February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

I got a high on the monitor today. Why can't anything be easy? I haven't been taking notes the past couple cycles, so I will look back in the thread to see what cd my first high was on. I just want O to hold off until Tues. Ideally get a pos opk Mon.

Ok, so I looked back & my first high last cycle was CD 9...so I am not too far off. But I had more highs than usual in my opinion. I guess I will just have to see what happens. I will start using the opks mid morning & mid afternoon today. I am not supposed to use them while on clomid until like CD 13 or something like that. So if I do get a pos but no peak on the monitor, I will disregard.

I almost told my husband about our plans on Friday, but I have decided to hold out as long as possible. I also looked more in to the arena where we have events. In the coming months besides hockey there is also going to be the Harlem Globetrotters. I really think he would like that, too. We also are trying to make plans to go see a game in Yankee stadium. He is a huge fan & I married into it, so I love it too...but sadly our awesome Derek Jeter is retiring...so we have to see him play one last time & neither of us ave been to Yankee Stadium. So all in all, we have a pretty exciting Spring/Summer coming up. It makes up for the fact I am squirelling away as much of my vacation days as possible in case I do get pregnant & deliver in 2014.
I feel like this IUI is a bust! I took another test this morning which came back - I also had a dream where I took a test and it was - I think that is a bad sign. I know it is still early but just don't feel like this one worked. Trying to keep hope alive but really all I want to do is cry and feel sad about it. DH said no IUI next month too. So I feel pressure from that and I know that I only have 1 IUI left before RE wants to do surgery. Sorry to be such a downer. Just feel like I cant keep it together anymore.
I feel like this IUI is a bust! I took another test this morning which came back - I also had a dream where I took a test and it was - I think that is a bad sign. I know it is still early but just don't feel like this one worked. Trying to keep hope alive but really all I want to do is cry and feel sad about it. DH said no IUI next month too. So I feel pressure from that and I know that I only have 1 IUI left before RE wants to do surgery. Sorry to be such a downer. Just feel like I cant keep it together anymore.

I am sorry you are feeling so down about your IUI. It is hard to see bfn after bfn but it is still early and you still have a great chance. If you take march off would you do IUI in April? I am really hoping that this is your month though.
Beaglemom, that is the best thing about these threads that we can look back and see our symptoms and stuff a few months back! I also like fertility friend because I make a bunch of notes daily. Here you get a high early and my + opk is late...what gives?

Hubby and I love to get away for weekend trips. We usually head up to my parents lake house in the summer almost every weekend. Lots of weekend friends and we love swimming and fishing. We bought an awesome boat 2 years ago and I spend the winters sad that it is covered up and the lake is frozen...While still making payments on the boat. Also big fans of baseball games and we try to fit in a few during the summer. Sounds like you are planning for some fun date nights with your hubby!

So my temp didn't rise today and I had to run out early to watch my nephew and niece so I forgot my opk so now I am mad. I should be home around 2 so I will check then. Hoping I o today. We have been bding so I hope the swimmers are waiting!!
Thanks savvy! This process is such a roller coaster. And it would put me at IUI#3 around April 20th :/ then surgery would have to be at the end of May.
Thanks savvy! This process is such a roller coaster. And it would put me at IUI#3 around April 20th :/ then surgery would have to be at the end of May.

I think the entire tww is an emotional roller coaster. Okay so I haven't even ovulated and my boobs and lower back are already sore. Ugh. Do you have any more appointments with your doctor?
Thanks savvy! This process is such a roller coaster. And it would put me at IUI#3 around April 20th :/ then surgery would have to be at the end of May.

I think the entire tww is an emotional roller coaster. Okay so I haven't even ovulated and my boobs and lower back are already sore. Ugh. Do you have any more appointments with your doctor?

No more appointments. Maybe your are right now!
Misaacs, I still think you are too early, as well. But I def understand the discouragement. I don't want to say our struggle is more important than anyone else, but there is an extra strain because we are taking the IUI step...you more so than me because you have way more drugs in your body & have dished out more $$$. I think when we do IUI, we just think we have put more science into it, so we should have better chances. Try to stay positive. And to make yourself feel better, you should google late BFP...you will find a ton of women getting positives no earlier than 15 dpo...some even later.

I can't recall...what would the surgery be?

Savvy, I think you are ovulating now as well...good luck! And don't stress about the opk...see what happens this afternoon...I am sure today is your day.

