February 2013 babies

Sounds like it won't be long until the next baby is here!

Moving is hard work! I've spent two days unpacking and putting furniture together and still loads to do. The extra activity is giving me loads of braxton hicks and cramps but no actual contractions.

Had a great meeting at hospital with new consultant. She was lovely and hospital seems nice. She is happy for me to try vbac as the baby's head is only 70th centile compared to 95th for tummy. She has booked me in for a section on 22nd February if nothing has happened by then.
bumpity: funny when your four year old is the voice of reason !! Perhaps he knows something.

JJay: I couldn't even think of packing now. I'd last ooohh about 15 minutes and get winded. Good for you to be able to do it. But we do what we have too. After all we are the moms....

Due date is February 9th by my first 2 u/s. Then when I switched to OB it was 2/11 but I am going by the very first couple and my ovualtion backs that one up around the same.

The very last week is so looong !! I am not wanting to go anywhere and when I see Dr. on Monday I may ask for induction if it hasn't happened. I really would love a spontaneous easy natural labor but I also don't want a 10 pound baby so I am a bit worried. And so very uncomfortable.

I would love a 2.5 labor like Loompy.. Tonight would be just fine.

Good luck to us...
I'm right behind you in the queue for a 2.5 hour labour. Can't imagine it will be though! My due date from ovulation is 15th, LMP 10th and ultrasound 9th. The midwife put 10th down on my notes so I've gone with that...
Bumpity- my nephew keeps asking if the baby is here yet. We told him after Christmas at first because that was the big focus in his life!!
JJay- you must be exhausted moving house at the moment. I would be struggling doing that.
Count me in for - 2 1/2 hour labour.... I wish x
I'm packing up house at present, or trying to. Should close on the new house Feb 28th, then it needs some work before we can move in- Thank God I am a painter- but the more physical stuff like scrubbing and flooring and moving all the boxes I pack will have to be done by someone else. I will have a very newborn baby by then, and I'm not going to push my body to the point of exhaustion and make the bleeding worse. I learned my lesson there while recovering from DS (18).

I'm due the 14th. By LMP it's the 13th and by when I got pregnant (DTD) it should be between the 16th and the 19th (depending on when eggie was released). Doc was saying I'd never last that long based on how low the baby has been laying, and how effaced I was a few weeks ago. I'm beginning to think the doc is full of s*** :haha:

I almost headed into LDR yesterday to get checked out because little one seems awfully quiet compared to her normal hyperactive self. I broke out my doppler and couldn't find the hb for a full ten minutes, just the placenta, I started to freak out, but did find it. She wasn't moving too much most of the day so I was in a fearful mood last night. I will keep a close eye on movement today and head in if I'm still uneasy. Idk what people will say about the neurotic older mom...
Hey ladies!
Sat here with the cutest little bundle asleep on my chest......her favourite place. We don't do Moses basket at night....cuddles with mummy only if we want any sleep! A little bit awkward so I might try her in her vibrating chair tonight to see if I can get some sleep. D you think itis ok for her to sleep In there. It is very soft and not too raised. I know they can't be in car seats for more than 2 hours but do you think this would be ok?
Things have changed so much since ds 5 years ago! Now they don't recommend bathing babies for 7-10 days, unless they are very poopy, and the cord has fallen off. They also say don't use olive oil on dry skin, just leave it alone.
Caitlin, or Kitty or short is delicious! I can't sop cuddling her. Will get round to writing birth story when I am awake enough......very tired! Have to say quick labour was great but hurt like nobody's business!
Will post pic later!
Keep smilin girls! Can't wait for you to join the club!
Oh loompy she sounds adorable. Like the sound of quick labor but the pain part .....
My first labor was 3 hours active and 6 min pushing and the contractions were non-stop and so crazy strong. So glad I got the intrathecal shot. I'm a bit nervous that it'll be faster this time around, but don't really want it to be longer either. :rofl:
I got my first crappy night's sleep last night and if I'm not going to be sleeping well, I'd rather it's because the baby is here and not because I'm dreaming all night that my (first) son is an energy vampire sucking the life out of me.

Congrats on the move JJay and good luck with yours PM.
PM - I say any concern about decreased movement is worth getting checked out and it has nothing to do with age.
All these house moves! They say new house new baby, if must be chaos moving and preparing for LO's xxx
Oh Loompy, that's what I can't wait for. There's nothing like it in the world :). I used one of those chairs at the beginning with my son. He refused the crib or Moses basket :dohh:it was the only way I could get a break. There's absolutely nothing wrong with him. He eventually went into the carrycot part if his travel system. Sometimes you just have to throw the 'rule' book out!!

