Thank you for this thread which I'm watching after being taken by the witch this month
Really was hoping for a similar BFP/EDD as with my DD.
I'm cycle day 5 now &
@sallyhansen76 please can you mark me for testing on 14th?
A little about me:
I had multiple chemicals as a younger girl with an ex long term partner. My cycles got so messed up, I was diagnosed with pcos at 21.
My cycles now largely seem normal (a decade later) but can be -/+ 1-3 days. I don't OPK or temp mostly because I'd end up adding stress to myself, but I am a poas addict!
I swear that my DD who I conceived 4 years ago now was an absolute fluke, I'd newly met her dad and I spent the whole pregnancy petrified something would go wrong! We used pull out method/rhythm method until just the last couple months, so NTNP but my god I've always longed for a big family. If I had posted here as a teen/20-something, I'd have a very sad TTC tale to tell. It was when I had given up and accepted it would never happen, that randomly it did
DD will be 4 in September. I posted on the forums a few times when pregnant but forgot my log in so made this account as I'm longing for another child and a sibling for her.
So, good luck for this month's tests to my fellow mamas and wishing baby dust for all