Hoping for those lines for you before your trip! It’ll be 11 dpo? Although drinking in margaritaville does sound fun . And I’m not a big drinker at all lol. Just you and DH or bringing the kids along as well?Hope these shadows turn into real lines @LuvallmyH !
7dpo here also. Bfn of course. Not expecting a hint of anything for a couple days if there is anything. My daughter was 10dpo, son 9dpo so very impatiently waiting. We’re going to Florida Thursday - road trip! Im in Michigan so its about a 23 hr drive, will probably stop in Tennessee for a day. My friends own a condo in Margaritaville orlando so will stay there. Hoping I get a bfp the day before we leave.....and not af. That would really suck on that long of a car ride, but if I do start at least I could have a drink while we’re there. Hoping for the former though.
I hate leaving my kids but I’m really craving some time away!!