Good luck with move JJay. I've done it twice in less than 2 years so I know how hard it is. Great news on VBAC :)

PM I'm sure she's just bring a little monkey but definitely get it checked out if your worried x
My first labor was 3 hours active and 6 min pushing and the contractions were non-stop and so crazy strong. So glad I got the intrathecal shot. I'm a bit nervous that it'll be faster this time around, but don't really want it to be longer either. :rofl:
I got my first crappy night's sleep last night and if I'm not going to be sleeping well, I'd rather it's because the baby is here and not because I'm dreaming all night that my (first) son is an energy vampire sucking the life out of me.

Congrats on the move JJay and good luck with yours PM.
PM - I say any concern about decreased movement is worth getting checked out and it has nothing to do with age.

She's been bopping away this morning which has been reassuring :happydance:
Firstly huge congratulations Loompy and welcome Caitlin, she sounds utterly adorable :hugs:

Well this week has been crazy busy for me, trying to get finished up at work meant I had tons of work home and doing loads of extra work at home but as of Thursday afternoon that was me to finished up thankfully, then we had a friend's dad's funeral on Friday so it wasn't until yesterday that it really dawned on me that I'm off.

Congratulations to Jjay & PM on new houses too, I'm seriously impressed that you are able to move house just now. The thought of it exhausts me, never mind actually doing it. It's taking me all my energy just to keep on top of the housework!!

Jjay I love your names, my 'real' name is Elizabeth-Anne, so Annie Elizabeth is pretty close!

I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and compared to the rest of you it feels like I've got again to go. Started reading a book about hynobirthing today and its fascinating. I'm by no means ruling out any pain relief but I definitely want to have more control over my labour/birth than the last time. I didn't really feel part of it, if you know what I mean, like it happened to me and I wasn't really fully involved in the process. Hard to explain, it's a strange feeling.

Looking forward to hearing more exciting news soon ladies :)
I've had a stuffy, runny nose all day. I'm hoping it's a sign of labor and not a cold. I haven't had a single sick day this entire pregnancy. Not even a little bit and my son has been over his cold for about a week now.
I'm about to head out to the bar/restaurant that my husband brews beer for. He should finish work soon and they're doing a Super Bowl chili festival thing tonight, so I'm going to eat me a bunch of yummy chili and see if anything happens. I'm actually bringing my hospital bag and my son's overnight bag in the trunk of my car, just in case :haha:
My dh has a cold and thinks he is so poorly. Think he has sneezed 3 times. So he has taken over our bed is moaning and groaning so I am now lying in the sofa watching tv. Why are men such wimps when they are ill. Xx
Back and food was nom-y!
My husband is a total baby when sick too, but he's 'man' enough to admit it.
I'm lying on the sofa watching Super Bowl which I don't even get!
Brave souls to move with a newborn but exiting also... Just get back- up help, so your blood pressure doesn't go up in post partum and you can get rest. A few boxes or paint can wait an extra week.

Seity: your previous labor was so short and fast ! Kind of a blessing. The sleep thing sucks but seems to be the norm now. Harder when you have to take care of another little one. It's not like you can just always nap unless you have help.

My youngest daughter slept in a carseat for about 3 weeks at night . Mostly because thats the place she slept the best. Did no harm and she liked the cosy-ness. I slept on the couch and she right next to me. I had a full nursery set up and every imaginable thing , only to find that the carseat worked....When it comes to sleep, you do what you have to do. I had to get up and get 2 others to school, sleep is so important.

My mother in law has all these pictures of my husband sleeping in a dresser drawer lined with a soft blanket. Looks so archaic but it worked almost like a small bassinet. She said she just traveled around the house with it and put it next to her. These were the days before all the sophisticated baby gear items that we have today. Mothers had to make due with what they had.

At my baby shower, MIL, she was also showing how they used to fold and do diapers before disposables. I could not stop thinking about how hard of work that was to do. Now we at least have a choice. And she used to work full time and clean them. And not get sleep. I will not be complaining at all to her... or my mom.

People are starting to stare at me because I look so pregnant. I guess I will be avoiding places. Also baby is so low that my bladder has just taken on a life of its own control. So staying close to bathrooms are really really important right now...Literally I can feel the baby twist his head or something and twinge of the bladder. So not fun....
Woke up in early labor. It's just like it was with Gabriel. I'm just in the long boring waiting stage. Hopefully, my active labor goes as quickly as it did with him.
Went out yesterday for first time in about 5 days as I felt so much better. Think baby has dropped further as realised that I can't walk very well! Also had the dreaded shooting pain up my back that I experienced with my DS. Blaming the large head? My sons was 37cm at birth which is quite large and this LO's was 34cm at 35 weeks so heading ( excuse the pun) the same way.

DTD 2 1/2 hours ago, first time since the bleeding in the first tri, and I've been having regular tightenings since!! Lots in my back which is unusual for me. Very mild so not convinced its going to progress but will keep you posted. Just picking kids up from school then going home to finally pack my bag, just incase :)

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