February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

Got my CH's today and I am 3dpo. While running errands this morning I suddenly got a craving for tortilla chips, I ran over to Sam's Club to get the big bags of my favorite brand. Almost cried when I didn't see them, found that they had moved them down the aisle. I know it is way too early to start symptoms spotting but I totally felt like a crazed prego looking for chips! By the way I bought 3 bags. Happy Friday!
Savvy, you are funny. I have crazings like that a lot...so if they are not too out of the ordinary, I don't think much about them. But I often wonder how crazy I will be when I am pregnant. My mom bought a cherry pie every time she went grocery shopping (single serve) & ate it on the way home. She said this is why I have red hair :p

Curly, as far as things to do...the pineapple core is on 1-5 dpo. Be careful about eating pineapple during the rest of your cycle. I think I heard it can cause an acidic environment for sperm or something. Also I heard eat brazil nuts. These are also supposed to be good for sperm count. You may also want to look in to the POM wonderful (I know I just mentioned this). I hear it is great for you all around.

So here is my funny story of the day. I went to my husband's store at lunch. I didn't go to the bathroom ahead of time & I really wanted to do an opk. So we ate together real quick & I went over to the aisle & got a box of opks...the pee on the stick kind. I wanted some of these anyways because I will be with my mom on Sunday & needed a way to test without her knowing. So I plan to use them & put the cap on & put it in my purse. So anyways we were looking at the different kinds & I just wanted the cheap equate. But I didn't know if they had a cap. So I took the chance anyways & as soon as I bought them, I went in the bathroom to use one. (I REALLY had to pee!) So afterwards I texted my husband as I was leaving & said, They have a cap! So crazy what your conversations turn in to when you start TTC.

Oh...side note...my opk is still light...so I am hoping my positive comes no earlier than Monday...Sunday would be ok, it's just I don't want to try to rush to get in on Monday morning with no notice. And I know the IVF lab is only open until 1:30.
Beaglemom hoping you get a + opk on Monday so that IUI is timed perfectly!! And conversations while TTC are always on the TMI side lol
And Savvy that story about the chips is too funny. Dh last night actually had a super craving for Taco Bell. He kept saying I want Taco Bell lol. And we had just ate dinner.

So I think I have decided to possibly do a "natural" cycle. But natural isn't really natural for me lol. I am going to take my femara CD3-7. I just order fertile cm so going to use that and some guaifenesin pills for cm on CD9 to O. I called and schedule my ultrasound for the 10th which will be CD12. I am just guessing, but I think RE will tell me to do trigger that night or next night. Then we will do timed BDing. DH and I are still up in the air about the IUI though. We will talk more about it this week I guess. When I called I asked the nurse what else I can do to up my chances such maybe a diet plan or other pills. She said that I could cut out carbs. I should eat protein, veggies, and fruits. So going to try this and see. Then I asked about when would be a good time to do the massage and she said either the weekend before the ultrasound or the day of ultrasound to get me ready for IUI. Now I am thinking about doing this pineapple thing on day of IUI or timed BD for 5 days. I really don't know what else to do... Think I have it all covered ladies?? I want a BFP and SOON!!

Sidenote- Anyone hear about Dove deodorant causing infertility problems? I saw that somewhere and tried to research but came up with nothing and this is what I use!
Also, great news... my friend texted me about FREE tickets tonight to see Brad Paisley! Shut the front door!!!! Time for some F-U-N
Awesome! I so wish my massage had not been cancelled. But now I am thinking of getting on the phone again with more places.

I think the pineapple core is supposed to be eatten starting the first day AFTER O, not sure why it matters...but just thought I would just say what I have heard.

No idea about Dove, but seriously, I think it is just nonsense. I think if something so common was causing it, we would know. But you could always switch just for the sake of it. I use different brands each time I buy. It is usually dove, secret, or suave.

And I am always craving a box of tacos from Taco Bell. I brought it home once & it was so awesome...the 2 of us just pigged out!

I don't think changing your diet can hurt. But besides trying to limit our really bad meals & adding more vegatables & juice, I really don't plan to do anything drastic. I just think about all the women out there who get pregnant by accident...no one told them to do any of that. Speaking of food...I am sure you have heard the sweet potato/yams theory. Apparently it causes an increased chance in multiples. So we have a cupboard full. We haven't eatten them much lately. Need to start adding it in the diet. Not sure when to eat them. Apparently some town ate them all the time because they harvested them & the town had a higher than normal multple pregnancy rate. I have also heard spinach is great. I buy the frozen creamed spinach. Husband hates eatting it. But I actually like the creamed. Once I put regular spinach (from frozen) in mac & cheese. I thought it was awesome!
I love spinach on pretty much anything. In a omelet or in pasta or by itself. I also love spinach salads. Going to make those for my lunch at work. I totally get what you mean when people are like it just happened. Wish it would "just happen" for us sooner rather than later. My birthday is coming up on the 15th so I asked my mom if the massage could be my present... why not?! lol
And I seriously think I have pcos but never went in to REs office for blood work. I don't know why I just was like doesn't really change anything. Same course of treatment. Probably a bad call on my part... oh well. Might end up doing to eventually.
I suddenly have a craving for Taco Bell! I ate about half the bag of chips already but I did balance my meal out with some strawberries! The cherry pie and red hair is funny beaglemom, I hope my kids don't look like tortilla chips though! :)

Misaacs, sounds like you have a great plan. Does your hubby take any vitamins? I got mine taking a multivitamin and I might try to convince him to take zinc. He also does not drink around my O time. Figure it is good to up his chances too. Yikes about the Dove deodorant, that is what I use and have used forever.