I have no idea what to think about our cycles. I think we are overanalyzing things. I just hope I get quite a bit of high days again. So last month the high started CD 9 & I think I O'd CD 17 or so. So let's hope the same happens this month. I am def not going to pull the same thing I did last cycle. If no pos OPK by Thursday night, I will just wait & see what the weekend brings. I am also going to see my mom on Sat...not sure how to juggle opks while we are with her. I think I will buy some of the pee sticks so I will have a cap & can put it in my purse so I can read later.
I called the nurse at my doctors office and she said it is still possible for it to turn + she told me to test Thursday. The surgery would be a exploratory laparoscopy. I feel just like you said beaglemom like this should work!!
Sorry I've been MIA for even longer this time. The closer I got to testing, the more I needed to focus on other things. I am 14dpo today, and BFN. This was the day I had the faint BFP the month I got prego, and that one ended in a CP. So I feel certain that if I was getting prego this cycle, I would've gotten a solid BFP by today. Plus, I woke up cramping worse than just dull cramps that I sometimes get during the TWW, and AF feels like its on the way for sure.

I am extremely disheartened by this. I was SO positive and optimistic, and never once doubted that I would get prego this cycle, because I thought the positive vibes and just feeling the certainty there, would help. I did know in the back of my mind that by feeling so certain, that a BFN would be even more devastating, but I never faltered in my optimism. I cried this morning for a good half hour, but then had to get to work.

I have now put 15 months into this, 4 medicated cycles, a miscarriage, and I'm getting older w/ each month. It was already taking a toll on me, but this month takes the cake. I am sad, I am mad, and I am scared.

That said, I am getting more aggressive next cycle...as much as I love the laid back nature of my Dr. and his confidence that everything is going to go perfect, I'm done. It's time for me to take action. I spoke w/ them. As soon as AF arrives, they are setting up my HSG for a week after. Just because I got prego once, doesnt mean the other tube isn't blocked, decreasing my chances by 50% each month! I mentioned increasing my dose of clomid again, but they said since I got prego on it once, they want me to try one more month on the 50. That's fine, but I am also demanding a monitored cycle with u/s this time. I want to know how many follies the dose is producing, and I want to know the thickness of my uterine lining, and then another u/s a day or two after O to confirm which side I O'd from. I am also requesting another drug that counteracts the CM side effects of Clomid (although I cant recall the name of it) instead of using the Robitussin. I need to get serious about this, as I want to be prego more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. In the meantime, when March cycle starts and I begin this new regimen, I am also looking into a reputable FS in my area. If March is unsuccessful, I will begin my April cycle with the FS. I will move on to IUI if FS recommends, although I dont know if that's the right solution for us since DH had a great SA. I'd probably do 1 or 2, and then move straight on to IVF at that point. No more messing around for me.
Erin, I am sorry you feel out...we can hope you are wrong...but I am not posting a sugar coating post. I really thought when I saw your name you would annouce good news. I think we are all in a rut. We have been doing this together for about 3 months & we all know how involving it can be. I just want to say that if this is a neg for you, then good luck with your new taking no more BS approach. The HSG will give you some answers & hopefully it is all good. I think if you have a clear HSG & good SA, IUI is a great option for you. I know you are classified in that awful above 35 category. So it makes you feel old & worn out like every month is another month off your LIFE not just TTC. I feel this way sometimes. I wish I had some positivity for you, but I was just feeling this way...& for me, just knowing someone was hearing me was enough...and I got over it in a couple of days & I think you too will feel better in a couple of days. I know you are not speaking irrationally...everything you are planning is a good approach. Just know there are people here doing the same as you & feeling the same. I wish you a ton of luck in the new cycle.

I hope I am not sounding negative, I just think we are all lacking some rainbows & pixie dust these past few days.

I think the drug you are referring to is Femera.
Okay, ladies...I feel like a lot of us are feeling like crap lately. I know I am. I am trying to plan new things to keep me focused on happy thoughts in the future. But we all have those dark moments when we think nothing is going to work. So, I am posting a youtube link. This is one of my 3 beagles...I love them to death...this is my Tripawd...and he is just the happiest little guy you will ever meet. I hope you watch it & I hope for just a brief moment, it makes you smile & forget about all the TTC nonsense.


Yea, the video did make me smile! :) I love dogs too much not to smile at at that!! Thanks for sharing. Maybe we should all post stuff like that more often of our pets being silly. ;) And thanks for being so supportive. Know what's weird? In my 35+ thread this month, we had SO many BFPs... literally, probably 8 or so (several of them closer to 40)! I'm wondering if maybe its because many of the 35+ are being more aggressive and being monitored, etc. Which got me thinking, it's time for me to stop messing around too.

