Sorry, I'm not offended by it. I don't get offended by anyone challenging the way I parent my child. Nobody has the right to tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing so why would I waste my time listening to them and worrying about it. I do what I think is right for me and my child. End of story. I just get fed up when people try and shoot down FFers, even the ones that really tried Bfing and just couldn't do it and make us feel like failures. Like, Grace genuinely wasn't getting enough milk. It's not an excuse because I don't need to make excuses for my parenting decisions. But someone then telling me that actually, I was wrong. It annoys me rather than offends me tbh.
Anyway, FOB has been a complete pain in the arse today so it's put me in a bad mood so sorry if I seem a bit touchy lol
glad your not offended you just sounded like you were!
again i was just giving info
and no one on here has 'challenged' your parenting or told you what you should or should not be doing.
You may not need an excuse why you ff and thats fine. i dont need an excuse why i ff either, i know my reasons and thats all that matters to me.
who told you that you were wrong? i didn't say you were wrong that your baby is hungry i said that most babys are the more you feed them the more milk produced to satisfy them. it does take a while for more milk to be produced and after the first couple of weeks many people find that they and the baby start settling down. it can be a bit all over the place for the first couple of weeks