It is crazy the amount of woman that get pregnant without trying. Here we are trying new crazy things with our legs in the air for 20 minutes, peeing on sticks (yay for caps beaglemom), meds, temps, special diets, etc.
I know!! All of the stuff we have to do to get pregnant!
DH takes a multivitamin and countboost. He was taking fertilaid too but he ran out. DH doesn't drink very much at all. We both don't really so that helps. He is kind of bad about taking his though. Its like are you serious?! I have to pump myself full of all kinds of stuff!! Take your ONE pill!
Savvy, instead of zinc, or in additon to, you should get him on fertile aid or fertility blend (from gnc). I have not seen an increase in count yet, but those have a blend in them that includes zinc. I am crossing my fingers that I at least see some improvement on count with this IUI. That is one good thing...along with the wash, I can see my husband's before & after count to compare to previous months. However, I have seen no change :( But this cycle, my IUI will line up perfectly I hope...& as I have said before, we can cross our fingers that my side of the equation is super fertile & his boys just needed a bus ride to my uterus :D
Love it, bus ride to your uterus! I totally needed a good laugh today! :)

It is nice you have numbers to compare and hopefully his numbers have improved. Remember though, it only takes one! I am so excited for you this cycle. Thanks for the recommendations, I might take my hubby up to GNC next week. He doesn't complain about the multivitamin and he will eat whatever I fix for dinner (veggies included) and he does give up beer too, he isn't a huge drinker but likes one with dinner or a few if we go out. I am not a drinker at all, can't with my stomach meds and all I drink is water.

When he first started taking the vitamins I got cute containers and a little tray and put it on my kitchen table. We eat dinner at the table and I can make sure he doesn't forget his vitamin. If people come over I just stash the tray in a cabinet. My mom keeps my dads pills in one of those 7 day containers, that way she can make sure he took them - he is worse than a child with pills!
We use the AM/PM 7 day containers...but just take them once a day...so it is actually 2 weeks worth.

You can also look in to fertility blend for women. I always forget about them because I don't take anything for fertility while on clomid. Also, red raspberry leaf tea is in my pill box. It is supposed to be good for overall uterine health. There is some stuff online that says it causes contractions which can lead to mc. But from my research it only causes the uterine muscles to strengthen...in a good way.
Another high :) I can now start patiently waiting for a peak! Glad I got through the weekend
Another high :) I can now start patiently waiting for a peak! Glad I got through the weekend

Yay!! Will your IUI be the day after your peak?

Rough weekend here, I have been extremely bloated/distended and haven't slept very well. My hubby is out of town this weekend and I usually get sick when he is gone.
Ugh...sorry you feel bad. I am using the opk to time iui. But I expect a pos the same day as peak.
Thanks beaglemom, I usually worry and stress when he is away which makes my stomach go in knots. I really didn't want him to go away and was a little upset but I am sure he needed a guys only weekend! Were you able to find a place for massages this weekend?
I did not find a massage place but I did find a place that does reflexology. I think I could do that one day this week on my lunch. You can do a 30 min session.
Well there was a lot to catch up on!! Sorry for the AFs this month - here is to a more positive March!

I got AF while on the plane back from my trip and got the greenlight to go forward with IUI #3. They upped my clomid to 150. Scan on Thursday to see where things are at.

While away, I got blessed at chimi lhakhang - a famous fertility temple in Bhutan. I also prayed for BFPs for all my B&B friends - since you are supposed to pray for others and not yourself - hope the good vibes help!
Well there was a lot to catch up on!! Sorry for the AFs this month - here is to a more positive March!

I got AF while on the plane back from my trip and got the greenlight to go forward with IUI #3. They upped my clomid to 150. Scan on Thursday to see where things are at.

While away, I got blessed at chimi lhakhang - a famous fertility temple in Bhutan. I also prayed for BFPs for all my B&B friends - since you are supposed to pray for others and not yourself - hope the good vibes help!


Sorry about AF, but glad you can move forward.

Also, thanks so much for thanking of us in your prayers!

I was thinking of starting a March thread. Just wanted to know if anyone else wanted to move or just stick to this one.
I'd love to move to a March thread. Ready for a fresh start.

What I thought was AF, was actually just pre-AF spotting. Full blown AF arrived today, so I had to reschedule my HSG. Luckily I didn't take my clomid last night because I just had a gut feeling it was way too light to be AF. Glad i followed my gut! So I'll start that on Fri. Same day as HSG.

Sorry I haven't stayed very well caught up. I'll take some time today to read thru what I've missed and stalk a few charts. :winkwink:
Well there was a lot to catch up on!! Sorry for the AFs this month - here is to a more positive March!

I got AF while on the plane back from my trip and got the greenlight to go forward with IUI #3. They upped my clomid to 150. Scan on Thursday to see where things are at.

While away, I got blessed at chimi lhakhang - a famous fertility temple in Bhutan. I also prayed for BFPs for all my B&B friends - since you are supposed to pray for others and not yourself - hope the good vibes help!

Nice to hear from you! Sorry AF showed up but at least it was on the way home from your trip. I appreciate the prayers and good vibes, I can't wait to see some bfps here! Keep us posted on your scan. :)

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