Actually, the drug I'm thinking of isn't Femara, as I have a friend who's on that, so I'm familiar with that one. Its a drug that another girl was prescribed to somehow counteract the negative effects the Clomid has on CM, and she said she never had CM issues while on Clomid, so I'll need to message her and find out what that was.

Regardless, thanks for letting me rant and rave. I needed it. I've been SO positive all month, and felt SO confident that I'd get prego, so this BFN hit me hard, and I suddenly felt like I deserved to cry and vent for the first time all month. I feel better after I called a FS close to where I work. All that stuff was such an unknown for me, as I've never seen anyone but my OB. Even though I wont start seeing them until April (if necessary), it was so good to hear how they work, what the costs are, and have them put my mind at ease that he's the type of FS that likes to try things as naturally as possible before pushing anyone to IVF. I felt like I was totally in the dark, especially about costs, and what my insurance would cover (which I also looked up), and I feel SO much better after talking with both the FS and my insurance co. I'm not giving up on my OB just yet though... just this one more month in March, I'm trying the Clomid again since it did get me prego once. I just want that HSG and to be monitored for peace of mind.
Yea, the video did make me smile! :) I love dogs too much not to smile at at that!! Thanks for sharing. Maybe we should all post stuff like that more often of our pets being silly. ;) And thanks for being so supportive. Know what's weird? In my 35+ thread this month, we had SO many BFPs... literally, probably 8 or so (several of them closer to 40)! I'm wondering if maybe its because many of the 35+ are being more aggressive and being monitored, etc. Which got me thinking, it's time for me to stop messing around too.

Actually, the drug I'm thinking of isn't Femara, as I have a friend who's on that, so I'm familiar with that one. Its a drug that another girl was prescribed to somehow counteract the negative effects the Clomid has on CM, and she said she never had CM issues while on Clomid, so I'll need to message her and find out what that was.

Regardless, thanks for letting me rant and rave. I needed it. I've been SO positive all month, and felt SO confident that I'd get prego, so this BFN hit me hard, and I suddenly felt like I deserved to cry and vent for the first time all month. I feel better after I called a FS close to where I work. All that stuff was such an unknown for me, as I've never seen anyone but my OB. Even though I wont start seeing them until April (if necessary), it was so good to hear how they work, what the costs are, and have them put my mind at ease that he's the type of FS that likes to try things as naturally as possible before pushing anyone to IVF. I felt like I was totally in the dark, especially about costs, and what my insurance would cover (which I also looked up), and I feel SO much better after talking with both the FS and my insurance co. I'm not giving up on my OB just yet though... just this one more month in March, I'm trying the Clomid again since it did get me prego once. I just want that HSG and to be monitored for peace of mind.

Is it an actually drug you are prescribed? I have heard of women using Fertile CM. Let me know when you find out.
Oh I remember, I think it was Premarin. I recall her saying at the time that she didnt even ask for it. Her Dr automatically knew it might affect her CM, so he gave it to her to take with the Clomid. Not sure which days... maybe the week leading up to O. I believe Premarin is just an estrogen supplement, and plays a big role in creating fertile CM. The only reason I didnt ask for it from my Dr at the time, was because Clomid was my first introduction to ANY kind of pills that act on hormones, and I didnt really want to add anything else at the time. Plus, I didnt think I'd be one of the girls that had CM issues either. Now that I know though, I may ask for it.
I hope everyone has woken up to an okay day today. Erin, I hope you are feeling a little better. I did want to mention a book called Navigating the Land of If. I personally could not get through it...I think I had researched myself to death & couldn't handle anymore...but I hear it is good. I am putting in the Amazon link.


I just got this really great feeling today. Not sure why. I had a work evaluation which I did very well on, but those never put me in a good mood. I am always anxious & to be honest just ready to get it over with & back to work. I am not very big on attention being put on me. But then after I just felt good, you know? My monitor was still at only a high today & my opks are super light. Last night I was talking about my anxiety with my husband & he said well tomorrow we will have sex & get this show on the road! Plus I think I am just getting so exciting about all the events I want to get tickets for. Plus our massages on Friday.

Anyways, I am not trying to boast or anything, just thought I would share. I know it is hard to get in a good state of mind especially with all the anxiety hanging around. I just really hope everyone's spirits become lifted. I think sharing fun videos (whether they are our own or just random ones we found) is a good idea just to get everyone to smile & forget about this nonsense for just a moment.

