fed up of being told breast is best!!!

But breastfeeing is a major part of pregnancy not just a minor thing. Also my friend from Uni is on her 3rd year of her MW training and she said they have awhole section on it and she will be assesed on how she can support a breastfeeding mother as part of her course
I agree that some BF babies do try and suckle for comfort or to get to sleep, and some mums go along with it for an easy life. I never let my child fall asleep whilst feeding as i was not making a rod for my own back, i gave her a dummy against my better judgement to soothe her as i was not going to let her suck my breasts just to fall asleep. I hate the bloody thing now as it is the only thing she has ever woken for in the night if she lost the damn thing.

I also introduced water at a young age about 4 weeks, even though i was told that she didn't need it as she gets all she needs through BM. I did what i thought was best as her mother and she would drink 4/5 oz a day.

its not really an easy life to have your baby attached to you all night :wacko: I let her feed whenever she wanted and she still naps on the breast. I dont agree with CIO so... besides, she wont want to be held forever so i cherish the cuddles now.

Hey what is CIO? am i been daft ?:wacko:
It is a big part but antenatal/labour/newborn is sooo complex so i understand why MWs arent trained completely in BF. Theyre given the basics of course but theyre no experts.
I agree that some BF babies do try and suckle for comfort or to get to sleep, and some mums go along with it for an easy life. I never let my child fall asleep whilst feeding as i was not making a rod for my own back, i gave her a dummy against my better judgement to soothe her as i was not going to let her suck my breasts just to fall asleep. I hate the bloody thing now as it is the only thing she has ever woken for in the night if she lost the damn thing.

I also introduced water at a young age about 4 weeks, even though i was told that she didn't need it as she gets all she needs through BM. I did what i thought was best as her mother and she would drink 4/5 oz a day.

its not really an easy life to have your baby attached to you all night :wacko: I let her feed whenever she wanted and she still naps on the breast. I dont agree with CIO so... besides, she wont want to be held forever so i cherish the cuddles now.

Hey what is CIO? am i been daft ?:wacko:

Oh sorry, it's cry it out.
Sorry, I'm not offended by it. I don't get offended by anyone challenging the way I parent my child. Nobody has the right to tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing so why would I waste my time listening to them and worrying about it. I do what I think is right for me and my child. End of story. I just get fed up when people try and shoot down FFers, even the ones that really tried Bfing and just couldn't do it and make us feel like failures. Like, Grace genuinely wasn't getting enough milk. It's not an excuse because I don't need to make excuses for my parenting decisions. But someone then telling me that actually, I was wrong. It annoys me rather than offends me tbh.

Anyway, FOB has been a complete pain in the arse today so it's put me in a bad mood so sorry if I seem a bit touchy lol

glad your not offended you just sounded like you were!
again i was just giving info
and no one on here has 'challenged' your parenting or told you what you should or should not be doing.
You may not need an excuse why you ff and thats fine. i dont need an excuse why i ff either, i know my reasons and thats all that matters to me.
who told you that you were wrong? i didn't say you were wrong that your baby is hungry i said that most babys are the more you feed them the more milk produced to satisfy them. it does take a while for more milk to be produced and after the first couple of weeks many people find that they and the baby start settling down. it can be a bit all over the place for the first couple of weeks

Someone mentioned that your breasts are never empty so you can't say your child isn't getting enough milk as a reason to stop BFing. I tried pumping and everything, my supply just wasn't enough. She would wake up to 8 times in the night looking for food and she would scream (and I would cry) every single feed without fail. The HV checked her latch and told me it was perfect and that she might just not be getting enough which is why she told me to pump for a day or so to try and stimulate my supply. It just didn't work and I stopped. She was very understanding after sounding a bit disappointed. I told her the reasons why I'd stopped and she said ok. A few weeks later, even on formula she was still waking in the night up to around 6 times in the night looking for food which is when the HV suggested hungrier baby milk and anytime I mentioned her feeding habits at the weighing clinic they would say that she is obviously just a hungry baby. You get babies that aren't interested in feeding. Others, like Grace, just enjoyed the process of it all and as long as they weren't being overfed (either with breast or formula fed) then it was ok.

