anyway, as far as the op goes i do agree the support for ff'ers and propective ff'ers should equate to support for bf'ers. a lady in my town put herself in front of a train recently due to pressure on her from professionals to breastfeed when she didn't want to. she was made to feel like a failure... the only person who was really failed in this was the 9 week old baby she left behind. i do wonder what would happen if she'd been offered support to embrace her choice without guilt. nothing is worth that. NOTHING.
That's so sad

I mean, I felt nowhere near as terrible as that. But I felt so crap with all the pressure on me to BF and the fact it was so painful I wanted to just up and leave. I started to develop a hatred for Grace because the pain was so horrible for me (worse than labour in fact, I would rather labour 10 times over than have the pain of BFing again) which sounds absolutely terrible but everytime she cried and I knew she wanted feeding the resentment would grow a bit more. But I had people telling me if I stoppped BFing I would be a failure. I didn't want to BF at all but I was also pressured into that.
I had to stop not just for Grace's benefit but for my own. I hate to think what I would have done had I carried on going through that over 15 times a day. I wouldn't have gone as far as that poor poor woman I think. But I know had I carried on much longer I would probably have just packed my bags and left. I feel horrible when I think back to those days and knowing I felt so shitty because of one simple thing like feeding my own child and that it could drive me to hate her and want to leave her by herself without a mummy. I was going through a lot of other stuff, mainly mental and sometimes physical abuse from FOB which didn't help. In a way, although it sounds ridiculous, having the option of FF actually saved me and my sanity