheets for me! Our brand new bed arrived today, it's amazing I love it!!

Yes, it will be a fresh cycle this time! :thumbup: I am nervous but excited at the same time! I got some meds in the mail today in an insulated ice pack since they all need to be put in the fridge. I got ovidrel, gonal F and cetrotide. :thumbup: Tomorrow more meds should be arriving! :thumbup:
Janey great news you're on your way and Ellie well done on transfer next Tues!

Afm af is here! Arrived in the night, went to blood test clinic today and had a 2 hour wait, could have cried, then on phone clinic said ideally they want results before starting treatment but other day a nurse said as long as got them by transfer, anyway arty a I said by others were still in date til end of month and I asked for these to be urgent which they will be and baseline is on Fri!
Thanks everyone.

I can't believe you can get a positive so early. It will be a FET but they still gave me a hcg shot so ovulation can be more accurate and less monitoring. I will have to go buy a bunch of cheapies to test out the hcg shot and watch for line darkening. I think the clinic tests 2 weeks after transfer which seems like such a long wait.

Ellie yay for transfer date. Only 4 days after mine. :)

Happy to see your AF arrived Star. Good luck with baseline.

Hope all you ladies get your AF fast and on time.
Noodle we can be buddies! Well they called and have to move date to next Wednesday so I more day to wait...ugh lol but it could be worse and I could have to wait longer so 1 day isn't really that bad. So start PIO injections sat!
@Ellie, Good luck with the transfer! It will be here before you know it! I hope you get a BFP!!! :dust::dust:

@Star, Good luck with your BW and your baseline ultrasound! I hope all of the results come back good! :dust::dust:
So many great updates of things moving forward and progressing nicely! Definitely a scary process but totally worth it. :thumbup:
My transfer is tomorrow! Ahhhhhhh!!! Nervous. Hope it doesn't hurt.

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