My HV's and MW's were pretty supportive with BFing and were willing to give me any help I needed. It was FOB and certain members of his family that made me feel like a failure :(
Ive not read all of the thread because its probably the same as many others that ive seen!

I havent bf any of my 9 children, never even tried it because ive never wanted to, and i dont feel bad about it.
But breastfeeing is a major part of pregnancy not just a minor thing. Also my friend from Uni is on her 3rd year of her MW training and she said they have awhole section on it and she will be assesed on how she can support a breastfeeding mother as part of her course

compared to a LOT of other things its not such a big thing. unfortunately this is partly due to formula feeding. as i have said before before before they are trained in it. they aren't trained very well (in my and many other student midwives opinions) this is why if they are interested in it they do further training. they might get assesed on it but they get assessed on tons of other things too. however maybe this is just universitives i have spoken to?! maybe things are different where i am lol

I agree that some BF babies do try and suckle for comfort or to get to sleep, and some mums go along with it for an easy life. I never let my child fall asleep whilst feeding as i was not making a rod for my own back, i gave her a dummy against my better judgement to soothe her as i was not going to let her suck my breasts just to fall asleep. I hate the bloody thing now as it is the only thing she has ever woken for in the night if she lost the damn thing.

I also introduced water at a young age about 4 weeks, even though i was told that she didn't need it as she gets all she needs through BM. I did what i thought was best as her mother and she would drink 4/5 oz a day.

its not really an easy life to have your baby attached to you all night :wacko: I let her feed whenever she wanted and she still naps on the breast. I dont agree with CIO so... besides, she wont want to be held forever so i cherish the cuddles now.

Hey what is CIO? am i been daft ?:wacko:

cry it out xx
But breastfeeing is a major part of pregnancy not just a minor thing. Also my friend from Uni is on her 3rd year of her MW training and she said they have awhole section on it and she will be assesed on how she can support a breastfeeding mother as part of her course

I think there is only so much info you can get through training etc. I think personal experience of BF is the best training you can have.
I understand that it's a masive topic. But they need to be able to at least show mothers postions to hold their babies in, how to latch etc and there arn't always lactation advisors on the wards or avaiable. They baby needs to be fed so they need toknow the basics od a latch etc. As they ned to have breastfeeding in some way established before the mother leaves the hospital
yeh they do know the basics but to become a breastfeeding councillor you have to have breastfed successfully for at least 6 months. i know this as i wanted to do it and i cannot as i formula fed my baby. as someone above said personal experience is more helpful than just having training! it is SO different to how most people expect. Even midwives that have helped women can be surprised when they have a child themselves.
if your in a hospital that has been awarded baby friendly status by unicef (theres quite a lot of them now) there WILL be a trained breastfeeding counciller there. you will probably need to ask to speak to them though.
I understand that it's a masive topic. But they need to be able to at least show mothers postions to hold their babies in, how to latch etc and there arn't always lactation advisors on the wards or avaiable. They baby needs to be fed so they need toknow the basics od a latch etc. As they ned to have breastfeeding in some way established before the mother leaves the hospital

I agree with that. Some practical help wouldnt go a miss and could ensure better success. I wasnt helped as I said and was ignored, so many wouldnt have carried on though and I wouldnt blame them for lack of help. Some help would have been encouraging and given more confidence. :thumbup:
genuine question?!
one thing i am perplexed at is why, say 60 years ago people NEVER seemed to mention that they breastfed, they just did it. i presume the majority of women did it then. but now it seems that a lot of people have made it high profile... is it just because formula feeding had a huge resurgence in the time inbetween?
A lot of it comes naturally to most women and babys heather and most need hardly any help. Of course there is ladies who with no fault of their own DO need help.
sorry i wasnt trying to offend you. but it is part of the curiculum for all student midwives, i sopose the quality of the teaching can vary but the content should not. all midwives should at least refer women to a specialist brestfeeding midwife/ counciler if they are having problems that the midwife does not have knowledge or the confidence to advise.

women can always produce enough milk for a baby as breast milk is supply and demand the more your baby feeds the more milk you make. however there are certian medications or health problems that can effect milk production so it is possible that some women cannot make enough milk but it shouldnt be a problems for a healthy mum and baby.

as i said before i plan to try and breastfeed my twins, however if for some reason i am unable to i will change to ff and will not feel guilty for doing so and neither should anyone in the same situation.

genuine question?!
one thing i am perplexed at is why, say 60 years ago people NEVER mentioned that they breastfed, they just did it. i presume the majority of women did it then. but now it seems that a lot of people have made it high profile... is it just because formula feeding had a huge resurgence in the time inbetween?