Oh, & Erin don't be anxious about your HSG...if you have questions about how it will be, just let me know. It is not as awful & scary as what you may find when you google. And it really does give you a great sense of relief when it is clear. And if it's not, it is usually something easy to fix. I think the fact you were pregnant once is a good sign your HSG will come back clear.
Hello all, sorry I have been MIA. I have been busy with work and actually just got back from a business trip. It was nice because it took my mind off of waiting to O.

Sorry you're feeling down Erin.. Does clomid affect you in that way? I know it affects me a ton emotionally. And for cm, i have problems with clomid drying me up and this month i took evening primorose oil. It seemed to help some but if i dont get pg this month im upping the dose of primrose oil.

Beaglemom thanks for the entertainment!

Savvy were close to the same day! I thought i ovulated yesterday i had lots of O pain and my temp was high at night but when i woke up it was back as pre O temps. Today i feel no pain. I really hope I O today and my temp is up tomorrow, i am really scared my body geared up to ovulate and then didnt. Anyone have any thoughts?
Beaglemom, I love the video! Such a cute pup! I definitely think it is a great idea to step back from all the ttc stuff and share a few videos, jokes, random facts, or whatever you want to keep us entertained. Also congrats on a good evaluation!

curlymikes, I sure hope your temp goes way up tomorrow morning, mine went up a bit today but I am hoping it is even higher on Thursday morning. Either way we are close on O days.

ERose, sometimes we just need to get our negative thoughts out. I am sorry things didn't work out like you had planned, it does get hard to see another bfn. I am glad you were able to speak to a FS and get some more information.

My update:
Yesterday was super busy for me, I didn't make it home until around 4:30pm and my opk was clearly negative. Okay experts...I know you O around 12-36 hours after your surge detected by the opk...if my opk is negative does that mean I already O'd or just the surge is gone? I know that my body could have geared up to O but then did not and that is why I like temping to confirm that I actually (hopefully) O'd. I am just really hoping I O'd sometime yesterday since we BDed Sun, Mon and Tuesday...it is definitely time for a bun in my oven!
Beaglemom, I love the video! Such a cute pup! I definitely think it is a great idea to step back from all the ttc stuff and share a few videos, jokes, random facts, or whatever you want to keep us entertained. Also congrats on a good evaluation!

curlymikes, I sure hope your temp goes way up tomorrow morning, mine went up a bit today but I am hoping it is even higher on Thursday morning. Either way we are close on O days.

ERose, sometimes we just need to get our negative thoughts out. I am sorry things didn't work out like you had planned, it does get hard to see another bfn. I am glad you were able to speak to a FS and get some more information.

My update:
Yesterday was super busy for me, I didn't make it home until around 4:30pm and my opk was clearly negative. Okay experts...I know you O around 12-36 hours after your surge detected by the opk...if my opk is negative does that mean I already O'd or just the surge is gone? I know that my body could have geared up to O but then did not and that is why I like temping to confirm that I actually (hopefully) O'd. I am just really hoping I O'd sometime yesterday since we BDed Sun, Mon and Tuesday...it is definitely time for a bun in my oven!

Savvy, I am not too sure about the neg OPK vs when you O. I did a quick google & came up with the info below. I hope your temp shifts so you have a more clear answer in the morning.

Q: Does that mean that the first day of negative OPKs after a positive OPK is the actual day of ovulation?

A: Ovulation does not necessarily happen after the OPK turns negative. It could happen, but that's not the rule. What matter solely is when it OPK FIRST turns positive not when it eventually becomes negative. Ovulation happens within12-36 hours after the OPK FIRST becomes positive. What happens afterwards is not important. It could be positive for a day only or for 3-4 days. The length of it being positive doesn't predict when ovulation happens.
- See more at: https://www.babymed.com/fertility-tests/ovulation-after-opk-turns-negative#sthash.m9IStQk6.dpuf
Cheri22 had a V-Day special for $5 TTC prediction. I emailed her telling her I have already gotten one & I know it is not a bad prediction as of yet because wrong means I got pregnant but in a different month or different gender.

Anyways, she stuck with my January date, so let's hope April is my conceive month. She also mentioned doing fertility massage. I will look up a youtube video. And she mentioned the uterine lining. This was mentioned before in other readings. So I have been going back & forth on the progesterone thing. I know my dr will probably tell me it's not needed. She already has. So I am struggling with the idea of taking it anyways...but it makes me nervous. Maybe during the IUI I will ask her about it directly. I have really only talked/emailed the nurse.

Anyways...so hopefully within the next 2 IUIs, we will get this done.

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