Yes, i assume so. BF was looked down upon for years and in some places of the world its still seen as for peasants :(
Just wanted to clarify that a newborns stomach only needs 7ml of milk to fill it,but a coating of just 5ml of Breast Milk is enough to satisfy baby until their next feed.

Sorry to be a nit picker but i like the facts to be accurate!

Just wanted to add too that i think a lot of women who try to BF GENUINELY believe that they are not producing enough milk,simply because they expect their bubs to feed the same as FF bubs do,or because of the crazy logic that a baby who feeds frequently isn't getting enough.

This can all be overcome by education,which unfortunately some dont want as they feel they are having it 'rammed down their throat',usually those who do want info dont get it or struggle to get it!

The fact is that women are being failed again and again by HP's ,family members and friends !

And whoever it was that said some women leave their babies on the breast for an easy life is talking rubbish!!Which is easier?Having the baby suckling your breast or shoving a dummy in its mouth?
genuine question?!
one thing i am perplexed at is why, say 60 years ago people NEVER mentioned that they breastfed, they just did it. i presume the majority of women did it then. but now it seems that a lot of people have made it high profile... is it just because formula feeding had a huge resurgence in the time inbetween?

Yes, i assume so. BF was looked down upon for years and in some places of the world its still seen as for peasants :(

thank you :thumbup:
Just wanted to clarify that a newborns stomach only needs 7ml of milk to fill it,but a coating of just 5ml of Breast Milk is enough to satisfy baby until their next feed.

Sorry to be a nit picker but i like the facts to be accurate!

Just wanted to add too that i think a lot of women who try to BF GENUINELY believe that they are not producing enough milk,simply because they expect their bubs to feed the same as FF bubs do,or because of the crazy logic that a baby who feeds frequently isn't getting enough.

This can all be overcome by education,which unfortunately some dont want as they feel they are having it 'rammed down their throat',usually those who do want info dont get it or struggle to get it!

The fact is that women are being failed again and again by HP's ,family members and friends !

And whoever it was that said some women leave their babies on the breast for an easy life is talking rubbish!!Which is easier?Having the baby suckling your breast or shoving a dummy in its mouth?

genuine question?!
one thing i am perplexed at is why, say 60 years ago people NEVER mentioned that they breastfed, they just did it. i presume the majority of women did it then. but now it seems that a lot of people have made it high profile... is it just because formula feeding had a huge resurgence in the time inbetween?

No formula was about then to. Woman had to go and work in munitions factories during the war so breastfeeding wasnt that popular then. Only when disasters strut formula wasnt always the easiest to get so for a while breastfeeding was back in and it showed. formula was invented at the start of the 1900s for orphans. They used to have milk nurses in the 50s that where not even real nurses standing in hospitals with stands handing out formula to new mums. Nestle was responsible for that one. That was the real start of the formula coming in even though it was around before then. Woman had to get to work and babies had to eat and formula companies seized the opportunity to market and in the past they have marketed ruthlessly especially in third world countries.
I didn't have a clue :(. Aidan didn't seem to know either or maybe I was just postioning him wrong. Anyway my point is they need to know how to show a latch etc. As like blah said some women it doesn't come naturaly too and it diesn't help when you get comments of trained proffesional like "Just feed him" Looking at me like I was stupid

The one that was a real help was just after I had given birth literally and the trained MW went out the room for a few minutes and the student helped me get a latch bless her. She seemed to know what she was doing and she was around my age too. Infact the most lovely ones during my whole labour were the students :)

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